house of Normandy
house of Normandy, English royal dynasty that provided three kings of England: William I the Conqueror (reigned 1066–87) and his sons, William II Rufus (reigned 1087–1100) and Henry I Beauclerc (reigned 1100–35). During their reigns and the reigns of their immediate successors, England bore the aspect of a conquered country, administered largely by men whose political conceptions were French, under kings whose personal interests were centred in France.
William, the natural (and only) son of Robert I the Devil, duke of Normandy, succeeded to the dukedom in 1035 and sometime later, perhaps in 1051, received from his English kinsman, King Edward the Confessor, a promise of the English succession. Two years later he strengthened the claims that he had thus established by marrying Matilda of Flanders, who traced her descent in the female line from King Alfred the Great. About 1064 another possible claimant, Harold, visited the Norman court and added another link to William’s connection by promising to support William’s claims upon the English succession. However, upon the Confessor’s death in 1066, Harold secured his own coronation. William mounted an invasion force, delivered a crushing defeat on Harold at the Battle of Hastings (October 14), and on Christmas Day was crowned at Westminster.
The succession proceeded in order to William’s two sons, but, after Henry I’s only son, William the Aetheling, was drowned in the White Ship (1120), Henry declared his daughter, the empress Matilda, to be his heir. At his death in 1135, however, Stephen of Blois, grandson of William I through his daughter Adela, claimed the throne. Stephen’s reign (constituting that of the English royal house of Blois) was occupied by his wars with the supporters of Matilda. Finally, by the Treaty of Wallingford (1153), Stephen was allowed to retain his kingship for life, but the succession was designated for Matilda’s son, Henry of Anjou, who in 1154 became Henry II, first of the house of Plantagenet, or Anjou.