Analyze short fiction elements evidenced in “The Gift of the Magi,” “The Necklace,” and “The Magic Shop”

Analyze short fiction elements evidenced in “The Gift of the Magi,” “The Necklace,” and “The Magic Shop”
American editor and anthologist Clifton Fadiman discusses the elements of a short story, 1980. The video features clips from Encyclopædia Britannica Educational Corporation's dramatizations of O. Henry's “The Gift of the Magi,” Guy de Maupassant's “The Necklace,” and H.G. Wells's “The Magic Shop.”
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
[Music in]
KIP: Look Dad, hide and seek!
FATHER: Where is he? Where's my boy?
[Music out]
CLIFTON FADIMAN: What a large part of our lives we spend with the magic of stories--reading them or listening to them or looking at them on the screen or on TV or telling them to each other or even dreaming them--night dreams, daydreams. Why are stories so important to us? Well, I can think of at least two reasons. First, some funny quirk in our minds makes us want to invent or enjoy happenings that go beyond our daily lives and yet somehow seem to relate to us. What happened to Cinderella or Superman will never happen to us. But in each of us is hidden a Cinderella or a Superman, crying to get out. The second reason we seem to need stories is that real life is not perfect; it's mixed up, confusing. "Real life," a writer once said, "seems to have no plot."
These shots are very pretty. And they may seem striking and dramatic, but they have no point, no meaning.
But the storyteller takes a chunk of real life--or fantasy life, for that matter--and changes it around, turns it into something with a shape and a meaning.
[Music in]
NARRATOR: It is here on this street that our story takes place. Here, where we find two mere children, greatly in love and whose tale shall soon be unfolded. And this is Christmas, a special time of year, a time for special surprises.
CLIFTON FADIMAN: That's the beginning of a short story. And now, I want you to listen to the shortest story ever told.
"In the room sat the last human being on earth.
There was a knock at the door."
I've always liked that one, it still scares me. It's got a form, a shape, even though your imagination may want to supply a possible ending. It surprises you, perhaps even makes you laugh nervously. But it's too short. There's not enough to it. A short story should be long enough to grab your attention for some time, and short enough to be read at one sitting. And that's rather different from a novel, isn't it? Edgar Allan Poe, who really started the American short story, believed it should have a "compact, unified effect." And, every detail should be chosen with this effect in mind. Today, many short stories don't obey this rule exactly. But even they must have a plot. The English novelist E.M. Forster once defined a plot this way: "The King died, and then the Queen died is a story. The Kind died, and then the Queen died of grief is a plot." What's the difference? "The difference," says Forster, "is that if it's only a story, all we ask is, 'And then?' But, if the story also has a plot, we ask 'Why?'" We've put in the idea of cause or motivation. And that brings in character and conflict. We could talk about a lot of other things that make up a good short story. We'll mention one more, kind of hard to explain. It's style. A Frenchman named Buffon once said, "Style is the man himself." It's something the author puts into every one of his sentences, as well as into the shape and content of his story. It's like a voice or tone. Form, content, meaning, plot, characters, conflict, style--when all these are in balance and concentrated into a brief narrative, we've got a short story [music in]. To see how short stories work, we've made screen adaptations of three examples by famous writers. Here's how we first see Della and Jim in "The Gift of the Magi," the O. Henry story.
DELLA: Jim? What about dinner?
JIM: Oh, I don't know. You decide [music out]. Nothing too fancy now. Looks good there, Della.
DELLA: Yeah, it does.
JIM: Not as nice as I wish it could be.
DELLA: Remember last year when you brought me those roses, and that sleigh ride in the park?
JIM: And your parents waiting up for us? Yeah, that was dandy when we could afford it.
CLIFTON FADIMAN: What does the scene do for us? We've met two young people, married, in love, not rich, living in a city, and it's Christmastime. Setting and time are established. So are two more things [music in]: Jim's watch--
DELLA: What would you do without that thing?
JIM: I don't know. Beauty, though, ain't it?
