The chilling story of the Jonestown massacre

The chilling story of the Jonestown massacre
Overview of Jim Jones, the Peoples Temple, and the 1978 massacre at Jonestown, Guyana.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
In November 1978 the world was shocked by the mass murder-suicide of more than 900 members of the California-based Peoples Temple cult. Members of its Jonestown commune in Guyana drank cyanide-laced fruit drink after being ordered to do so by their cult leader, Jim Jones. Encyclopædia Britannica presents some key points on the Jonestown massacre.
Despite having no religious affiliation or theological training, Jim Jones opened his first church in Indianapolis in the 1950s. By the 1960s he and his wife had moved their base of operations to California, and Jim Jones became affiliated with and ordained in the Disciples of Christ, a group of Protestant churches. Jones claimed to have both mind-reading and faith-healing abilities.
Though the Peoples Temple presented itself as humanitarian, members of the church were not treated humanely. They were often blackmailed, humiliated, and beaten. Many were brainwashed or coerced into signing over their homes and possessions to Jim Jones and the church. Black members of the church were convinced by Jones that they would be sent to concentration camps if they ever left.
When members of the press began asking questions in 1977, Jim Jones moved hundreds of his congregation to South America—to Jonestown, a compound in Guyana that he had been constructing for several years.
In 1978 Congressman Leo Ryan traveled to Jonestown to investigate rumors that members were being held against their will and were being subjected to psychological and physical abuse. Several members of the Peoples Temple wanted to return to the United States with Ryan, but they were attacked by members of the cult at the airstrip as they were attempting to depart. Ryan and four others were killed, and 11 others were wounded.
After the shooting, Jones ordered a “revolutionary suicide” at the compound. A fruit drink laced with sedatives, tranquilizers, and cyanide was handed out, first given to babies and children and then ingested by the adult members. In all, 918 people died that day, 304 of them under the age of 18. Jones himself died of a gunshot wound. Fewer than 100 of the Temple members in Guyana survived the massacre.
Despite having no religious affiliation or theological training, Jim Jones opened his first church in Indianapolis in the 1950s. By the 1960s he and his wife had moved their base of operations to California, and Jim Jones became affiliated with and ordained in the Disciples of Christ, a group of Protestant churches. Jones claimed to have both mind-reading and faith-healing abilities.
Though the Peoples Temple presented itself as humanitarian, members of the church were not treated humanely. They were often blackmailed, humiliated, and beaten. Many were brainwashed or coerced into signing over their homes and possessions to Jim Jones and the church. Black members of the church were convinced by Jones that they would be sent to concentration camps if they ever left.
When members of the press began asking questions in 1977, Jim Jones moved hundreds of his congregation to South America—to Jonestown, a compound in Guyana that he had been constructing for several years.
In 1978 Congressman Leo Ryan traveled to Jonestown to investigate rumors that members were being held against their will and were being subjected to psychological and physical abuse. Several members of the Peoples Temple wanted to return to the United States with Ryan, but they were attacked by members of the cult at the airstrip as they were attempting to depart. Ryan and four others were killed, and 11 others were wounded.
After the shooting, Jones ordered a “revolutionary suicide” at the compound. A fruit drink laced with sedatives, tranquilizers, and cyanide was handed out, first given to babies and children and then ingested by the adult members. In all, 918 people died that day, 304 of them under the age of 18. Jones himself died of a gunshot wound. Fewer than 100 of the Temple members in Guyana survived the massacre.