Examine Abraham Lincoln's career in Springfield as a lawyer, politician, and woman's suffrage advocate

Examine Abraham Lincoln's career in Springfield as a lawyer, politician, and woman's suffrage advocate
Abraham Lincoln's years as a politician and lawyer in Illinois.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
NARRATOR: The attraction was politics, so in March of 1832, at 23, he decided to run for the state assembly.
LINCOLN: My politics are short and sweet, like an old woman's dance. If elected, I shall be thankful; if not, it'll be all the same [applause].
[Music in]
NARRATOR: In April, he rode off to the Black Hawk War as elected captain of the local volunteers. It wasn't much of a war, and Lincoln said about it . . .
LINCOLN: I had a good many bloody struggles with mosquitoes. I bent a musket pretty bad on one occasion.
NARRATOR: By late July, Lincoln was back in New Salem and took up his run for the assembly again. He didn't win, but this setback spurred him to greater effort to improve himself. He decided if he was to succeed in politics, he had to learn the law--so he read the law. In the next two years, his training in the law helped him as a politician--and so did his faithful party service. In 1836, he was licensed to practice law and was reelected to the State House. One of the policies he advocated was woman's suffrage. It was evidence of Lincoln's caring for people--and his concern about the inequities that he saw around him.
In 1839, he met Mary Todd. She was from a prominent slave-holding family in Lexington, Kentucky--a young woman cultured and much admired. Two years later they were married. In May of 1844, they bought a home at Eighth and Jackson in Springfield, the only home Lincoln was ever to own. He and Mary had four sons in the Springfield house; one died there. Lincoln rode the law circuit, tried cases, studied, and made long-lasting friendships in the next dozen years. In 1847, he took advantage of the growing strength of the Whig position and ran for the U.S. House of Representatives. He won a seat and spent two years in Washington. Again, he was a faithful congressman and party man. He made a small name for himself by opposing the then raging Mexican War, and his feelings grew more toward an antislavery position. Like many first-term congressmen, he felt he had little influence in Washington, so he returned to Illinois depressed and bitter. He chose not to run again, but instead began to build his Springfield law practice. He was an astute lawyer [music out]. He was asked to defend young Duff Armstrong, son of the Jack Armstrong he had wrestled many years before in New Salem, against a charge of murder. Lincoln agreed to take the case without a fee. The chief witness for the prosecution stated that he had seen Duff commit the murder at night by the light of a bright moon. Lincoln then pulled out an almanac. On the night in question, the moon was in its first quarter and gave virtually no light. The witness was clearly lying, and Duff was acquitted.
LINCOLN: My politics are short and sweet, like an old woman's dance. If elected, I shall be thankful; if not, it'll be all the same [applause].
[Music in]
NARRATOR: In April, he rode off to the Black Hawk War as elected captain of the local volunteers. It wasn't much of a war, and Lincoln said about it . . .
LINCOLN: I had a good many bloody struggles with mosquitoes. I bent a musket pretty bad on one occasion.
NARRATOR: By late July, Lincoln was back in New Salem and took up his run for the assembly again. He didn't win, but this setback spurred him to greater effort to improve himself. He decided if he was to succeed in politics, he had to learn the law--so he read the law. In the next two years, his training in the law helped him as a politician--and so did his faithful party service. In 1836, he was licensed to practice law and was reelected to the State House. One of the policies he advocated was woman's suffrage. It was evidence of Lincoln's caring for people--and his concern about the inequities that he saw around him.
In 1839, he met Mary Todd. She was from a prominent slave-holding family in Lexington, Kentucky--a young woman cultured and much admired. Two years later they were married. In May of 1844, they bought a home at Eighth and Jackson in Springfield, the only home Lincoln was ever to own. He and Mary had four sons in the Springfield house; one died there. Lincoln rode the law circuit, tried cases, studied, and made long-lasting friendships in the next dozen years. In 1847, he took advantage of the growing strength of the Whig position and ran for the U.S. House of Representatives. He won a seat and spent two years in Washington. Again, he was a faithful congressman and party man. He made a small name for himself by opposing the then raging Mexican War, and his feelings grew more toward an antislavery position. Like many first-term congressmen, he felt he had little influence in Washington, so he returned to Illinois depressed and bitter. He chose not to run again, but instead began to build his Springfield law practice. He was an astute lawyer [music out]. He was asked to defend young Duff Armstrong, son of the Jack Armstrong he had wrestled many years before in New Salem, against a charge of murder. Lincoln agreed to take the case without a fee. The chief witness for the prosecution stated that he had seen Duff commit the murder at night by the light of a bright moon. Lincoln then pulled out an almanac. On the night in question, the moon was in its first quarter and gave virtually no light. The witness was clearly lying, and Duff was acquitted.