Observe a pocket gopher using its front teeth and foreclaws to burrow a home full of roots, stems, and tubers

Observe a pocket gopher using its front teeth and foreclaws to burrow a home full of roots, stems, and tubers
Gophers use long, strong foreclaws and large front teeth to dig burrows. They feed on the underground parts of plants.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
NARRATOR: This gopher is beginning to dig his burrow, where he will live alone.
He uses his large front teeth and long, strong foreclaws as tools to help dig.
Gophers feed on the underground parts of plants, which they gather as they tunnel along.
In winter they live off the roots, stems, and tubers they have hoarded in underground storage chambers.
He uses his large front teeth and long, strong foreclaws as tools to help dig.
Gophers feed on the underground parts of plants, which they gather as they tunnel along.
In winter they live off the roots, stems, and tubers they have hoarded in underground storage chambers.