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history of China
Table of Contents
Prehistory in China
Archaeology in China
Early humans
Neolithic Period
Climate and environment
Food production
Major cultures and sites
Incipient Neolithic
6th millennium
5th millennium
4th and 3rd millennia
Regional cultures of the Late Neolithic
Religious beliefs and social organization
The first historical dynasty: the Shang
The advent of bronze casting
The Shang dynasty
Royal burials
The chariot
Late Shang divination and religion
State and society
The Zhou and Qin dynasties
The history of the Zhou (1046–256
Zhou and Shang
The Zhou feudal system
Social, political, and cultural changes
The decline of feudalism
Urbanization and assimilation
The rise of monarchy
Economic development
Cultural change
The Qin empire (221–207
The Qin state
Struggle for power
The empire
The Han dynasty
Dynastic authority and the succession of emperors
Xi (Western) Han
Prelude to the Han
The imperial succession
From Wudi to Yuandi
From Chengdi to Wang Mang
Dong (Eastern) Han
The administration of the Han empire
The structure of government
The civil service
Provincial government
The armed forces
The practice of government
Relations with other peoples
Cultural developments
The Six Dynasties
Political developments
The division of China
Sanguo (Three Kingdoms; 220–280
The Xi (Western) Jin (265–316/317
The era of foreign invasions and rule
The Dong (Eastern) Jin (317–420) and later dynasties in the south (420–589)
The Shiliuguo (Sixteen Kingdoms) in the north (303–439)
Intellectual and religious trends
Confucianism and philosophical Daoism
The Sui dynasty
Wendi’s institutional reforms
Integration of the south
Foreign affairs under Yangdi
The Tang dynasty
Early Tang (618–626)
Administration of the state
Fiscal and legal system
The period of Tang power (626–755)
The “era of good government”
Rise of the empress Wuhou
Prosperity and progress
Military reorganization
Late Tang (755–907)
Provincial separatism
The struggle for central authority
Cultural developments
The influence of Buddhism
Trends in the arts
Social change
Decline of the aristocracy
Population movements
Growth of the economy
The Five Dynasties and the Ten Kingdoms
The Wudai (Five Dynasties)
The Shiguo (Ten Kingdoms)
The “barbarians”: Tangut, Khitan, and Juchen
The Tangut
The Khitan
The Juchen
The Song dynasty
Bei (Northern) Song (960–1127)
Decline and fall
Nan (Southern) Song (1127–1279)
Survival and consolidation
Relations with the Juchen
The court’s relations with the bureaucracy
The chief councillors
The bureaucratic style
The clerical staff
The rise of neo-Confucianism
Internal solidarity during the decline of the Nan Song
Song culture
The Yuan, or Mongol, dynasty
The Mongol conquest of China
Invasion of the Jin state
Invasion of the Song state
China under the Mongols
Mongol government and administration
Early Mongol rule
Changes under Kublai Khan and his successors
Religious and intellectual life
Foreign religions
The arts
Yuan China and the West
The end of Mongol rule
The Ming dynasty
Political history
The dynasty’s founder
The dynastic succession
Government and administration
Local government
Central government
Later innovations
Foreign relations
Economic policy and developments
Philosophy and religion
Fine arts
Literature and scholarship
The early Qing dynasty
The rise of the Manchu
The Qing empire
Political institutions
Foreign relations
Economic development
Qing society
Social organization
State and society
Trends in the early Qing
Late Qing
Western challenge, 1839–60
The first Opium War and its aftermath
The anti-foreign movement and the second Opium War (Arrow War)
Popular uprising
The Taiping Rebellion
The Nian Rebellion
Muslim rebellions
Effects of the rebellions
The Self-Strengthening Movement
Foreign relations in the 1860s
Industrialization for “self-strengthening”
Changes in outlying areas
East Turkistan
Tibet and Nepal
Myanmar (Burma)
Japan and the Ryukyu Islands
Korea and the Sino-Japanese War
Reform and upheaval
The Hundred Days of Reform of 1898
The Boxer Rebellion
Reformist and revolutionist movements at the end of the dynasty
Sun Yat-sen and the United League
Constitutional movements after 1905
The Chinese Revolution (1911–12)
The early republican period
The development of the republic (1912–20)
