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history, discipline that studies the chronological record of events, usually attempting, on the basis of a critical examination of source materials, to explain events.
For the principal treatment of the writing of history, and the scholarly research associated with it, see historiography. There are many branches of the study of history, among them world history, intellectual history, social history, economic history, and art history. The term philosophy of history refers to the study of how history as a discipline is practiced and how historians understand and explain the past.
History, as a discipline, is traditionally centred on peoples, cultures, countries, and regions, but everything has a history that can be described and studied. Examples of these histories include deaf history, the history of movies, the history of Arabia, the history of science, the geologic history of Earth, the history of the organization of work, the history of logic, the history of early Christianity, and the history of coffee, among many others. History is also celebrated through commemorations such as Black History Month and Women’s History Month.