Parallel Lives
- Also called:
- Lives
Parallel Lives, influential collection of biographies of famous Greek and Roman soldiers, legislators, orators, and statesmen written as Bioi parallëloi by the Greek writer Plutarch near the end of his life. By comparing a famous Roman with a famous Greek, Plutarch intended to provide model patterns of behaviour and to encourage mutual respect between Greeks and Romans. Twenty-two pairs and four single biographies have survived. One of the better known comparisons is that of the Greek orator Demosthenes with the Roman orator Cicero. Plutarch’s biographies of Alexander the Great and Caesar are also notable, though his comparison of the two is not extant.
The form of Parallel Lives was new, not closely linked with either previous biography or Hellenistic history. Plutarch’s method was to give details of the birth, youth, achievements, and death of his characters, followed by a formal comparison. His biographies are enriched with frequent ethical reflections and anecdotes. He is essentially a moralist whose aim is to edify the reader.
A well-known English translation by Sir Thomas North in 1579, Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans, was the source of William Shakespeare’s Roman history plays and influenced his conception of the tragic hero. Izaak Walton and John Dryden also published translations of the work.