CLIFTON FADIMAN: . . . Della's hair--
DELLA: Oh, stop that. You know I'm just gonna have to put it up a . . .
JIM: You know how much I like it down.
DELLA: I know. I know.
CLIFTON FADIMAN: Somehow we already feel they're going to figure in the story. Another thing we feel is the tone. It's realistic, about ordinary young people [music out]. And all this we've learned in the first minute or so. The short story concentrates. If you've read this story, you know it ends with a surprise twist, as so many of O. Henry's stories do. That was his specialty, and that's what we look for when we read him. "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant also has a surprise ending. But the point of the story, what Poe called the "unified effect," depends not only on that surprise ending but upon what life does to the two main characters before we come upon the ending. O. Henry wants to jolt us, and he does. But Maupassant wants to move us . . . and he does [music in]. Like O. Henry, he starts with a young couple. They, too, are not rich. They're invited to a very fancy party. And to make a grand appearance, the woman borrows from her best friend [music out] a superb diamond necklace.
MATTY: Oh, how 'bout this?
JEANNE: Well, if you're really set on it.
MATTY: Oh, I am!
CLIFTON FADIMAN: From our modernized screen adaptation of "The Necklace," written almost a hundred years ago, we show some scenes beginning with their entrance [music in]. They're in love, they're young, they're happy, life is good. But when they get home [music out], Matty realizes she's lost the precious borrowed necklace. And there we have what most stories do have, a main complication.
MATTY: George!
GEORGE: Just a minute.
MATTY: No, George. Now!
MATTY: It's gone!
GEORGE: What--what are you talking about?
MATTY: The necklace!
GEORGE: What do you mean it's gone?
MATTY: It's gone! Now what?
CLIFTON FADIMAN: Well, to replace the necklace, they have to beg, borrow, work themselves to exhaustion in order to repay their terrifying debt. Now, some years later, let's look at them.
MATTY: I didn't think it would take this long.
GEORGE: What did you think? Five years. Five years this has been going on! We haven't even paid half of it back yet!
MATTY: We can just . . .
GEORGE: Look, I don't want to discuss it anymore, all right? I don't even want to talk about it!
CLIFTON FADIMAN: I won't tell you how it ends. But even from these brief scenes, you can feel what Maupassant is after: an impression of the sadness of some human destinies [music in]. Just a glimpse, a flash--but reading the story or watching the film, that flash still sticks in your mind. Like "The Gift of the Magi," "The Necklace" is realistic. It could happen. But some stories tell about things that couldn't happen [music out], for example, "The Magic Shop" by the English writer H.G. Wells. I said before that a good story has a theme, a point, a central meaning. In "The Magic Shop," though it's never exactly stated, the point is the power of the imagination. Some of us have a lot of imagination, some not so much [music in]. A father and his little son enter a shop that sells magic tricks and toys.
KIP: Dad, if I were rich, I'd buy myself that and that.
FATHER: It's less than 100 days before your birthday, Kip.
SHOPKEEPER: May I help you find anything?
[Music out]
CLIFTON FADIMAN: This little scene does something important for this particular story. It establishes an atmosphere--a weird, eerie feeling. Without that feeling, the story's final effect would be lost. Here's the next scene.
[Music in]
SHOPKEEPER: Tut, tut, careless bird!
And as I live and breathe, nesting!
[Music out]
CLIFTON FADIMAN: What these scenes do is give us some sense, which the rest of the story develops, of the different characters of the shopkeeper, the father, and the little boy. The interaction between the atmosphere and the characters makes the story. We've now mentioned or illustrated just a few of the factors that make up a short story: characters . . .
MADAME SOFRONIE: Nice. Twenty dollars.
[Music in]
CLIFTON FADIMAN: . . . plot . . .
DELLA: Twenty?
MADAME SOFRONIE: Take it, or leave it.
