How Hitler systematically discriminated against Jews

How Hitler systematically discriminated against Jews
Overview of the discrimination and exclusion of Jews in Germany following Adolf Hitler's rise to power in the 1930s.
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NARRATOR: After Hitler comes to power in 1933, the Jews in the German Reich are discriminated against and excluded as never before.
RALPH GIORDANO: "Shortly after the seizure of power – it must have been in the summer of 1935 – I go out on the street and there are four of my friends. One is being pulled along by Heinemann, my best friend. And I can see something in their faces that wasn't there the day before. And Heinemann said to me 'Ralle,' I was called Ralle. 'Ralle, we won't play with you any more, you're a Jew.'"
NARRATOR: In German schools, anti-Semitism is now part of the syllabus.
URSULA SONNEMANN: "Jews were always depicted as ugly, disgusting and subhuman."
NARRATOR: Since the planned boycott in April 1933, Jewish businessmen are systematically excluded from economic life.
MICHAEL WIECK: "All these Jews, whose livelihoods had been taken away, they now emigrated, leaving all their belongings behind. Initially, it was just a few and they managed to take some things with them. But after the war started, they had to leave everything behind."
NARRATOR: They who were once neighbors and countrymen now become refugees. A large proportion of Germany's intellectual elite leaves the country. Among them many Jews, including the actor Fritz Kortner, the singer Richard Tauber and the physicist Albert Einstein. Following the discrimination by society, the Jews now also lose their rights. The Nuremberg Laws in September 1935 mark the systematic exclusion of the Jews, propelled by the Nazi’s racial fanaticism.
INGE DEUTSCHKRON: "The Nuremberg Laws were designed to exclude Jewish people from German society. And this included us children. At school, we were no longer allowed to go swimming or to play with our classmates."
NARRATOR: In November 1938 - synagogues are set ablaze, hundreds of fellow citizens murdered in the street, thousands abused and women raped.
GIORDANO: "Was this a civil democracy? No, I say that anyone who kept their human orientation could see from the outset that this was a criminal regime."
NARRATOR: The enforced yellow Star of David badge is an open sign of exclusion.
HANS FRANKENTHAL: "I can still see my mother sitting there, sewing the yellow stars to our clothes. And I protested and said loudly that I wouldn't wear it. And my father replied 'Wear it with Pride.'"
NARRATOR: The systematic withdrawal of rights and the dispossession of Jewish fellow citizens are only the first steps on the path to their industrially organized extermination.
RALPH GIORDANO: "Shortly after the seizure of power – it must have been in the summer of 1935 – I go out on the street and there are four of my friends. One is being pulled along by Heinemann, my best friend. And I can see something in their faces that wasn't there the day before. And Heinemann said to me 'Ralle,' I was called Ralle. 'Ralle, we won't play with you any more, you're a Jew.'"
NARRATOR: In German schools, anti-Semitism is now part of the syllabus.
URSULA SONNEMANN: "Jews were always depicted as ugly, disgusting and subhuman."
NARRATOR: Since the planned boycott in April 1933, Jewish businessmen are systematically excluded from economic life.
MICHAEL WIECK: "All these Jews, whose livelihoods had been taken away, they now emigrated, leaving all their belongings behind. Initially, it was just a few and they managed to take some things with them. But after the war started, they had to leave everything behind."
NARRATOR: They who were once neighbors and countrymen now become refugees. A large proportion of Germany's intellectual elite leaves the country. Among them many Jews, including the actor Fritz Kortner, the singer Richard Tauber and the physicist Albert Einstein. Following the discrimination by society, the Jews now also lose their rights. The Nuremberg Laws in September 1935 mark the systematic exclusion of the Jews, propelled by the Nazi’s racial fanaticism.
INGE DEUTSCHKRON: "The Nuremberg Laws were designed to exclude Jewish people from German society. And this included us children. At school, we were no longer allowed to go swimming or to play with our classmates."
NARRATOR: In November 1938 - synagogues are set ablaze, hundreds of fellow citizens murdered in the street, thousands abused and women raped.
GIORDANO: "Was this a civil democracy? No, I say that anyone who kept their human orientation could see from the outset that this was a criminal regime."
NARRATOR: The enforced yellow Star of David badge is an open sign of exclusion.
HANS FRANKENTHAL: "I can still see my mother sitting there, sewing the yellow stars to our clothes. And I protested and said loudly that I wouldn't wear it. And my father replied 'Wear it with Pride.'"
NARRATOR: The systematic withdrawal of rights and the dispossession of Jewish fellow citizens are only the first steps on the path to their industrially organized extermination.