Travel across the United States with gold miners to explore the dynamics of the California Gold Rush

Travel across the United States with gold miners to explore the dynamics of the California Gold Rush
Find out how the California Gold Rush started and how it quickly took hold of the whole country.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
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NARRATOR: California was part of the territory the United States had just won in the Mexican War. To most Americans it was as remote as the moon--2,000 miles away from the slowly advancing frontier. In a sprinkling of mission towns along the coast lived some 4,000 people . . . about 3,000 Mexicans and the rest a mixture of newcomers, mostly Americans.
In San Francisco--a sleepy port with 812 residents--a rumor found its way into print in mid-March of 1848.
[Music out]
SETTLER: Hey, Jose . . . says here in the paper they found gold up at Sutter's mill.
MEXICAN: Hah-hah-hah-h-h-h!
SETTLER: Now wait a minute now . . . wouldn't we feel silly if it turned out t' be true?
MEXICAN: "No es oro todo que reluce," amigo.
SETTLER: What does that mean?
MEXICAN: What it means, it's not gold.
SETTLER: Hah-hah-hah-hah-hah-h-h-h-h-h!
NARRATOR: Rumors of that sort had been heard before. A few people had slipped quietly out of town . . . but that was not unusual. Now--in May of 1848--one of them, a Mormon merchant named Sam Brannan, was back.
BRANNAN: Gold! Gold from the American River! Gold!
[Music in]
NARRATOR: California went wild! Towns up and down the coast were emptied overnight. The sooner a man could get to the goldfields the sooner he'd be rich. There was gold for all! . . . Goldseekers were stirred to a frenzy by tales of "glory holes" and rich diggings. Every man on the Trinity River was panning $100 a day! Three men on the Stanislaus took out $16,000 in a week! And a miner down beyond Mud Springs found a nugget big as a turkey egg!
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The first snows of winter put an end to the search . . . at least for the moment. Maybe a man had nothing much to show for his work so far . . . but that didn't keep him from thinking he was sure to strike it rich in the spring.
Back East reports of the gold strikes had been appearing in the newspapers, but nobody believed them. Schemes to lure settlers to an unknown land had been heard before.
Then in December of that same winter of 1848, a government courier from California arrived in Washington, D.C.
COURIER: Here it is, gentlemen . . . pure California gold! $4,000 worth!
OFFICIAL: Jupiter! Is there more to be had?
NARRATOR: An epidemic hit the nation . . . Gold fever!
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Each of the three main routes to California was advertised as the one to try. A man took his choice and--with high hopes--he headed west.
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The overland route--across the country on one of the emigrant trails--meant 2,000 miles of thirst, dust, and danger.
The second route--by sea to Panama and by small boat across the isthmus--was quicker . . . if heat and fever didn't kill you on the way . . . and "if" a ship was waiting on the Pacific side.
The third way--by ship around South America--was supposed to be the easiest . . . but no one who lived through a Cape Horn storm thought so.
Untried routes--an unknown land--just getting to California in 1849 was an accomplishment.
NARRATOR: California was part of the territory the United States had just won in the Mexican War. To most Americans it was as remote as the moon--2,000 miles away from the slowly advancing frontier. In a sprinkling of mission towns along the coast lived some 4,000 people . . . about 3,000 Mexicans and the rest a mixture of newcomers, mostly Americans.
In San Francisco--a sleepy port with 812 residents--a rumor found its way into print in mid-March of 1848.
[Music out]
SETTLER: Hey, Jose . . . says here in the paper they found gold up at Sutter's mill.
MEXICAN: Hah-hah-hah-h-h-h!
SETTLER: Now wait a minute now . . . wouldn't we feel silly if it turned out t' be true?
MEXICAN: "No es oro todo que reluce," amigo.
SETTLER: What does that mean?
MEXICAN: What it means, it's not gold.
SETTLER: Hah-hah-hah-hah-hah-h-h-h-h-h!
NARRATOR: Rumors of that sort had been heard before. A few people had slipped quietly out of town . . . but that was not unusual. Now--in May of 1848--one of them, a Mormon merchant named Sam Brannan, was back.
BRANNAN: Gold! Gold from the American River! Gold!
[Music in]
NARRATOR: California went wild! Towns up and down the coast were emptied overnight. The sooner a man could get to the goldfields the sooner he'd be rich. There was gold for all! . . . Goldseekers were stirred to a frenzy by tales of "glory holes" and rich diggings. Every man on the Trinity River was panning $100 a day! Three men on the Stanislaus took out $16,000 in a week! And a miner down beyond Mud Springs found a nugget big as a turkey egg!
[Music out]
The first snows of winter put an end to the search . . . at least for the moment. Maybe a man had nothing much to show for his work so far . . . but that didn't keep him from thinking he was sure to strike it rich in the spring.
Back East reports of the gold strikes had been appearing in the newspapers, but nobody believed them. Schemes to lure settlers to an unknown land had been heard before.
Then in December of that same winter of 1848, a government courier from California arrived in Washington, D.C.
COURIER: Here it is, gentlemen . . . pure California gold! $4,000 worth!
OFFICIAL: Jupiter! Is there more to be had?
NARRATOR: An epidemic hit the nation . . . Gold fever!
[Music in]
Each of the three main routes to California was advertised as the one to try. A man took his choice and--with high hopes--he headed west.
[Music out]
The overland route--across the country on one of the emigrant trails--meant 2,000 miles of thirst, dust, and danger.
The second route--by sea to Panama and by small boat across the isthmus--was quicker . . . if heat and fever didn't kill you on the way . . . and "if" a ship was waiting on the Pacific side.
The third way--by ship around South America--was supposed to be the easiest . . . but no one who lived through a Cape Horn storm thought so.
Untried routes--an unknown land--just getting to California in 1849 was an accomplishment.