Torres Strait Islander peoples: References & Edit History
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- Torres Strait Islands
Researcher's Note
From the time that the first articles of the Encyclopædia Britannica were published, in 1768, generations of Britannica’s editors and contributors have described the Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia in keeping with the cultural norms and editorial standards of their time, as well as their own individual consciences. That has produced a long history of usage practices and terminology that, too often, were insensitive to the peoples described and expressed the writer’s—and the writer’s culture’s—racialist theories and imagination. Though most past editors and contributors acted in good faith, in the present day some of that content can read as cringeworthy at best and racist at worst.
Today, Britannica seeks to identify Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples by the names that they prefer. We aim to establish these preferences through research and, more important, through direct communication with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals themselves. Because most of Britannica’s editorial work is undertaken in the United States, we recognize the cultural limitations that such a setting imposes, and we understand the need to be in contact with individuals in Australia who can share with us their lived experience and on-the-ground knowledge of the relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories and that of Australia more broadly. Our goal is to respect that lived experience and to reflect it in our content.
As a global publisher, Britannica also faces the challenge of producing content for an audience that spans many countries and cultures, each of which may use and understand such terms as aboriginal, indigenous, and native in different, sometimes contradictory ways. Consequently, Britannica’s editors often face the daunting challenge of describing groups and cultures in a manner that is clear and understandable to our readers while at the same time being respectful of the unique histories and sensitivities of individual groups and cultures. At times these two goals can be in direct opposition to each other. Likewise, we face the challenge that sensibilities and terminology may change quickly—more quickly, sometimes, than our editors and contributors can change our content.
Accordingly, Britannica has adopted the following standards:
- “Aboriginal people” and “Aboriginal person” should be used to describe individuals who are descended from Aboriginal persons, self-identify as Aboriginal, or have been recognized as Aboriginal by their community. Where an Australian context may be unclear, the term “Australian Aboriginal” is acceptable.
- “Torres Strait Islander people” and “Torres Strait Islander person” should be used to describe individuals who are descended from Torres Strait Islander persons, self-identify as Torres Strait Islander, or have been recognized as Torres Strait Islander by their own community.
- “Indigenous” and “Indigenous Australians” may be used to refer to Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples collectively, but these terms are not preferred. If “Indigenous” is used, it must be capitalized. This term can imply that Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples are a homogenous group that shares, and expresses, a single cultural experience, which is an inaccurate claim. Because of the Australian federal government’s past use of “Indigenous,” the term also carries negative connotations for some Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. This term’s appropriateness should be understood to be in flux.
- “First Nations” and “First Australians” may be acceptable, especially in contexts where connections are to be drawn with other cultures’ and other peoples’ use of similar formulations. “First Nations Australians” and “First Peoples of Australia” are terms suitable for contexts where these groups’ connection to Australia must be clarified. The status of these terms should also be understood to be in flux.
- “Aborigine” as an adjective and a noun, though once preferred, is not appropriate. “Aborigines” and, in particular, “the Aborigines” are not acceptable. “Torres Strait Islander” as a noun is not appropriate. “The Torres Strait Islanders” is not acceptable. “The Aboriginal people” is also not acceptable. “Black” and “Blacks” should not be used by non-Indigenous people; other terms that emphasize physical traits are never acceptable.
- “Native” is problematic in Australia in a way that it often is not in the United States when applied to indigenous peoples. It should be used with caution, if not avoided, in an Australian context. “Primitive” and “prehistoric” should be avoided. “Urban,” “rural,” “traditional,” and “contemporary” may also be problematic in ways that someone outside Australia might find somewhat confusing. When these terms are used to generalize or stereotype Aboriginal people or Torres Strait Islander people, or to pejoratively define difference, they must be avoided.
All of the terms discussed here are intended to describe Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples broadly, as populations and people within Australia. Terms used to describe smaller groups within these populations, whether by geography or by language or by other means, vary significantly. Britannica’s editors and contributors must do careful research, reach out to members of these groups, and be sensitive to context and to the intended audience when developing content that describes these groups.
Sources consulted include Guidelines for the Ethical Publishing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Authors and Research from Those Communities by the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, an overview of appropriate terminology for Indigenous Australian peoples by Flinders University, and a guidance note on usage by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Special thanks to David Ella for his guidance.
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Article History
Type | Description | Contributor | Date |
Add new Web site: Victorian Public Sector Commission - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and history. | Mar 10, 2025 | ||
Add new Web site: BBC News - The people and history of the Torres Strait Islands. | Jan 03, 2025 | ||
Add new Web site: National Center for Biotechnology Information - PubMed Central - Culturally Informed Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Evaluations: A Scoping Review. | Nov 08, 2024 | ||
Add new Web site: Open Textbooks at UQ - The Language of Relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Knowledges. | Jun 14, 2024 | ||
Add new Web site: Australian Human Rights Commission - Face the facts: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. | Nov 21, 2023 | ||
Cross-reference added. | May 25, 2023 | ||
Add new Web site: State Library of Queensland - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages. | Oct 19, 2020 | ||
Add new Web site: Queensland Museum - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultures. | Oct 19, 2020 | ||
Add new Web site: Minority Rights Group International - Torres Strait Islanders. | Mar 19, 2020 | ||
Media added. | Nov 07, 2017 | ||
Add new Web site: Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies - Indigenous Australians: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. | Aug 22, 2017 | ||
Add new Web site: Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies - Indigenous Australians: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. | Aug 22, 2017 | ||
New article added. | May 09, 2017 |