Soma Cube
- Related Topics:
- number game
- puzzle
- toy
Soma Cube, irregular shape formed by combining three or four similar cubes along several faces. There are seven different Soma Cubes, though two of them are mirror images of each other. The Danish mathematician Piet Hein, also known for his invention of the mathematical games known as hex and tac tix, stumbled upon the fact that the seven Soma Cubes can be put together to form a larger cube containing 27 “unit” cubes. He patented his idea for the Soma Cubes in 1934.
Many interesting solid shapes can be formed from the seven Soma Cubes, shapes resembling, for example, a sofa, a chair, a castle, a tunnel, a pyramid, and so on. Even the assembling of the seven basic pieces into a large cube can be done in more than 230 essentially different ways.
As a recreation, the Soma Cubes are fascinating. With experience, many persons find that they can solve Soma problems mentally. Psychologists who have used them find that the ability to solve Soma problems is roughly correlated with general intelligence, although there are some strange anomalies at both ends of the distribution of intelligence. In any event, people playing with the cubes do not appear to want to stop; the variety of interesting structures possible seems endless.