- Sanskrit:
- “spirit,” “person,” “self,” or “consciousness”
- Related Topics:
- Indian philosophy
- Samkhya
- prakriti
purusha, in Indian philosophy, and particularly in the dualistic system (darshan) of Samkhya, the eternal, authentic spirit.
In Samkhya and also in Yoga, purusha (male) is opposed to prakriti (female), the basic matter constituting the phenomenal universe, as the two ontological realities. All animate and inanimate objects and all psychomental experiences are emanations of prakriti. It is confusion of purusha with prakriti that keeps the spirit in bondage; disassociation of purusha from prakriti is its liberation.
In one of the early creation myths related in the Rigveda, India’s oldest text, purusha is also the primal man from whose body the universe was created. He was both sacrificer and victim, and his rite was the imagined prototype for later Vedic and Hindu sacrifices.