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reductionism, in philosophy, a view that asserts that entities of a given kind are identical to, or are collections or combinations of, entities of another (often simpler or more basic) kind or that expressions denoting such entities are definable in terms of expressions denoting other entities. Thus, the ideas that physical bodies are collections of atoms or that a given mental state (e.g., one person’s belief that snow is white) is identical to a particular physical state (the firing of certain neurons in that person’s brain) are examples of reductionism.
Two very general forms of reductionism have been held by contemporary philosophers: (1) Logical positivists maintained that expressions referring to existing things or to states of affairs are definable in terms of directly observable objects, or sense-data, and, hence, that any nontrivial statement of fact is equivalent to some set of statements that are, at least in principle, empirically verifiable (see verifiability principle). In particular, it was held that the theoretical entities of science are definable in terms of observable physical phenomena, so that scientific laws are equivalent to combinations of observation reports. (2) Proponents of the unity of science (see Philosophy of science: Unification and reduction) held that the theoretical entities of particular sciences, such as biology or psychology, are definable in terms of the entities of some more basic science, such as physics, or that the laws of these sciences can be explained by those of the more basic science.
The logical positivist version of reductionism also implies the unity of science insofar as the definability of the theoretical entities of the various sciences in terms of the observable would constitute the common basis of all scientific laws. This version of reductionism is no longer widely accepted, primarily because of the difficulty of giving a satisfactory characterization of the distinction between theoretical and observational statements in science. The question of the unity of science remains controversial.