Plymouth Rock
Plymouth Rock, granite slab upon which, according to tradition, the Pilgrim Fathers stepped first after disembarking from the Mayflower on December 26, 1620, at what became the colony of New Plymouth, the first permanent European settlement in New England. The rock, now much reduced from its original size thanks to damage from being moved and to the depredations of souvenir seekers, rests on the coast of Plymouth Bay, an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean, in Plymouth, Massachusetts. It has become an icon of the United States’ foundation and a symbol of the fortitude and determination of the nation’s early Puritan settlers.
Plymouth Rock consists of Dedham granite some 600 million years old that was deposited by glacial activity on the beach at Plymouth about 20,000 years ago. The Pilgrims—who made their first North American landfall on Cape Cod, not at Plymouth—did not mention any rocks in the earliest accounts of Plymouth colony. Plymouth Rock’s historic significance was not generally recognized until 1741, when Thomas Faunce spoke up to stop construction of a wharf that would have covered it. Faunce, then 94 years old, was the son of a settler who had arrived in Plymouth only three years after the Pilgrims. Legends soon became attached to the rock. According to one of them, John Alden was the first colonist to set foot on it.
In 1774 local citizens attempted to move Plymouth Rock, which split in two along a horizontal crack. The mishap was interpreted by patriots as a portent of the imminent separation of the colonies from Great Britain. The upper part of the rock was placed in the town square, but in 1834 it was moved again, to the front of the Pilgrim Hall Museum. At about this time a conspicuous vertical crack developed in the upper part of the rock.

The lower portion of the rock was left by the wharf, where antiquarians and souvenir hunters steadily chipped away at it. In order to prevent further damage, it was eventually placed under a column-supported stone canopy, or baldachin, designed by Hammatt Billings and built on a waterfront site between 1859 and 1867. In 1880 the upper portion of the rock was removed from the Pilgrim Hall Museum yard and reunited with the lower portion under the canopy. At this time the inscription “1620” was carved into the rock.
In 1921, as part of the extended Pilgrim tercentenary observance, a new portico replaced the canopy. The portico was designed by the New York architectural firm of McKim, Mead & White. The lower level of the portico encloses the rock on three sides. The fourth side, facing the sea, is secured by iron fencing. Visitors look down upon the rock from an upper-level viewing platform under a roof supported by columns. In 1989 the conspicuous crack in the rock was resealed in the course of extensive restoration work.
In its present state, Plymouth Rock weighs approximately 10 tons, including both the upper and lower parts. In 1620 it was much larger: estimates range from 40 to more than 200 tons. Detached pieces can be found in many locations. Two such fragments, the larger about 100 pounds (45 kg), are in the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History.