All you need to know about mugwort, the mother of all herbs

All you need to know about mugwort, the mother of all herbs
Learn about mugwort as a culinary seasoning and a medicinal herb.
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Looking at this young mugwort plant, it's hard to imagine that it might one day reach a height of two meters. In the wild, the versatile mugwort can often be found right by the roadside. Mugwort has a tart flavor, reminiscent of mint and juniper. It is a popular seasoning for savoy cabbage, spinach, egg dishes and vegetable soups in many Northern European cuisines. One of its main purposes is to aid the digestion of fatty foods, because the bitter compounds contained in the leaves further the production of bile and gastric juices.
Its tangy and slightly bitter flavor combines very well with lamb, pork, duck or goose. Mugwort is, for example, an ingredient in any traditional Christmas recipe for goose. Mugwort should always be used sparingly and cooked directly with the food – either fresh or dried. The buds in particular are characterized by an intense scent and rich aroma.
For thousands of years, mugwort has been used as a medicinal herb. During the middle ages, it was even believed to possess magical powers. Garlands and belts made of mugwort were supposed to provide strength and protection. One of its proven applications is to ease female disorders, which earned it the nickname of the woman's herb. Mugwort tea alleviates cramp during menstruation and other abdominal pains. Mugwort also has a warming effect. Roman soldiers wrapped it around their legs and put it in their sandals to protect themselves against fatigue and evil spirits during long marches. The fact is, a footbath with mugwort works wonders for tired feet.
Botanically, mugwort belongs to the daisy family. It's prevalent in the entire northern hemisphere and anyone looking to gather this useful herb will have a good chance on the edge of fields or near brooks. Mugwort can, however, also easily be cultivated in herb gardens. It requires minimal maintenance other than a little watering every now and then. During spring or autumn, it can be multiplied by root division. Harvest time is between July and September. The tips should be trimmed before the shoots open, otherwise the taste will be too bitter.
At first glance, the mugwort herb seems unremarkable. But those who have tried it often find it invaluable. It is not only a remedy for female disorders or indigestion, but also relaxes and can help with sleeping problems. In the light of all this versatility, it's clear why in medieval times mugwort became known as the mother of all herbs.
Its tangy and slightly bitter flavor combines very well with lamb, pork, duck or goose. Mugwort is, for example, an ingredient in any traditional Christmas recipe for goose. Mugwort should always be used sparingly and cooked directly with the food – either fresh or dried. The buds in particular are characterized by an intense scent and rich aroma.
For thousands of years, mugwort has been used as a medicinal herb. During the middle ages, it was even believed to possess magical powers. Garlands and belts made of mugwort were supposed to provide strength and protection. One of its proven applications is to ease female disorders, which earned it the nickname of the woman's herb. Mugwort tea alleviates cramp during menstruation and other abdominal pains. Mugwort also has a warming effect. Roman soldiers wrapped it around their legs and put it in their sandals to protect themselves against fatigue and evil spirits during long marches. The fact is, a footbath with mugwort works wonders for tired feet.
Botanically, mugwort belongs to the daisy family. It's prevalent in the entire northern hemisphere and anyone looking to gather this useful herb will have a good chance on the edge of fields or near brooks. Mugwort can, however, also easily be cultivated in herb gardens. It requires minimal maintenance other than a little watering every now and then. During spring or autumn, it can be multiplied by root division. Harvest time is between July and September. The tips should be trimmed before the shoots open, otherwise the taste will be too bitter.
At first glance, the mugwort herb seems unremarkable. But those who have tried it often find it invaluable. It is not only a remedy for female disorders or indigestion, but also relaxes and can help with sleeping problems. In the light of all this versatility, it's clear why in medieval times mugwort became known as the mother of all herbs.