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- main reference
- In utility and value
value, in economics, the determination of the prices of goods and services.
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- accounting
- In accounting: Asset value
One approach determines asset value by calculating what those assets are worth to their owners. According to this measurement principle, the economic value of an asset is the maximum price that the company would be willing to pay for it. This amount depends on what the company expects to…
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- capital theory
- In capital and interest: Marginalist and Keynesian theories
…of the importance of the valuation problem in the relation of capital to interest. From the mere fact that physical capital produces an income stream, there is no explanation of the phenomenon of interest, for the question is why the value of a piece of physical capital should be less…
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- communist economy
- In economic planning: Planning in the early U.S.S.R.
…science of exchange relationships or value, would wither away or be replaced by a kind of higher management. The Bolshevik leader N.I. Bukharin wrote in 1920:
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- contingent valuation
- In contingent valuation
…method of determining the economic value of a nonmarket resource. It is used to estimate the value of resources and goods not typically traded in economic markets. It is most commonly related to natural and environmental resources.
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- In contingent valuation
- economics
- In economics: Construction of a system
…foundations of the theory of value—that is, to explain why goods exchange at the prices that they do. As a result, many of the late 19th-century economists devoted their efforts to the problem of how resources are allocated under conditions of perfect competition.
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- government spending evaluation
- In government budget: Value for money measurements
As the emphasis in budgetary policy has shifted away from mere authorization of government spending and toward more public scrutiny of what government accomplishes, the idea of appraising value received for money spent in government finance has grown in importance. This…
Read More - In government economic policy: Cost-benefit analysis
…effects that are difficult to value in monetary terms. The siting of a new airport brings problems of noise and property blight to local people and increases the risk that civilians may die in an accident. Putting a sensible value on human life has been a continuing difficulty for those…
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- In government budget: Value for money measurements
- Marxism
- In Marxism: Analysis of society
Their value is the average amount of social labour spent to produce them. The alienation of the worker takes on its full dimension in that system of market production in which part of the value of the goods produced by the worker is taken away from…
Read More - In Marxism: The work of Kautsky and Bernstein
…upon the labour theory of value. Along with the economists of his time he considered it outdated, both in the form expounded by British classical economists and as set forth in Das Kapital. He argued, moreover, that class struggle was becoming less rather than more intense, for concentration was not…
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- property tax
- In property tax: Administration
…property’s income rather than capital value must be determined. Important aspects, especially valuation, are a matter of judgment rather than of fact. The determination of value for tax purposes is not an incidental result, or an automatic by-product, of a transaction entered into for other purposes, such as a wage…
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Austrian school of economics
- In Austrian school of economics
…economists who, in determining the value of a product, emphasized the importance of its utility to the consumer. Carl Menger published the new theory of value in 1871, the same year in which English economist William Stanley Jevons independently published a similar theory.
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- Menger
- In Carl Menger
…used the subjective theory of value to disprove the Aristotelian view that exchange involves a transaction of equal value for equal value. In exchange, Menger pointed out, people will give up what they value less in return for what they value more, which is why both sides can gain from…
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work of
- Galiani
- In Ferdinando Galiani
…first work, he evolved a theory of value based on utility and scarcity; this depth of thinking on economic value would not be seen again until discussions of marginal utility developed in the 1870s. Galiani’s second treatise stressed the necessity for the regulation of commerce—an argument that opposed the physiocrats,…
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- Hicks
- In Sir John R. Hicks
…of what economists believe about value theory (the theory about why goods have value) can be reached without the assumption that utility is measurable. Fourth, he came up with a way to judge the impact of changes in government policy. He proposed a compensation test that could compare the losses…
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- In Sir John R. Hicks