Learn about John Cotton Dana and the Newark Museum

Learn about John Cotton Dana and the Newark Museum
A discussion of museum director John Cotton Dana and the Newark Museum (later called the Newark Museum of Art) in New Jersey, from the documentary Riches, Rivals, and Radicals: 100 Years of Museums in America.
Great Museums Television (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
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MARJORIE SCHWARZER: John Cotton Dana is one of the most important museum directors of the 20th century. He is an unabashed populist. He wrote a lot, he talked a lot, and he put his words into action in the Newark Museum.
MARY SUE SWEENEY PRICE: The Newark Museum, founded in 1909, set the stage for what would become the quintessential American museum.
MARJORIE SCHWARZER: He shows American art. He thought buying European art was a waste of money.
MARY SUE SWEENEY PRICE: When he acquired a work by the artist Max Weber, he wrote to Max Weber, "I don't know what you're trying to accomplish, but that you should be doing it, I have no doubt; that I should be collecting it, I have no doubt. Only if we support the art of American artists, will it flourish."
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MARJORIE SCHWARZER: John Cotton Dana is one of the most important museum directors of the 20th century. He is an unabashed populist. He wrote a lot, he talked a lot, and he put his words into action in the Newark Museum.
MARY SUE SWEENEY PRICE: The Newark Museum, founded in 1909, set the stage for what would become the quintessential American museum.
MARJORIE SCHWARZER: He shows American art. He thought buying European art was a waste of money.
MARY SUE SWEENEY PRICE: When he acquired a work by the artist Max Weber, he wrote to Max Weber, "I don't know what you're trying to accomplish, but that you should be doing it, I have no doubt; that I should be collecting it, I have no doubt. Only if we support the art of American artists, will it flourish."
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