
Also known as: recession-inflation

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effect on economic policy


  • Ford Motor Company: factory in Dagenham, England
    In Fordism: From origins to crisis

    …declining profit rate coincided with stagflation; a fiscal crisis developed; internationalization made state economic management less effective; clients began to reject standardized, bureaucratic treatment in the welfare state; and American economic dominance and political hegemony were threatened by European and East Asian expansion. These phenomena prompted a wide-ranging search for…

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work of Friedman

  • Milton Friedman
    In Milton Friedman: Contributions to economic theory

    The “stagflation” of the 1970s (literally, a combination of economic stagnation and inflation), impossible in a simplified Keynesian framework, was seen by many as confirmation of Friedman’s hypothesis. In any event, it marked the end of the dominance of the Keynesian model in macroeconomics.

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