Timothy W. v. Rochester, New Hampshire, School District
- Date:
- May 24, 1989
Timothy W. v. Rochester, New Hampshire, School District, case in which the U.S. First Circuit Court of Appeals on May 24, 1989, ruled that, under the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA; now the Individuals with Disabilities Act [IDEA]), school boards were required to provide special-education services to any disabled student regardless of the severity of his or her disabilities.
The case centred on Timothy W., who was a multiply handicapped and profoundly intellectually disabled child with complex developmental disabilities, spastic quadriplegia, cerebral palsy, and cortical blindness. (Because he was a minor, Timothy’s last name was not provided in court documents.) In 1980, when Timothy was four years old, the school board in Rochester, New Hampshire, convened a meeting to determine whether he qualified as “educationally handicapped” under the EAHCA and the corresponding state statutes, which would have entitled him to special education and related services. At the meeting Timothy’s pediatrician and several other professionals reported that since he was capable of responding to sounds and other stimuli, he should be provided with an individualized education program that included physical and occupational therapy. However, two other pediatricians reported that Timothy had no educational potential. In response, school board officials maintained that Timothy was not “educationally handicapped,” because the severity and complexity of his disabilities prevented him from being “capable of benefitting” from special-education services. Accordingly, the board refused to provide educational services to Timothy.
In June 1983 the school board convened another meeting to discuss his situation. Again, several professionals recommended an educational program that included physical therapy, because they thought that Timothy could benefit from positioning and handling. Despite such recommendations, and even though a directive from the state education agency indicated that the board was not permitted to use a “capable of benefitting” standard when judging eligibility for its special-education services, local educational officials still refused to provide services to Timothy. Approximately six months later, following a letter from Timothy’s attorney, the board’s placement team met and recommended special-education services. Even so, the board refused to authorize the recommended placement and array of services. Timothy’s attorney filed a complaint with the state education agency, which ordered the board to place him in an educational program. Again, the board refused.

In 1984 Timothy’s attorney filed suit in federal district court, alleging that the board had violated a number of laws, notably the EAHCA, as well as the equal protection and due process clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment. After waiting for various state administrative proceedings, the district court held that the board was not obligated to provide Timothy with special-education services, because he was not “capable of benefitting” from such services.
On February 7, 1989, the case was argued before the First Circuit Court of Appeals. Looking at the language of the EAHCA, the court was of the opinion that any children with qualifying disabilities, especially those with severe disabilities such as Timothy, are entitled to special education and related services. To that end, the court explained that the fact that children may appear to be “uneducable” does not bar them from the protections of the EAHCA. To the contrary, the court ruled that the EAHCA gives priority to the children with the most-severe disabilities. As such, the court reasoned that the EAHCA adopts a “zero-reject” policy with respect to eligibility and that “capacity to benefit” from special education is not a prerequisite for children to be eligible for services. In concluding, the court took an expansive view of what constitutes special education, noting that it includes fundamental skills, such as the development of motor and communication skills, as well as traditional cognitive skills. The decision of the district court was thus reversed.