Birth of the Weimar Republic

Birth of the Weimar Republic
Learn about Germany's fledgling Weimar Republic and the challenges it faced.
Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz; Thumbnail © Vasile Bobirnac/; Prints and Photographs Division/Library of Congress, Washington D.C.; JonRoma
NARRATOR: February 1919 - In Weimar, once home to Goethe and Schiller, the fall of the Emperor paves the way for a freely elected national assembly of the first German Republic. Democracy is completely new for many citizens.
ILSE-SIBYLLE STAPFF: "I can remember my relatives speaking of a woman, a teacher's widow, who had volunteered to put up three delegates. They were saying 'how can this lady take such people into her home?'"
NARRATOR: The delegates come to Weimar because there's unrest in Berlin. In 1918, The Great War had been lost, the emperor had been overthrown, and now the communists are hustling for power. In January '19, there's an uprising. It is crushed brutally. For the first time, women are allowed to both stand and vote in this election for the National Assembly. Parties pushing for a parliamentary republic receive a two-thirds majority. The SPD becomes the strongest party. Its leader, Friedrich Ebert, becomes the first president of the Weimar Republic.
After many months of deliberation, the delegates enact the so-called Weimar Constitution. Germany becomes a democratic republic. The government is no longer responsible to the emperor, but to parliament. For the first time in German history, government authority emanates from the people. The constitution follows on from the failed Revolution of 1848 and the ideals of the Paulskirche Assembly. Black, red and gold, representing the German liberal tradition, are the chosen colors of the Weimar Republic. But the new state must bear the consequences of the war. The Treaty of Versailles allows victors to dictate their terms. Germany loses one-seventh of its territory, and must pay reparations.
GUSTAF-ADOLPH GRAF VON HALEM: "Everyone called it shameful Treaty of Versailles, of course without having read the many hundreds of paragraphs. There was great unanimity against the Versailles Treaty."
NARRATOR: Protests are also directed against the republic. Supposedly, the Democrats and Socialists abandoned the victorious troops, the so-called stab in the back. The lie proves effective. Already in the first elections to the Reichstag in June, 1920, the government parties of the Weimar Republic – the Social Democrats, Catholic Center Party and the Left-Liberals – lose their majority. They would never regain this power. From the very beginning, also in parliament, the young democracy faces determined opposition.
ILSE-SIBYLLE STAPFF: "I can remember my relatives speaking of a woman, a teacher's widow, who had volunteered to put up three delegates. They were saying 'how can this lady take such people into her home?'"
NARRATOR: The delegates come to Weimar because there's unrest in Berlin. In 1918, The Great War had been lost, the emperor had been overthrown, and now the communists are hustling for power. In January '19, there's an uprising. It is crushed brutally. For the first time, women are allowed to both stand and vote in this election for the National Assembly. Parties pushing for a parliamentary republic receive a two-thirds majority. The SPD becomes the strongest party. Its leader, Friedrich Ebert, becomes the first president of the Weimar Republic.
After many months of deliberation, the delegates enact the so-called Weimar Constitution. Germany becomes a democratic republic. The government is no longer responsible to the emperor, but to parliament. For the first time in German history, government authority emanates from the people. The constitution follows on from the failed Revolution of 1848 and the ideals of the Paulskirche Assembly. Black, red and gold, representing the German liberal tradition, are the chosen colors of the Weimar Republic. But the new state must bear the consequences of the war. The Treaty of Versailles allows victors to dictate their terms. Germany loses one-seventh of its territory, and must pay reparations.
GUSTAF-ADOLPH GRAF VON HALEM: "Everyone called it shameful Treaty of Versailles, of course without having read the many hundreds of paragraphs. There was great unanimity against the Versailles Treaty."
NARRATOR: Protests are also directed against the republic. Supposedly, the Democrats and Socialists abandoned the victorious troops, the so-called stab in the back. The lie proves effective. Already in the first elections to the Reichstag in June, 1920, the government parties of the Weimar Republic – the Social Democrats, Catholic Center Party and the Left-Liberals – lose their majority. They would never regain this power. From the very beginning, also in parliament, the young democracy faces determined opposition.