The art of making traditional Viennese cakes

The art of making traditional Viennese cakes
Overview of Viennese cakes (gâteaux).
Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz
NARRATOR: Vienna just wouldn't be the same without them - cakes and gateaux. Nowhere else in the world does confectionery take center stage quite like in Vienna. And that's no accident.
KURT NITSCHE: "The Viennese are known as cake tigers. Basically, they love their cakes and gateaux."
NARRATOR: Vienna's cake tigers are particularly well served by the city's bakeries and patisseries. The cakes here are exceptionally sumptuous. Every single one is a work of art - no expense is spared, even if the cakes themselves only have a very limited lifespan. Viennese cakes are often exquisitely crafted show pieces. But, like any work of art, they come at a price. A large gateaux can cost several thousand euros. These traditional chocolate hearts use decorative motifs taken from eastern European folklore. Vienna, once the heart of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, is particularly rich in such influences.
Demel's confectioners use only original recipes. There's no calorie counting here. Nowhere is this more evident than in their nougat cake, which comprises several layers and a rich crème glaze. But that's not the end of the story. The most difficult part, the nougat finish, is still to come. That's a job for the master baker. The liquid nougat is poured out onto a cool marble workbench and spread out until it gradually solidifies and takes on a workable consistency. This is a delicate operation that is dependent upon room temperature, moisture and, of course, the chef's dexterity. The sheets of nougat are then layered, one-by-one, on top of the cake to form a sweet decorative finish, which not only looks great, but tastes amazing. And that's what Viennese cakes are all about.
NITSCHE: "Because of the city's rich history, Vienna has become a melting pot for many different nationalities, and they all have brought their own cuisines to our city. Bohemian cuisine, for example, is quite heavy when it comes to cakes. That has fused with Italian, Hungarian, Ukrainian and goodness knows what other influences. All this has resulted in the very specific kind of cuisine we now associate with Vienna."
NARRATOR: Sluka Bakery is another venerable Viennese institution. Here, they have a repertoire of classic cakes and gateaux, some of which have their own unique history. The so-called Esterházy cake - an almond and chocolate torte - is a prime example. Apparently, it was created for Prince Esterházy who was offered the Hungarian crown by Napoleon, but refused it out of loyalty to the Habsburgs. Today, his loyalty continues to be rewarded with an almond base and butter cream filling.
Next, the cake is covered with a fondant glaze made of sugar and water. The chef has to work quickly to spread the glaze over the cake and finish decorating before it solidifies. In the case of the Esterházy cake, that means creating a black-and-white pattern on the top of the cake. A thin stream of dark chocolate is piped over the white glaze, before being scored with a knife. That's how the typical Esterházy pattern is created. Vienna's cakes aren't just a delight for the taste buds. The very sight of them should make your mouth water.
KURT NITSCHE: "The Viennese are known as cake tigers. Basically, they love their cakes and gateaux."
NARRATOR: Vienna's cake tigers are particularly well served by the city's bakeries and patisseries. The cakes here are exceptionally sumptuous. Every single one is a work of art - no expense is spared, even if the cakes themselves only have a very limited lifespan. Viennese cakes are often exquisitely crafted show pieces. But, like any work of art, they come at a price. A large gateaux can cost several thousand euros. These traditional chocolate hearts use decorative motifs taken from eastern European folklore. Vienna, once the heart of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, is particularly rich in such influences.
Demel's confectioners use only original recipes. There's no calorie counting here. Nowhere is this more evident than in their nougat cake, which comprises several layers and a rich crème glaze. But that's not the end of the story. The most difficult part, the nougat finish, is still to come. That's a job for the master baker. The liquid nougat is poured out onto a cool marble workbench and spread out until it gradually solidifies and takes on a workable consistency. This is a delicate operation that is dependent upon room temperature, moisture and, of course, the chef's dexterity. The sheets of nougat are then layered, one-by-one, on top of the cake to form a sweet decorative finish, which not only looks great, but tastes amazing. And that's what Viennese cakes are all about.
NITSCHE: "Because of the city's rich history, Vienna has become a melting pot for many different nationalities, and they all have brought their own cuisines to our city. Bohemian cuisine, for example, is quite heavy when it comes to cakes. That has fused with Italian, Hungarian, Ukrainian and goodness knows what other influences. All this has resulted in the very specific kind of cuisine we now associate with Vienna."
NARRATOR: Sluka Bakery is another venerable Viennese institution. Here, they have a repertoire of classic cakes and gateaux, some of which have their own unique history. The so-called Esterházy cake - an almond and chocolate torte - is a prime example. Apparently, it was created for Prince Esterházy who was offered the Hungarian crown by Napoleon, but refused it out of loyalty to the Habsburgs. Today, his loyalty continues to be rewarded with an almond base and butter cream filling.
Next, the cake is covered with a fondant glaze made of sugar and water. The chef has to work quickly to spread the glaze over the cake and finish decorating before it solidifies. In the case of the Esterházy cake, that means creating a black-and-white pattern on the top of the cake. A thin stream of dark chocolate is piped over the white glaze, before being scored with a knife. That's how the typical Esterházy pattern is created. Vienna's cakes aren't just a delight for the taste buds. The very sight of them should make your mouth water.