Rise of Hitler and Nazi terror tactics

Rise of Hitler and Nazi terror tactics
Learn how Adolf Hitler secured dictatorial power in Germany.
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NARRATOR: On the night of February 28, 1933, the Reichstag in Berlin is ablaze. The fire has been started by a communist worker as a token of resistance against Hitler's rise to power. For the new Reich Chancellor, the arson is a welcome excuse to pursue opponents more relentlessly than ever. Across the Reich, SA commandos hunt down Communists, Social Democrats, and other alleged public enemies. In barracks, factories, and cellars, the party militias construct so-called wild concentration camps. The interrogation methods are barbarous.
PAUL TOLLMANN: "If the interrogator said that he didn't believe you, the SA man behind would strike you with the truncheon."
NARRATOR: More than 100 such prisons holding thousands of prisoners are erected in Berlin alone. Executions begin - terrorism by state authority. On March 5, 1933, the first elections following Hitler's seizure of power take place in a climate of intimidation. SA and SS soldiers patrol the streets, pushing people into the polling stations. A number of delegates from the Left are arrested. However, the Nazi Party only just manages to win an absolute majority. Despite the terror, Communists and Social Democrats receive over 30 percent of the vote. On the 21st of March, 1933, the new Reichstag is in session - it's the Day of Potsdam. Hitler wants to demonstrate his union with the popular Reich President Hindenburg, and seeks a closing of ranks with the Conservatives. It is a calculated gesture of submission.
OTTO GRITSCHNEDER: "Hitler bows to Hindenburg, and the gullible citizens are taken in."
NARRATOR: In truth, Hitler plans to govern alone, with only one party - his National Socialist German Workers' Party. The Nazi leader proposes the Enabling Act to parliament. While preserving the semblance of legality, the act essentially transfers state power to Hitler. His critics are intimidated.
ADOLPH HITLER: "You are self-pitying, gentlemen, and not fit for the present age when you talk already of persecution."
NARRATOR: On March 23, the majority of delegates vote for their own disempowerment. Farmers' Day 1934, the unions are destroyed, and other organizations are recognized by the National Socialists. The young people are told lockstep instead of diversity, order instead of liberty. It is not the individual that counts, but the ethnic community, not individual will, but that of their leader.
DORIS SCHMID-GEWINNER: "It was like soldiers. We had to swear to give our lives for Hitler and fatherland although we were only 14."
NARRATOR: Rituals are used to bring individuals to heel.
SALLY PEREL: "The conformity, the expropriation of the German youth, the destruction of the individual. All this he achieved."
NARRATOR: The party permeates into all areas of life. Diverse culture is displaced by the cult of the swastika.
PAUL TOLLMANN: "If the interrogator said that he didn't believe you, the SA man behind would strike you with the truncheon."
NARRATOR: More than 100 such prisons holding thousands of prisoners are erected in Berlin alone. Executions begin - terrorism by state authority. On March 5, 1933, the first elections following Hitler's seizure of power take place in a climate of intimidation. SA and SS soldiers patrol the streets, pushing people into the polling stations. A number of delegates from the Left are arrested. However, the Nazi Party only just manages to win an absolute majority. Despite the terror, Communists and Social Democrats receive over 30 percent of the vote. On the 21st of March, 1933, the new Reichstag is in session - it's the Day of Potsdam. Hitler wants to demonstrate his union with the popular Reich President Hindenburg, and seeks a closing of ranks with the Conservatives. It is a calculated gesture of submission.
OTTO GRITSCHNEDER: "Hitler bows to Hindenburg, and the gullible citizens are taken in."
NARRATOR: In truth, Hitler plans to govern alone, with only one party - his National Socialist German Workers' Party. The Nazi leader proposes the Enabling Act to parliament. While preserving the semblance of legality, the act essentially transfers state power to Hitler. His critics are intimidated.
ADOLPH HITLER: "You are self-pitying, gentlemen, and not fit for the present age when you talk already of persecution."
NARRATOR: On March 23, the majority of delegates vote for their own disempowerment. Farmers' Day 1934, the unions are destroyed, and other organizations are recognized by the National Socialists. The young people are told lockstep instead of diversity, order instead of liberty. It is not the individual that counts, but the ethnic community, not individual will, but that of their leader.
DORIS SCHMID-GEWINNER: "It was like soldiers. We had to swear to give our lives for Hitler and fatherland although we were only 14."
NARRATOR: Rituals are used to bring individuals to heel.
SALLY PEREL: "The conformity, the expropriation of the German youth, the destruction of the individual. All this he achieved."
NARRATOR: The party permeates into all areas of life. Diverse culture is displaced by the cult of the swastika.