What were the consequences of the Treaty of Versailles?

What were the consequences of the Treaty of Versailles?
Learn about the 1919 Treaty of Versailles and its aftereffects.
Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz; Thumbnail Auckland Museum; Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
NARRATOR: In early 1919, the victors of the Great War meet in Versailles near Paris to negotiate a peace treaty. After four years of war, they hope to decide the future of Europe and of the defeated Germany. The winners expect reparations; never again should a war begin on German soil. The French Prime Minister, Clemenceau, formulates this warning most strongly.
MAURICE BOURGEOIS: "The Germans had wanted the war, they were defeated, and had to pay for it. That's the way it goes. And they have paid. As the saying goes, 'Woe to the vanquished.' We wanted revenge, and we got it."
NARRATOR: For several months, the delegates remain in Versailles, the legendary palace of King Louis XIV. The losers are summoned only to sign the peace treaty in the Hall of Mirrors. The Germans have no choice. They must accept the tough conditions. The Rhineland will remain occupied by French troops. Germany must substantially disarm, and make financial reparations. Furthermore, weapons, raw materials, and freight trains of goods are transported out of the country. One-seventh of the German Empire is partitioned. In the west, Alsace-Lorraine. In the east, Posen, West Prussia, and parts of Silesia. The greatest blow is the assignment of sole war guilt to Germany. The agreement results in angry protests.
ALFRED GROSSER: "In financial terms, the conditions were far less severe than those imposed on France by Bismarck in 1871. But the disastrous paragraph in the Versailles Treaty was the question of guilt, that it could be assigned to one party alone."
NARRATOR: The vast majority of Germans see the treaty as a disgraceful peace.
HEINZ HÖFFLING: "At school, our history teacher told us 'You and your children will suffer if you are to pay off these war debts. You will pay up to your deaths and beyond.'"
NARRATOR: Years later, it became clear that the economic blood-letting had hit Germany less hard than had been feared. But the feeling of humiliation lingered. Even among the victors there are critics of the Versailles Peace, also in France.
MAURICE COUVE DE MURVILLE: "Versailles opened the gates for the next war. It was clear that the Germans could not accept this agreement for all eternity. There was reason to fear that it would end badly."
NARRATOR: The treaty established safety rather than forging a lasting peace.