Versatility and health benefits of hyssop

Versatility and health benefits of hyssop
Overview of hyssop.
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At first glance, hyssop appears unimposing, its narrow leaves seem to embody elegant constraint. But let this herb loose outdoors and it will overrun entire gardens in no time. Its name comes from the Hebrew word ezov, meaning sacred herb. And regarding taste, too, hyssop has quite a tradition. In the first century A.D., the Roman philosopher Pliny writes of hyssop wine.
Benedictine monks in the Middle Ages infused their liqueur with the herb and herbal wise woman Hildegard von Bingen recommended hyssop in her plant list. Since the 16th century, it has been widely cultivated as a spice and medicinal plant. Hyssop has a very special talent. It is a natural cough treatment, its essential oils loosening mucus effectively. To make a cough syrup, crush some fresh leaves, then carefully heat the resulting juice. Add about an equal amount of honey. Mix well and bottle. The herb even relieves earache and asthma, and helps against bloating.
The flavor of hyssop is spicy, slightly bitter and reminiscent of a blend of mint, sage and oregano. So it isn't a great surprise to learn that the herb is related to sage, thyme and rosemary. A few leaves will suffice as a strong seasoning. Hyssop goes well with salads, potato dishes, herb butter and pulses. It is also a choice accompaniment for curd cheese, game and sauces. For a hyssop casserole, place vegetables in a baking dish and season with sea salt and pepper. Then add a vinaigrette of hyssop, vinegar, oil and sea salt and bake in the oven with some butter. Use some fresh hyssop as a garnish.
Hyssop is hardy and can be grown in different locations. From sunny to semi-shady, the plant will cope. It flourishes best in well drained, moderately fertile soil, but will also accept dry hills or rocky sites. Between June and September, the herb is adorned with bright blue flowers and is a magnet for bees and butterflies. Today, there are also strains of white and pink hyssop, which look very attractive together in one bed. A shade for every taste.
This tiny plant can quickly grow into a large bush, but also feels comfortable in balcony boxes or in pots and can live for an impressive 20 years. In winter, when there is no basil available, hyssop can take its place in a tomato and mozzarella salad - enjoy.
Benedictine monks in the Middle Ages infused their liqueur with the herb and herbal wise woman Hildegard von Bingen recommended hyssop in her plant list. Since the 16th century, it has been widely cultivated as a spice and medicinal plant. Hyssop has a very special talent. It is a natural cough treatment, its essential oils loosening mucus effectively. To make a cough syrup, crush some fresh leaves, then carefully heat the resulting juice. Add about an equal amount of honey. Mix well and bottle. The herb even relieves earache and asthma, and helps against bloating.
The flavor of hyssop is spicy, slightly bitter and reminiscent of a blend of mint, sage and oregano. So it isn't a great surprise to learn that the herb is related to sage, thyme and rosemary. A few leaves will suffice as a strong seasoning. Hyssop goes well with salads, potato dishes, herb butter and pulses. It is also a choice accompaniment for curd cheese, game and sauces. For a hyssop casserole, place vegetables in a baking dish and season with sea salt and pepper. Then add a vinaigrette of hyssop, vinegar, oil and sea salt and bake in the oven with some butter. Use some fresh hyssop as a garnish.
Hyssop is hardy and can be grown in different locations. From sunny to semi-shady, the plant will cope. It flourishes best in well drained, moderately fertile soil, but will also accept dry hills or rocky sites. Between June and September, the herb is adorned with bright blue flowers and is a magnet for bees and butterflies. Today, there are also strains of white and pink hyssop, which look very attractive together in one bed. A shade for every taste.
This tiny plant can quickly grow into a large bush, but also feels comfortable in balcony boxes or in pots and can live for an impressive 20 years. In winter, when there is no basil available, hyssop can take its place in a tomato and mozzarella salad - enjoy.