CLIFTON FADIMAN: . . . atmosphere, style, tone, whether realistic or fantastic, motivation, point or meaning or effect. But when we read a good short story, we're not usually conscious of all these factors. All we know is that the story has interested us, entertained us, scared us, moved us. It's added a tiny bit to our feeling for human life, for our own human lives. As long as the human imagination survives, so will the teller of tales.
[Music out]
KIP: Look Dad, hide and seek!
FATHER: Where is he? Where's my boy?
[Music out]
CLIFTON FADIMAN: What a large part of our lives we spend with the magic of stories--reading them or listening to them or looking at them on the screen or on TV or telling them to each other or even dreaming them--night dreams, daydreams. Why are stories so important to us? Well, I can think of at least two reasons. First, some funny quirk in our minds makes us want to invent or enjoy happenings that go beyond our daily lives and yet somehow seem to relate to us. What happened to Cinderella or Superman will never happen to us. But in each of us is hidden a Cinderella or a Superman, crying to get out. The second reason we seem to need stories is that real life is not perfect; it's mixed up, confusing. "Real life," a writer once said, "seems to have no plot."
These shots are very pretty. And they may seem striking and dramatic, but they have no point, no meaning.
But the storyteller takes a chunk of real life--or fantasy life, for that matter--and changes it around, turns it into something with a shape and a meaning.
[Music in]
NARRATOR: It is here on this street that our story takes place. Here, where we find two mere children, greatly in love and whose tale shall soon be unfolded. And this is Christmas, a special time of year, a time for special surprises.
CLIFTON FADIMAN: That's the beginning of a short story. And now, I want you to listen to the shortest story ever told.
"In the room sat the last human being on earth.
There was a knock at the door."
I've always liked that one, it still scares me. It's got a form, a shape, even though your imagination may want to supply a possible ending. It surprises you, perhaps even makes you laugh nervously. But it's too short. There's not enough to it. A short story should be long enough to grab your attention for some time, and short enough to be read at one sitting. And that's rather different from a novel, isn't it? Edgar Allan Poe, who really started the American short story, believed it should have a "compact, unified effect." And, every detail should be chosen with this effect in mind. Today, many short stories don't obey this rule exactly. But even they must have a plot. The English novelist E.M. Forster once defined a plot this way: "The King died, and then the Queen died is a story. The Kind died, and then the Queen died of grief is a plot." What's the difference? "The difference," says Forster, "is that if it's only a story, all we ask is, 'And then?' But, if the story also has a plot, we ask 'Why?'" We've put in the idea of cause or motivation. And that brings in character and conflict. We could talk about a lot of other things that make up a good short story. We'll mention one more, kind of hard to explain. It's style. A Frenchman named Buffon once said, "Style is the man himself." It's something the author puts into every one of his sentences, as well as into the shape and content of his story. It's like a voice or tone. Form, content, meaning, plot, characters, conflict, style--when all these are in balance and concentrated into a brief narrative, we've got a short story [music in]. To see how short stories work, we've made screen adaptations of three examples by famous writers. Here's how we first see Della and Jim in "The Gift of the Magi," the O. Henry story.
DELLA: Jim? What about dinner?
JIM: Oh, I don't know. You decide [music out]. Nothing too fancy now. Looks good there, Della.
DELLA: Yeah, it does.
JIM: Not as nice as I wish it could be.
DELLA: Remember last year when you brought me those roses, and that sleigh ride in the park?
JIM: And your parents waiting up for us? Yeah, that was dandy when we could afford it.
CLIFTON FADIMAN: What does the scene do for us? We've met two young people, married, in love, not rich, living in a city, and it's Christmastime. Setting and time are established. So are two more things [music in]: Jim's watch--
DELLA: What would you do without that thing?
JIM: I don't know. Beauty, though, ain't it?
CLIFTON FADIMAN: . . . Della's hair--
DELLA: Oh, stop that. You know I'm just gonna have to put it up a . . .
JIM: You know how much I like it down.
DELLA: I know. I know.
