See the Bill of Rights 1689 and the Draft Declaration of Rights (1689) kept in the United Kingdom Parliamentary Archives Search Room

See the Bill of Rights 1689 and the Draft Declaration of Rights (1689) kept in the United Kingdom Parliamentary Archives Search Room
Examining the draft Declaration of Rights and the Bill of Rights (both 1689), in the United Kingdom Parliamentary Archives, London.
© UK Parliament Education Service (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
This is a selection of shots from stock footage from the Parliamentary Archives featuring the Bill of Rights 1689 and the Draft Declaration of Rights. Here you can see the Bill of Rights in the original Act Room, surrounded by Acts of Parliament on shelves.
We're now in the Parliamentary Archives Search Room, where members of the public come and do their research. I'm opening the box of the Draft Declaration of Rights.
Here you can see the front page of the Draft Declaration of Rights, the Draft Bill that eventually became the Bill of Rights. At the bottom here, you can see a big ink blot that was caused by the clerk writing this document out in the House of Commons. This is the top of the Draft Declaration of Rights showing the date. And here I'm opening up the Draft Declaration so you can see the inside pages.
This is the Bill of Rights 1689. Written on the outside here you can see the title of the act.
And now I'm in the Parliamentary Archive Search Room unrolling the Bill of Rights so you can see how long it is.
And here is a close up of some of the text from the Bill of Rights, referring to the liberties of this kingdom. And this is another part of the act referring to cruel and unusual punishments.
We're now in the Parliamentary Archives Search Room, where members of the public come and do their research. I'm opening the box of the Draft Declaration of Rights.
Here you can see the front page of the Draft Declaration of Rights, the Draft Bill that eventually became the Bill of Rights. At the bottom here, you can see a big ink blot that was caused by the clerk writing this document out in the House of Commons. This is the top of the Draft Declaration of Rights showing the date. And here I'm opening up the Draft Declaration so you can see the inside pages.
This is the Bill of Rights 1689. Written on the outside here you can see the title of the act.
And now I'm in the Parliamentary Archive Search Room unrolling the Bill of Rights so you can see how long it is.
And here is a close up of some of the text from the Bill of Rights, referring to the liberties of this kingdom. And this is another part of the act referring to cruel and unusual punishments.