Gregor Mendel's discovery of heredity laws

Gregor Mendel's discovery of heredity laws
An introduction to Austrian botanist, teacher, and Augustinian prelate Gregor Mendel's studies of heredity.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
NARRATOR: Gregor Mendel lived as a Catholic monk in the 19th century. He resided in a monastery in what is today called Brno, Czech Republic. There he discovered the basic laws of heredity.
At the time, people needed an explanation for how living things could accurately create and re-create themselves generation after generation. What was the root of heredity? They knew the visible, basic facts of how living things made more of themselves, but not much else.
Mendel's tasks at his monastery kept him busy. For example, he tended at least 50 hives of bees, he reported his weather for the Austrian Empire, and his fellow monks elected him as the abbot to this monastery.
More importantly for science, however, Mendel cultivated and studied thousands of pea plants in his garden. He kept precise records. He documented the qualities of his plants and how he might breed different types of peas for purity or for blends of different features. He observed how parent plants passed their traits on to their offspring. Through this work Mendel revealed for himself some basic properties of heredity.
With heredity understood among peas, it wasn't long before the same principles were visible in other vegetables and trees. People began applying the idea of heredity to insects and large mammals and, ultimately, to humans themselves.
Mendel showed that heredity was not caused by body cells but by something that, at the time, was invisible in the sexual-reproduction system. Mendel knew that both male and female reproduction systems contained heredity. As future research came to attest, heredity was embodied in what we call genes today.
At the time, people needed an explanation for how living things could accurately create and re-create themselves generation after generation. What was the root of heredity? They knew the visible, basic facts of how living things made more of themselves, but not much else.
Mendel's tasks at his monastery kept him busy. For example, he tended at least 50 hives of bees, he reported his weather for the Austrian Empire, and his fellow monks elected him as the abbot to this monastery.
More importantly for science, however, Mendel cultivated and studied thousands of pea plants in his garden. He kept precise records. He documented the qualities of his plants and how he might breed different types of peas for purity or for blends of different features. He observed how parent plants passed their traits on to their offspring. Through this work Mendel revealed for himself some basic properties of heredity.
With heredity understood among peas, it wasn't long before the same principles were visible in other vegetables and trees. People began applying the idea of heredity to insects and large mammals and, ultimately, to humans themselves.
Mendel showed that heredity was not caused by body cells but by something that, at the time, was invisible in the sexual-reproduction system. Mendel knew that both male and female reproduction systems contained heredity. As future research came to attest, heredity was embodied in what we call genes today.