Ancient history of St. Paul Outside the Walls in Rome

Ancient history of St. Paul Outside the Walls in Rome
Overview of San Paolo Fuori le Mura (St. Paul Outside the Walls), Rome.
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The church Saint Paul Outside the Walls in Rome is one of the Catholic Church's major ancient basilicas. It received its name from its location outside of what remains of Rome's ancient city walls. It was built during the reign of Constantine the Great on the site at which, according to tradition, the Holy Apostle Paul is said to be buried.
It is believed that the church was consecrated in the year 324 A.D. The church we see today has undergone several renovations and enlargements since then. A distinctive feature of Saint Paul's is its 13th-century cloister. Its special appeal lies in the vast array of shapes and styles of its columns. In 1823, a fire ravaged the basilica. Only very few church treasures were left unscathed. Thanks to numerous donations, however, today, Saint Paul's looks almost exactly as it did before the fire.
Visitors marvel at the panelled ceiling of gold and stucco in the nave of the basilica. The church is also known for the famous mosaics in the reconstructed triumphal arch, which marks the end of the central nave. Saint Paul Outside the Walls is one of the Seven Churches, which are traditional pilgrimage sites. It was Rome's largest church until completion of the new Saint Peter's Basilica in the 16th century.
It is believed that the church was consecrated in the year 324 A.D. The church we see today has undergone several renovations and enlargements since then. A distinctive feature of Saint Paul's is its 13th-century cloister. Its special appeal lies in the vast array of shapes and styles of its columns. In 1823, a fire ravaged the basilica. Only very few church treasures were left unscathed. Thanks to numerous donations, however, today, Saint Paul's looks almost exactly as it did before the fire.
Visitors marvel at the panelled ceiling of gold and stucco in the nave of the basilica. The church is also known for the famous mosaics in the reconstructed triumphal arch, which marks the end of the central nave. Saint Paul Outside the Walls is one of the Seven Churches, which are traditional pilgrimage sites. It was Rome's largest church until completion of the new Saint Peter's Basilica in the 16th century.