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- local government
- city
- political geography
borough, in Great Britain, incorporated town with special privileges or a district entitled to elect a member of Parliament.
The medieval English borough was an urban centre identified by a charter granting privileges, autonomy, and (later) incorporation. As an autonomous corporation, the borough functioned outside the general administrative hierarchy of the shire and hundred. From the 16th century, the importance of boroughs as units of local government declined, but they gained a new importance as parliamentary constituencies. By the late 17th century, about 200 English boroughs elected roughly four-fifths of the members of the House of Commons.
By the early 19th century, as depopulated boroughs controlled by the nobility and gentry (the so-called pocket boroughs and rotten boroughs) were vastly overrepresented and the growing industrial cities and towns underrepresented, the system of parliamentary representation for boroughs had become antiquated. The Reform Act of 1832, the first of three major reform bills of the 19th century, stripped many old boroughs of their representation and created many new ones centred on industrial towns. The reform of municipal corporations in 1835 gave English boroughs a uniform constitution and transformed them into modern units of local government. The Local Government Act of 1888 established county boroughs, which—unlike municipal boroughs—were empowered to act independently of administrative counties. The county boroughs were abolished in a reorganization of local government in 1974. Further reorganization in the 1990s established 36 English metropolitan borough councils and 33 London borough councils. Borough county councils also were created in Wales.

In the United States the word borough appeared occasionally in colonial Virginia but was not widely used after the American Revolution (1775–83). Village, town, and city were the names most often applied to municipal units, and the American city corresponded most closely to the English borough as a full-fledged urban unit. In a few states where the borough was officially recognized, it indicated an incorporated town or village of lesser status than a city. The New York legislature adopted the name when in 1897 it combined five large areas known as the boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Richmond (Staten Island) to form the city of Greater New York.