Early power struggles
China in World War I
Japanese gains
Yuan’s attempts to become emperor
Conflict over entry into the war
Formation of a rival southern government
Wartime changes
Intellectual movements
An intellectual revolution
Riots and protests
The interwar years (1920–37)
Beginnings of a national revolution
The Nationalist Party
The Chinese Communist Party
Communist-Nationalist cooperation
Reactions to warlords and foreigners
Militarism in China
The foreign presence
Reorganization of the KMT
Struggles within the two-party coalition
Clashes with foreigners
KMT opposition to radicals
The Northern Expedition
Expulsion of communists from the KMT
The Nationalist government from 1928 to 1937
Japanese aggression
War between Nationalists and communists
The United Front against Japan
The late republican period
The war against Japan (1937–45)
The Sino-Japanese War
Phase one
Phase two: stalemate and stagnation
Renewed communist-Nationalist conflict
The international alliance against Japan
U.S. aid to China
Conflicts within the international alliance
Phase three: approaching crisis (1944–45)
Nationalist deterioration
Communist growth
Efforts to prevent civil war
Civil war (1945–49)
A race for territory
Attempts to end the war
Resumption of fighting
The tide begins to shift
A land revolution
The decisive year, 1948
Communist victory
Establishment of the People’s Republic
Reconstruction and consolidation, 1949–52
The transition to socialism, 1953–57
Rural collectivization
Urban socialist changes
Political developments
Foreign policy
New directions in national policy, 1958–61
Readjustment and reaction, 1961–65
The Cultural Revolution, 1966–76
Attacks on cultural figures
Attacks on party members
Seizure of power
The end of the radical period
Social changes
Struggle for the premiership
Consequences of the Cultural Revolution
China after the death of Mao
Domestic developments
Readjustment and recovery
Economic policy changes
Political developments
Educational and cultural policy changes
COVID-19 outbreak
Allegations of human rights abuses
International relations
Relations with Taiwan
References & Edit History
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Images, Videos & Interactives
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history of China: Media
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Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
principal sites of prehistoric and Shang China
Adapted from A. Herrmann, An Historical Atlas of China (1966); Aldine Publishing Company
The Zhoukoudian archaeological site, near Beijing.
Ian Armstrong
Neolithic Banshan pottery: funerary urn
Painted Pottery funerary urn, Neolithic Banshan phase, c. 3000 bce,...
Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities (MFEA), Östasiatiska Museet, Stockholm
Neolithic Longshan pottery: stem cup
Black pottery stem cup, Neolithic Longshan culture, c. late 3rd millennium
Wang Lu/ChinaStock Photo Library
Shang dynasty: bronze jia
, Shang dynasty (c. 1600–1046 bce);...
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri (Nelson Fund)
Shang dynasty: goblet
Ceremonial ivory goblet inlaid with turquoise, c. 12th century bce,...
Wang Lu/ChinaStock Photo Library
Shang dynasty: oracle bone inscriptions
Oracle bone inscriptions from the village of Xiaotun, Henan province, China; Shang...
By permission of the Syndics of the Cambridge University Library
Zhou dynasty: ceremonial bronze
Ceremonial bronze
, Dong (Eastern) Zhou dynasty (770–256 bce);...
Courtesy of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts
China under the Han emperor Wudi (c. 100 bce)...
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Zhou dynasty: wood bowl
Wood bowl decorated in red and black lacquer with stylized birds and animals, from...
Courtesy of the Seattle Art Museum, Washington
Confucius, statue in Beijing.
Qin tomb: terra-cotta soldiers
Portion of the army of terra-cotta soldiers and horses found in the tomb of the Qin...
© iemily/Fotolia
Lady Dai (Xin Zhui): funerary banner
Funerary banner from the tomb of Lady Dai (Xin Zhui), Mawangdui, Hunan province,...
Wang Lu/ChinaStock Photo Library
Han dynasty:
Horse and Swallow
tomb sculpture
Horse and Swallow
, bronze sculpture from the tomb of General Chang, Leitai,...
