Falconry: A cherished tradition in Abu Dhabi

Falconry: A cherished tradition in Abu Dhabi
Overview of falconry in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz
Abu Dhabi - the landscape of the United Arab Emirates is made up almost entirely of sand. It's the former kingdom of desert nomads. Tradition continues to play an important role here. Among the most established are falconry and the breeding of falcons.
Khalid Al Armadi is falconer to the Prince of Abu Dhabi. He's already trained hundreds of falcons. Today, he's preparing a very young bird for the hunt. In earlier times, well-trained falcons were essential for the Bedouin's survival. They helped them hunt and their quarry was usually large migratory birds. Today, falconry in Abu Dhabi has achieved national pastime appeal in the United Arab Emirates and the birds are regarded as status symbols. Enthusiasts are willing to pay a pretty penny for them. In fact, a perfectly trained falcon may fetch up to 100,000 euros.
Khalid knows all about the important tradition of falconry, which is rooted in all social strata, from the sheikhs to the common Bedouins. Here he's attaching a tracking device to an already trained falcon. This is important because not all of these expensive birds always return to their owners. Today, he's sending out his falcons to hunt. Thanks to the tracking device, Khalid always knows where his birds are. Should a bird be injured during the hunt it's taken to a special falcon hospital.
The hospital's director is Dr. Margit Müller, a veterinarian from Germany. For the past seven years she has run the largest falcon hospital in the world. The facility treats more than 4,000 falcons each year. Khalid is worried about one of his falcon-gentles. Margit Müller fears a lung infection. The falcon is given a general anaesthetic in the operating theatre before the vet takes a swab from the bird's mouth for the laboratory. Next, she uses a camera probe to look at the bird's lungs. Her diagnosis is comforting: the lungs are clear. The falcon should be better soon.
he waiting room is full and it's not long before the next patient goes in to see the doctor. The falcon hospital is no stranger to broken bones. Such incidents can happen when, for example, in the heat of the chase, when a falcon doesn't see a car and collides with it. Here, the vet is applying a splint to the broken wing.
In the Arab World, Margit Müller is considered a godsend. The sheikhs know that their expensive treasures are in good hands with her. Despite the advances of the modern world, the deeply rooted tradition of falconry will probably always have a place in daily life here in the Emirates.
Khalid Al Armadi is falconer to the Prince of Abu Dhabi. He's already trained hundreds of falcons. Today, he's preparing a very young bird for the hunt. In earlier times, well-trained falcons were essential for the Bedouin's survival. They helped them hunt and their quarry was usually large migratory birds. Today, falconry in Abu Dhabi has achieved national pastime appeal in the United Arab Emirates and the birds are regarded as status symbols. Enthusiasts are willing to pay a pretty penny for them. In fact, a perfectly trained falcon may fetch up to 100,000 euros.
Khalid knows all about the important tradition of falconry, which is rooted in all social strata, from the sheikhs to the common Bedouins. Here he's attaching a tracking device to an already trained falcon. This is important because not all of these expensive birds always return to their owners. Today, he's sending out his falcons to hunt. Thanks to the tracking device, Khalid always knows where his birds are. Should a bird be injured during the hunt it's taken to a special falcon hospital.
The hospital's director is Dr. Margit Müller, a veterinarian from Germany. For the past seven years she has run the largest falcon hospital in the world. The facility treats more than 4,000 falcons each year. Khalid is worried about one of his falcon-gentles. Margit Müller fears a lung infection. The falcon is given a general anaesthetic in the operating theatre before the vet takes a swab from the bird's mouth for the laboratory. Next, she uses a camera probe to look at the bird's lungs. Her diagnosis is comforting: the lungs are clear. The falcon should be better soon.
he waiting room is full and it's not long before the next patient goes in to see the doctor. The falcon hospital is no stranger to broken bones. Such incidents can happen when, for example, in the heat of the chase, when a falcon doesn't see a car and collides with it. Here, the vet is applying a splint to the broken wing.
In the Arab World, Margit Müller is considered a godsend. The sheikhs know that their expensive treasures are in good hands with her. Despite the advances of the modern world, the deeply rooted tradition of falconry will probably always have a place in daily life here in the Emirates.