Rediscovering the West German president Heinrich Lübke

Rediscovering the West German president Heinrich Lübke
Learn about Heinrich Lübke.
Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz; Thumbnail German Federal Archives (Bundesarchiv), Bild 146-1994-034-22A; © Coatchristophe/
NARRATOR: Heinrich Lübke was the second president of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1959 to 1969. He was born in Enkhausen, Westphalia. His home town honors his memory with a museum. But there aren't many visitors groups who make it into the Lübke Haus, which averages a few hundred guests a year at most. Heinrich Lübke was a shoemaker's son. He was a very keen learner, quickly finishing his A-levels so he could go on to study geodesy and agriculture. Heinrich Lübke is one of those statesmen who enjoy little clemency in our national collective memory. The leader of the community is trying to show him in a kinder light.
GERD HAFNER: "Heinrich Lübke should have, and you can read about this now, he would have been better off had he resigned from the office of president earlier; as he did, but just four weeks before the end of his term. He was already quite weak due to illness and that had an effect on his psyche, his mind. And, well, it was that, it was his poor health that led to the faux pas he made in his public speaking."
NARRATOR: The great moments of a sharp statesman have been forgotten. Like when he greeted the Shah with an icy mien or demanded that the squabbling De Gaulle and Johnson "stop it and just shake hands." But all that remains in people's memories are his verbal blunders, both real and thought up. They're repeated with great delight until everyone is left believing he was a boob. One example is when he wanted to tell a Brit he was speaking to that an event was going to start soon and said "equal goes it loose." The only people who say nice things about Heinrich Lübke are those who knew him personally and interacted with him in person.
MUSEUM VISITOR 1: "They came to Hachen in a helicopter, to a sports field, and then drove to Enkhausen in a long motorcade. It was very impressive, it happened one, two or three times a year when he came to Enkhausen."
MUSEUM VISITOR 2: "My grandma was his last living aunt and when he was in Enkhausen he would often go to Westenfeld and visit her. I have always remembered him as a very nice man. And I also remember from my childhood that he drank his coffee with a lot of milk."
NARRATOR: Heinrich Lübke died in 1972. Today all there is to remind people of the second West German president are a few photographs and dedications from influential statesmen. There are also many medals that Heinrich Lübke received. He was cherished and respected abroad, it is perhaps time for Germans to rediscover him.
GERD HAFNER: "Heinrich Lübke should have, and you can read about this now, he would have been better off had he resigned from the office of president earlier; as he did, but just four weeks before the end of his term. He was already quite weak due to illness and that had an effect on his psyche, his mind. And, well, it was that, it was his poor health that led to the faux pas he made in his public speaking."
NARRATOR: The great moments of a sharp statesman have been forgotten. Like when he greeted the Shah with an icy mien or demanded that the squabbling De Gaulle and Johnson "stop it and just shake hands." But all that remains in people's memories are his verbal blunders, both real and thought up. They're repeated with great delight until everyone is left believing he was a boob. One example is when he wanted to tell a Brit he was speaking to that an event was going to start soon and said "equal goes it loose." The only people who say nice things about Heinrich Lübke are those who knew him personally and interacted with him in person.
MUSEUM VISITOR 1: "They came to Hachen in a helicopter, to a sports field, and then drove to Enkhausen in a long motorcade. It was very impressive, it happened one, two or three times a year when he came to Enkhausen."
MUSEUM VISITOR 2: "My grandma was his last living aunt and when he was in Enkhausen he would often go to Westenfeld and visit her. I have always remembered him as a very nice man. And I also remember from my childhood that he drank his coffee with a lot of milk."
NARRATOR: Heinrich Lübke died in 1972. Today all there is to remind people of the second West German president are a few photographs and dedications from influential statesmen. There are also many medals that Heinrich Lübke received. He was cherished and respected abroad, it is perhaps time for Germans to rediscover him.