Ninth Amendment
Ninth Amendment, amendment (1791) to the Constitution of the United States, part of the Bill of Rights, formally stating that the people retain rights absent specific enumeration.
The full text of the Ninth Amendment is:
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Prior to, during, and after ratification of the Constitution, debate raged about the protection of individual rights. Eventually, a Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution at the urging of the Anti-Federalists, who feared that without one, too much power would be vested in the federal government. Federalists, who believed that the Constitution had created a limited central government, countered that an enumeration of protected rights would be a possible detriment to individual liberties and render other liberties presumably unworthy of constitutional protection. Thus was born the Ninth Amendment, whose purpose was to assert the principle that the enumerated rights are not exhaustive and final and that the listing of certain rights does not deny or disparage the existence of other rights. What rights were protected by the amendment was left unclear.

Since the enactment of the Bill of Rights, the U.S. Supreme Court has never relied solely (or primarily) on the Ninth Amendment, and through the mid-1960s it was mentioned only sparingly. Indeed, in 1955 in a lecture (later turned into book form) titled “The Supreme Court in the American System of Government,” Justice Robert H. Jackson admitted that the Ninth Amendment was a “mystery” to him. Since that time, however, the Ninth Amendment has been used as a secondary source of liberties and has emerged as important in the extension of the rights of privacy.
In Griswold v. State of Connecticut (1965), the Supreme Court held that married couples had the right to use birth control. The majority decision rested on Fourth and Fifth Amendment grounds, but Justice Arthur Goldberg based his concurring opinion squarely on Ninth Amendment principles, stating that
the language and history of the Ninth Amendment reveal that the Framers of the Constitution believed that there are additional fundamental rights, protected from governmental infringement, which exist alongside those fundamental rights specifically mentioned in the first eight constitutional amendments.
Taking that argument one step further, Goldberg claimed that
other fundamental personal rights should not be denied such protection or disparaged in any other way simply because they are not specifically listed in the first eight constitutional amendments.
Goldberg’s invoking of the Ninth Amendment was criticized in a dissenting opinion by Justice Potter Stewart who wrote that
to say that the Ninth Amendment has anything to do with this case is to turn somersaults with history. The Ninth Amendment, like its companion, the Tenth…was framed by James Madison and adopted by the States simply to make clear that the adoption of the Bill of Rights did not alter the plan that the Federal Government was to be a government of express and limited powers, and that all rights and powers not delegated to it were retained by the people and the individual States. Until today, no member of this Court has ever suggested that the Ninth Amendment meant anything else, and the idea that a federal court could ever use the Ninth Amendment to annul a law passed by the elected representatives of the people of the State of Connecticut would have caused James Madison no little wonder.
In the decades since the Griswold decision, numerous claims were made in federal filings that additional rights were protected by the Ninth Amendment (almost all were rejected), and there has been considerable debate as to what protections, if any, are guaranteed by it. Some federal courts have used the Ninth Amendment as a guidepost in their decisions, but it still has not been central to any decision.