Robert Harding Picture Library
Great Wall of China
The Han dynasty expanded the boundaries of China and further extended the Great Wall...
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
scenes from the Wu family tomb
Scenes from the tomb of the Wu family in Shandong province, China, stone rubbing,...
Courtesy of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, gift of Horace H.F. Jayne
China in the Six Dynasties period (c. 500)
E. Reischauer and J. Fairbank,
East Asia:The Great Tradition
, copyright © 1958 and 1960 by Edwin o. Reischauer and John K. Fairbank, published by Houghton Mifflin Company
Longmen Caves: statues of disciples of the Buddha
Statues of disciples of the Buddha, Longmen Caves, Luoyang, Henan province, China.
© BigGabig—iStock/Getty Images
Tang dynasty: ceramic tomb figure
Ceramic tomb figure decorated in characteristic colored glazes, Tang dynasty (618–907);...
Courtesy of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Taizong, detail of a portrait; in the National Palace Museum, Taipei.
Courtesy of the National Palace Museum, Taipei (Open Government Data License, version 1.0)
Li Zhaodao:
Minghuang's Journey to Shu
Minghuang's Journey to Shu
, ink and color on silk hanging scroll, attributed...
National Palace Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Guanyin and bodhisattvas
Guanyin and attendant bodhisattvas, detail of a painted mural, early 8th century,...
Chen Zhi'an/ChinaStock Photo Library
Nanchan Temple
Main hall of Nanchan Temple, Mount Wutai, Shanxi province, China, 782 ce...
Christopher Liu/ChinaStock Photo Library
Tōdai Temple: mirror back
Mirror back, cloisonné enamel on silver, Chinese, Tang dynasty, 9th century; in the...
Courtesy of the Shôsô-In Treasure House
China: Hou Liang period
China during the period of the Hou (Later) Liang dynasty (907–923).
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
China: Hou Tang period
China during the period of the Hou (Later) Tang dynasty (923–936/937).
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
China: Hou Jin and Hou Han periods
China during the period of the Hou (Later) Jin and Hou Han dynasties (936–946/947...
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
China: Hou Zhou period
China during the period of the Hou (Later) Zhou dynasty (951–960).
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Taizu, founder of the Song dynasty, detail of a portrait; in the National Palace...
Courtesy of the National Palace Museum, Taipei (Open Government Data License, version 1.0)
Zhenshu calligraphy
Zhenshu (“regular style”) calligraphy, written by the emperor Huizong (reigned 1100–1125/26),...
Courtesy of the National Palace Museum, Taipei
Ma Lin:
Spring Fragrance, Clearing After Rain
Spring Fragrance, Clearing After Rain
, ink and slight color on silk album...
National Palace Museum, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China
Zhu Xi
Zhu Xi, ink on paper by an unknown artist; in the National Palace Museum, Taipei.
Courtesy of the National Palace Museum, Taipei (Open Government Data License, version 1.0)
Longquan celadon wine jar and cover
Longquan celadon wine jar and cover with light bluish green glaze, Song dynasty,...
Courtesy of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Cai Wenji
A Mongol encampment, detail from the Cai Wenji scroll, a Chinese hand scroll of the...
Courtesy of Asia Society Galleries, New York
Yuan (Mongol) Empire c. 1300
The Yuan (Mongol) Empire (c. 1300), showing the extent reached under Kublai Khan.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Fogong Temple: timber pagoda
Timber pagoda of the Fogong Temple, 1056, Song dynasty; at Yingxian, Shanxi province,...
Christopher Liu/ChinaStock Photo Library
Zhao Mengfu: example of
Example of
by Zhao Mengfu, Yuan dynasty; in the National Palace...
Courtesy of the National Palace Museum, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China
Ren Renfa:
Nine Horses
Nine Horses
, detail of a hand scroll by Ren Renfa, ink and colors on silk,...
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri; purchase Nelson Trust (72-8)
Zhu Yuanzhang
The Hongwu emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, hanging scroll, ink and color on silk, 14th century;...