CLIFTON FADIMAN: Somehow we already feel they're going to figure in the story. Another thing we feel is the tone. It's realistic, about ordinary young people [music out]. And all this we've learned in the first minute or so. The short story concentrates. If you've read this story, you know it ends with a surprise twist, as so many of O. Henry's stories do. That was his specialty, and that's what we look for when we read him. "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant also has a surprise ending. But the point of the story, what Poe called the "unified effect," depends not only on that surprise ending but upon what life does to the two main characters before we come upon the ending. O. Henry wants to jolt us, and he does. But Maupassant wants to move us . . . and he does [music in]. Like O. Henry, he starts with a young couple. They, too, are not rich. They're invited to a very fancy party. And to make a grand appearance, the woman borrows from her best friend [music out] a superb diamond necklace.
MATTY: Oh, how 'bout this?
JEANNE: Well, if you're really set on it.
MATTY: Oh, I am!
CLIFTON FADIMAN: From our modernized screen adaptation of "The Necklace," written almost a hundred years ago, we show some scenes beginning with their entrance [music in]. They're in love, they're young, they're happy, life is good. But when they get home [music out], Matty realizes she's lost the precious borrowed necklace. And there we have what most stories do have, a main complication.
MATTY: George!
GEORGE: Just a minute.
MATTY: No, George. Now!
MATTY: It's gone!
GEORGE: What--what are you talking about?
MATTY: The necklace!
GEORGE: What do you mean it's gone?
MATTY: It's gone! Now what?
CLIFTON FADIMAN: Well, to replace the necklace, they have to beg, borrow, work themselves to exhaustion in order to repay their terrifying debt. Now, some years later, let's look at them.
MATTY: I didn't think it would take this long.
GEORGE: What did you think? Five years. Five years this has been going on! We haven't even paid half of it back yet!
MATTY: We can just . . .
GEORGE: Look, I don't want to discuss it anymore, all right? I don't even want to talk about it!
CLIFTON FADIMAN: I won't tell you how it ends. But even from these brief scenes, you can feel what Maupassant is after: an impression of the sadness of some human destinies [music in]. Just a glimpse, a flash--but reading the story or watching the film, that flash still sticks in your mind. Like "The Gift of the Magi," "The Necklace" is realistic. It could happen. But some stories tell about things that couldn't happen [music out], for example, "The Magic Shop" by the English writer H.G. Wells. I said before that a good story has a theme, a point, a central meaning. In "The Magic Shop," though it's never exactly stated, the point is the power of the imagination. Some of us have a lot of imagination, some not so much [music in]. A father and his little son enter a shop that sells magic tricks and toys.
KIP: Dad, if I were rich, I'd buy myself that and that.
FATHER: It's less than 100 days before your birthday, Kip.
SHOPKEEPER: May I help you find anything?
[Music out]
CLIFTON FADIMAN: This little scene does something important for this particular story. It establishes an atmosphere--a weird, eerie feeling. Without that feeling, the story's final effect would be lost. Here's the next scene.
[Music in]
SHOPKEEPER: Tut, tut, careless bird!
And as I live and breathe, nesting!
[Music out]
CLIFTON FADIMAN: What these scenes do is give us some sense, which the rest of the story develops, of the different characters of the shopkeeper, the father, and the little boy. The interaction between the atmosphere and the characters makes the story. We've now mentioned or illustrated just a few of the factors that make up a short story: characters . . .
MADAME SOFRONIE: Nice. Twenty dollars.
[Music in]
CLIFTON FADIMAN: . . . plot . . .
DELLA: Twenty?
MADAME SOFRONIE: Take it, or leave it.
CLIFTON FADIMAN: . . . atmosphere, style, tone, whether realistic or fantastic, motivation, point or meaning or effect. But when we read a good short story, we're not usually conscious of all these factors. All we know is that the story has interested us, entertained us, scared us, moved us. It's added a tiny bit to our feeling for human life, for our own human lives. As long as the human imagination survives, so will the teller of tales.
[Music out]