Wahhābī, any adherent of the Islamic reform movement founded by Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb in the 18th century in Najd, central Arabia, and adopted in 1744 by the Saudi family. In the 20th and 21st centuries, Wahhābism is prevalent in Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
The term Wahhābī is used primarily by outsiders to distinguish the movement; adherents often refer to themselves as salafīs (“followers of the pious forebears”), a term used by followers of other Islamic reform movements as well. They characterize themselves as muwaḥḥidūn (“unitarians”), a term derived from their emphasis on the absolute oneness of God (tawḥīd). They reject all acts that they see as implying polytheism (shirk), such as visiting tombs and venerating saints, and advocate a return to the original teachings of Islam as incorporated in the Qurʾān and the Sunnah (traditions of Muhammad), with condemnation of all other sources of doctrine (uṣūl al-fiqh) as innovations (bidʿah). Wahhābī theology and jurisprudence—based, respectively, on the teachings of the theologian Ibn Taymiyyah and the legal school of Aḥmad ibn Ḥanbal—stress literal interpretation of the Qurʾān and Sunnah and the establishment of an Islamic society based only on these two bodies of literature.
Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb began promulgating his teachings in the oasis town of Ḥuraymilāʾ about 1740. Although his father was a Ḥanbalī jurist and his ideas were rooted in the Ḥanbalī school of law, they were rejected by local Ḥanbalī officials and he was expelled, first from Ḥuraymilāʾ and then from ʿUyaynah.

In 1744 he arrived in al-Dirʿiyyah, where his movement was encouraged by the emir, Muhammad ibn Saud. From then on, the political fortunes of the Wahhābī movement were closely allied to those of the Saudi dynasty. By the end of the 18th century, they had brought all of Najd under their control; attacked Karbala, Iraq, a holy city of the Shiʿi branch of Islam; and occupied Mecca and Medina in western Arabia. The Ottoman sultan brought an end to the first Wahhābī empire in 1818, but the sect revived under the leadership of the Saudi Fayṣal I. The empire was then somewhat restored until once again destroyed, at the end of the 19th century by the Rashīdiyyah of northern Arabia. The activities of Ibn Saud in the 20th century eventually led to the creation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932 and assured Wahhābī religious and political dominance on the Arabian Peninsula.
In the late 20th and 21st centuries, the preeminence of the Wahhābī religious establishment has ensured that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia remains markedly more conservative than other states in the region. A large religious police force (known as the Muṭawwaʿūn) enforces strict codes of public behaviour—including, for example, mandatory observance of Islamic rituals and gender segregation.
Because Wahhābism prohibits the veneration of shrines, tombs, and sacred objects, many sites associated with the early history of Islam, such as the homes and graves of companions of Muhammad, were demolished under Saudi rule. Preservationists have estimated that as many as 95 percent of the historic sites around Mecca and Medina have been razed.