Borage: A versatile and beneficial herb

Borage: A versatile and beneficial herb
Overview of borage.
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Borage's hairy stems and leaves make it easily distinguishable from other herbs. Its taste is also quite unique, with traces of fresh cucumber. The shape of the flowers has earned the herb its other common name, starflower. The hardy plant probably originated in Syria and has been cultivated all over Central Europe since the Middle Ages.
The Benedictine abbess Hildegard von Bingen planted borage in her garden and profited from its healing powers. Borage has the reputation of raising the spirits and is therefore traditionally used to treat melancholy and heart conditions. The little blue flowers are a high-yielding source of nectar for bees and guarantee ample honey production.
Borage contains essential oils and mucilage. Tea made from borage leaves and flowers soothes cough symptoms. The herb also has beneficial effects on the digestive system and the overall metabolism. The oil pressed from the seeds is rich in unsaturated fatty acids. It provides relief for eczema or rashes and nourishment for sensitive skin.
In the kitchen, borage can be used in a variety of dishes. Because of its cucumbery taste, it is perfect seasoning for lettuce, cucumber, cabbage, mushrooms and herb sauces. It will also lend a fresh, spicy touch to potato soup. The young leaves taste best, because their hair is softer and less dense. Highly aromatic Indian Borage goes well with fish and is a flavoring used in Indian beer. In Italy, borage is prepared like spinach and used as a filling for ravioli, for example. The flowers are also suitable as an edible decoration.
Being fairly undemanding, borage can easily be cultivated in herb gardens. It does well in sandy and chalky soils, and enjoys both direct sunlight and partial shade. Borage is an annual, non-hardy plant. If a few flowers are left uncut, it will usually return the next year in full splendor due to self-seeding. The herb also feels comfortable in pots or balcony boxes. Flowering lasts from June to September and harvest time is throughout the summer. Drying the leaves isn't practical, as they will lose much of their flavor.
Thanks to its delicious aroma and different medicinal effects, borage is a truly miraculous herb. But beware, besides the many valuable ingredients, its leaves also contain a small number of alkaloids that can cause liver damage when consumed in large quantities. Borage should thus not be eaten every day. Occasional use, however, is not only harmless, but also delicious.
The Benedictine abbess Hildegard von Bingen planted borage in her garden and profited from its healing powers. Borage has the reputation of raising the spirits and is therefore traditionally used to treat melancholy and heart conditions. The little blue flowers are a high-yielding source of nectar for bees and guarantee ample honey production.
Borage contains essential oils and mucilage. Tea made from borage leaves and flowers soothes cough symptoms. The herb also has beneficial effects on the digestive system and the overall metabolism. The oil pressed from the seeds is rich in unsaturated fatty acids. It provides relief for eczema or rashes and nourishment for sensitive skin.
In the kitchen, borage can be used in a variety of dishes. Because of its cucumbery taste, it is perfect seasoning for lettuce, cucumber, cabbage, mushrooms and herb sauces. It will also lend a fresh, spicy touch to potato soup. The young leaves taste best, because their hair is softer and less dense. Highly aromatic Indian Borage goes well with fish and is a flavoring used in Indian beer. In Italy, borage is prepared like spinach and used as a filling for ravioli, for example. The flowers are also suitable as an edible decoration.
Being fairly undemanding, borage can easily be cultivated in herb gardens. It does well in sandy and chalky soils, and enjoys both direct sunlight and partial shade. Borage is an annual, non-hardy plant. If a few flowers are left uncut, it will usually return the next year in full splendor due to self-seeding. The herb also feels comfortable in pots or balcony boxes. Flowering lasts from June to September and harvest time is throughout the summer. Drying the leaves isn't practical, as they will lose much of their flavor.
Thanks to its delicious aroma and different medicinal effects, borage is a truly miraculous herb. But beware, besides the many valuable ingredients, its leaves also contain a small number of alkaloids that can cause liver damage when consumed in large quantities. Borage should thus not be eaten every day. Occasional use, however, is not only harmless, but also delicious.