Making traditional Hungarian goulash: A family affair

Making traditional Hungarian goulash: A family affair
Overview of how goulash is prepared.
Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz
NARRATOR: In Hungarian tradition preparing slow-cooked goulash is a man's job. After all, it is an old shepherd's dish that was cooked far from the homely hearth on the pasture. Herdsmen used to drive their herds over the puszta, the Hungarian plains, for weeks. They seldom saw their wives and children. Today Gustav and his sons are cooking their favorite dish in their garden - in the traditional fashion, of course. As the ingredients are being chopped up Gustav tends to the fire. When he has got it going just right they hang the pot up and get cooking. Gustav starts by rendering a healthy portion of bacon.
GUSTAV: "They say you shouldn't eat fatty foods, but we Hungarians cook with lots of fat. And if you work a lot, the fat isn't a problem. What makes Hungarian goulash particular are all the onions."
NARRATOR: And according to Gustav, the best onions for Hungarian goulash come from his garden. In the sandy earth they take on their own unique flavor. Now for the paprika, the heart and soul of any goulash.
GUSTAV: "This is sweet paprika. It grows best around Szeged and Kalocsa in the south of Hungary. If only adults are eating the meal I use hot paprika. I'm using the sweet paprika because of the kids."
NARRATOR: His sons have cut the lean pork into pieces. Now it needs to be cooked slowly with the spices. When the meat is nearly done water is added to the pot, and then the vegetables and potatoes are added to the mixture.
GUSTAV: "I have stirred it all together and am going to taste it to see if it needs salt. Super."
NARRATOR: It cooks on the open fire for another hour and then the slow-cooked goulash is ready. It may only be the men who cook it, but everyone gets to eat it. Gustav's family enjoys their goulash dinner in the fresh evening air.
GUSTAV: "They say you shouldn't eat fatty foods, but we Hungarians cook with lots of fat. And if you work a lot, the fat isn't a problem. What makes Hungarian goulash particular are all the onions."
NARRATOR: And according to Gustav, the best onions for Hungarian goulash come from his garden. In the sandy earth they take on their own unique flavor. Now for the paprika, the heart and soul of any goulash.
GUSTAV: "This is sweet paprika. It grows best around Szeged and Kalocsa in the south of Hungary. If only adults are eating the meal I use hot paprika. I'm using the sweet paprika because of the kids."
NARRATOR: His sons have cut the lean pork into pieces. Now it needs to be cooked slowly with the spices. When the meat is nearly done water is added to the pot, and then the vegetables and potatoes are added to the mixture.
GUSTAV: "I have stirred it all together and am going to taste it to see if it needs salt. Super."
NARRATOR: It cooks on the open fire for another hour and then the slow-cooked goulash is ready. It may only be the men who cook it, but everyone gets to eat it. Gustav's family enjoys their goulash dinner in the fresh evening air.