Courtesy of the National Palace Museum, Taipei (Open Government Data License, version 1.0)
Shen Zhou:
Poet on a Mountain Top
Poet on a Mountain Top
, ink on paper or ink and light color on paper, album...
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri; purchase Nelson Trust (46–51/2)
Qing dynasty: silk dragon robe
Panel from an imperial Chinese silk dragon robe embroidered in silk and gold thread,...
Lee Boltin
Qianlong imperial throne
Imperial Chinese throne of the Qianlong emperor (reigned 1735–96), red lacquer carved...
Courtesy of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London; photograph, A.C. Cooper Ltd.
Qing dynasty: scholar's study
Chinese scholar's study, Beijing, Qing dynasty, late 18th or early 19th century.
Courtesy of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, given by Wright S. Ludington (in memory of his father)
Qing dynasty
China during the late Qing dynasty.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
clipper ship
The clipper ship
, built for the opium trade, 19th-century wood...
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Portrait of Cixi, empress dowager of China; oil on canvas by Herbert Vos, 1905–06;...
Harvard Art Museums
Hong Kong
Map of Hong Kong c. 1900 from the 10th edition of the
Encyclopædia Britannica
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Sun Yat-sen (Sun Zhongshan)
Sun Yat-sen (Sun Zhongshan).
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (LC-USZ62-5972)
Li Yuanhong
Li Yuanhong.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Mao Zedong
Mao Zedong.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Sun Yat-sen (Sun Zhongshan) and Song Qingling (Soong Ch'ing-ling)
Sun Yat-sen (Sun Zhongshan) and his wife, Song Qingling (Soong Ch'ing-ling), en route...
Wang Ching-wei (Wang Jingwei)
Wang Ching-wei (Wang Jingwei), 1941.
Liu Shaoqi
Liu Shaoqi.
Nanjing Massacre memorial
Nanjing Massacre memorial, Nanjing, Jiangsu province, China.
Yang Wu
Peng Dehuai
Peng Dehuai, painting at the Historic Park of Geoje, POW Camp, in South Korea.
Kang Byeong Kee
Sino-Japanese War: Chiang Kai-shek and staff
Chiang Kai-shek meeting with his staff during the Sino-Japanese War (1937–45).
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Chen Yi
Chen Yi, statue in Shanghai.
Zhou Enlai
Zhou Enlai, a leading architect of China's foreign policy.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Jiang Qing and Mao Zedong
Jiang Qing and Mao Zedong, 1945.
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (neg. no. LC-USZ62-126856)
Lin Biao
Lin Biao holding a copy of the “Little Red Book,”
Quotations from Chairman Mao
Red Guards and Chinese revolutionary youth
Red Guards and Chinese revolutionary youth on march to Beijing, 1966.
Zhou Enlai
One of the principal architects of modern China, Zhou Enlai was instrumental in both...
Universal History Archive / Universal Images Group/
Shenzhen, China: skyscraper
Skyscraper in Shenzhen, China.
© Polartern/
Hu Jintao
Chinese Pres. Hu Jintao, 2007.
Xi Jinping
Xi Jinping, 2017.
Lintao Zhang/Getty Images
Hong Kong: protest against detention of Liu Xiaobo
Demonstrators in Hong Kong protesting the detention of dissident Liu Xiaobo, December...
60th anniversary celebration of the founding of the People's Republic of China
Fireworks display in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, on October 1, 2009, during the observance...
Feng Li/Getty Images
demonstrators in Beijing, China, November 2022
Demonstrators holding up blank pieces of paper to avoid censorship as they protest...
Kevin Frayer/Getty Images
Hong Kong: celebrating the return to Chinese sovereignty in July 1997
Fireworks marking the return of Hong Kong to Chinese sovereignty on July 1, 1997.
Ricky Chung—AFP/Getty Images
K'un-ming, China, during World War II
Chinese line the streets of K'un-ming as the first supply convoy reaches the city...
U.S. Army photograph
battle casualties of the Korean War (1950–53)
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
voyages of Zheng He
Voyages of Zheng He (1405–33).
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.