Walter Mitty
Walter Mitty, American literary character, a meek and bumbling man who spends much of his time lost in heroic daydreams.
The short story “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” (1939) by American author James Thurber begins with its protagonist’s fearlessly leading a Navy crew through an aircraft takeoff amid near-hurricane conditions, only to reveal that the scene is merely his fantasy; in reality he is driving with his wife into town for their weekly errands. Mitty struggles to remember a shopping list, bungles parking his car, and endures routine scolding from his wife. All the while, he pictures himself in a variety of dramatic fantasies as a maverick surgeon, a devilish assassin, and a British Royal Air Force pilot.
The imaginary Mitty never triumphs. Just as he is about to achieve his fantasy destiny, he is always pulled back into real life, usually because of an incident resulting from his own distraction. At the end of the story, he envisions himself fearlessly facing death at the hands of a firing squad.

Thurber’s story, first published in The New Yorker, gained a much wider readership when it was reprinted in Reader’s Digest. Subsequently, it became one of the most anthologized and well-known American short stories of the 20th century. In 1947 actor Danny Kaye portrayed Mitty in a feature film that diverged substantially from its source material. Walter Mitty’s name entered the cultural lexicon, appearing in several English dictionaries as a term for a commonplace, unadventurous person who seeks to escape reality through daydreams.