Shaun of the Dead
film by Wright [2004]
Also known as: “Sean of the Dead”
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- In Simon Pegg: Career
…again for the 2004 film Shaun of the Dead, with Wright again directing and Pegg starring and cowriting the script. Frost, who had in part helped inspire the story—a “romantic zombie comedy” (also called a “rom-zom-com”) about friends who attempt to weather a zombie apocalypse from their local pub—again played…
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- In zombie: History
…with self-proclaimed British “rom-zom-com” (romantic-zombie-comedy) Shaun of the Dead (2004), which lampooned aspects of the zombie genre, paving the way for comedies such as Fido (2006), Dead Snow (2009; Norwegian: Død snø), and the box-office hit Zombieland (2009).
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