liturgical drama
- Related Topics:
- mystery play
- morality play
- miracle play
liturgical drama, in the Middle Ages, type of play acted within or near the church and relating stories from the Bible and of the saints. Although they had their roots in the Christian liturgy, such plays were not performed as essential parts of a standard church service. The language of the liturgical drama was Latin, and the dialogue was frequently chanted to simple monophonic melodies. Music was also used in the form of incidental dance and processional tunes.
The earliest traces of the liturgical drama are found in manuscripts dating from the 10th century. Its genesis may perhaps be found in the chant “Quem quaeritis” (“Whom do you seek”), a trope to the Introit of the Easter mass. In Regularis concordia (mid-10th century), Aethelwold, bishop of Winchester described in some detail the manner in which the “Quem quaeritis” trope was performed as a small scene during the Matins service on Easter morning. The dialogue represents the well-known story of the three Marys approaching the tomb of Christ: “Whom do you seek?” “Jesus of Nazareth.” “He is not here. He has arisen as was prophesied. Go. Announce that he has arisen from the dead.”
The liturgical drama gradually increased in both length and sophistication and flourished particularly during the 12th and 13th centuries. The most popular themes were derived from colourful biblical tales (Daniel in the lion’s den, the foolish virgins, the story of the Passion and death of Jesus, etc.) as well as from the stories of the saints (as the Virgin Mary and St. Nicholas). Eventually, the connection between the liturgical drama and the church was severed completely, as the plays came under secular sponsorship and adopted the vernacular. See also miracle play; morality play; mystery play.