Konrad Adenauer and West Germany's Western alliance

Konrad Adenauer and West Germany's Western alliance
Learn how Konrad Adenauer worked to integrate West Germany into the Western community after World War II.
Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz; Thumbnail Abbie Rowe. White House Photographs. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston; © Vasile Bobirnac/Dreamstime.com; © Carsten Reisinger/stock.adobe.com
NARRATOR: Cologne, July 1963 - U.S. President John F. Kennedy visits West Germany. Konrad Adenauer is 87 years old and has been chancellor for 14 years. He has firmly anchored the Bonn Republic in the western alliance. A mere 14 years after the Second World War, the one-time enemies, now partners and friends, visit the city where Adenauer was once mayor.
HANS-DIETRICH GENSCHER: "He determined the place where a democratic Germany would be located as part of the western community of states.
JOHN F. KENNEDY: "Finally, I have also come to Germany to pay tribute to a great European statesman, an architect of unity, a champion of liberty, a friend of the American People, Chancellor Konrad Adenauer.
HILDEGARD HAMM-BRÜCHER: "I believe the priority of Adenauer's politics of an absolute alliance with the West and never to have Germany go on a separate path also made sense to the majority of West Germans. For the moment we can't change anything, so we will be reliable partners in the West."
NARRATOR: The threat of the Korean War, which showed that the East-West conflict could escalate, cemented this stance. Adenauer is ready to offer military support at the junction of East and West Europe. There is opposition with mass protests in the streets. For many the rearmament of Germany barely 10 years after the war is unacceptable. Fights break out in the Bonn Parliament.
KONRAD ADENAUER: "I beg you to consider what this is about. We face a choice between slavery and freedom. We choose freedom."
NARRATOR: Adenauer's opponents fear that rearmament will deepen Germany's division. No chance should be missed for East and West to unify. The chancellor's position: only a federal republic founded on equal rights with a strong alliance in the West could one day move Moscow to relinquish East Germany.
WOLFGANG THIERSE: "I know that the long term effect of this alliance with the West was a successful political strategy, but for the East Germans it seemed like a rejection. This Adenauer only looks West. He doesn't even consider us in our confinement and desolation."
NARRATOR: Decades will pass before a unified Germany becomes a part of the west.