Behold Yellowstone's hot springs and geysers, such as Old Faithful, and its various large animal species

Behold Yellowstone's hot springs and geysers, such as Old Faithful, and its various large animal species
Overview of Yellowstone National Park, northwest-central United States.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
NARRATOR: The idea to preserve wilderness areas began in Wyoming at Yellowstone National Park.
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PARK RANGER: It's inspiring to us to come to a place where animals still roam free.
Where geological processes are preserved.
And it also serves important scientific reasons.
I'm Tim Manns, a ranger in Yellowstone National Park.
Yellowstone is a special place for many different reasons. One of them, a primary historical reason, is that it was the first national park to be established, not just in this country but in the entire world.
Today, it has value as a symbol, too, as the beginning of the recognition that it's important to--to set aside at least some pieces of the Earth as places where people come second and nature comes first.
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Old Faithful is the most visited attraction I--I think because of its fame. It's neither the biggest nor the most regular geyser in Yellowstone, but it certainly is the most famous.
The standard definition of a geyser is a hot spring that periodically erupts; it throws water into the air.
In Yellowstone, after you spend some time here, you almost take geysers for granted. In fact if you take--if you look at the entire planet that we live on, geysers are extremely rare.
There are half of the world's collection of geysers here in--in Yellowstone, fully half of them, two to three hundred.
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Yellowstone is one of the greatest wildlife refuges in the world. In fact, there is no place in the United States you can go to and readily see as many species of large animals.
Within the boundaries of the park there is almost no control of the animals. They wander freely. This is their home; we're the visitors.
The animals, in some sense, seem to be aware that they're not hunted. So it's important to keep your distance from animals, both out of respect for them and for their wildness but also out of concern for your own safety.
Yellowstone is a place that--that grows on a person, it can--the--the variety and diversity of the place never ceases to amaze me. I think it's a miraculous place. And it's certainly one of the greatest spots on Earth.
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PARK RANGER: It's inspiring to us to come to a place where animals still roam free.
Where geological processes are preserved.
And it also serves important scientific reasons.
I'm Tim Manns, a ranger in Yellowstone National Park.
Yellowstone is a special place for many different reasons. One of them, a primary historical reason, is that it was the first national park to be established, not just in this country but in the entire world.
Today, it has value as a symbol, too, as the beginning of the recognition that it's important to--to set aside at least some pieces of the Earth as places where people come second and nature comes first.
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Old Faithful is the most visited attraction I--I think because of its fame. It's neither the biggest nor the most regular geyser in Yellowstone, but it certainly is the most famous.
The standard definition of a geyser is a hot spring that periodically erupts; it throws water into the air.
In Yellowstone, after you spend some time here, you almost take geysers for granted. In fact if you take--if you look at the entire planet that we live on, geysers are extremely rare.
There are half of the world's collection of geysers here in--in Yellowstone, fully half of them, two to three hundred.
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Yellowstone is one of the greatest wildlife refuges in the world. In fact, there is no place in the United States you can go to and readily see as many species of large animals.
Within the boundaries of the park there is almost no control of the animals. They wander freely. This is their home; we're the visitors.
The animals, in some sense, seem to be aware that they're not hunted. So it's important to keep your distance from animals, both out of respect for them and for their wildness but also out of concern for your own safety.
Yellowstone is a place that--that grows on a person, it can--the--the variety and diversity of the place never ceases to amaze me. I think it's a miraculous place. And it's certainly one of the greatest spots on Earth.
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