Sage: An herb with culinary and medicinal uses

Sage: An herb with culinary and medicinal uses
Overview of sage, a flavourful fragrant herb.
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Sage leaves are full of wrinkles. The herb was long considered a miraculous cure-all. And the fascinating plant with the exceptional flavor is indeed a natural pharmacy.
Sage's botanical name salvia derives from the Latin word salvare, which means to cure. "Whoever has sage in their garden, will not die" was a popular belief in the Middle Ages. Monks brought the plant over the Alps and into Central Europe.
Long before that, however, the Celts worshipped the herb. Druids believed that it could bring back the dead. In the 17th Century, sage undertook a great journey. The Chinese exchanged their treasured tea for sage leaves. They were convinced that it prolonged life. Today, every child in the world is familiar with the sweet sage drops that sooth sore throats and colds. Sage tea can be used for cold compresses against skin inflammation and acne. The herb's tannins act as an anti-inflammatory. In tea form, on the other hand, sage will ease gastric problems and help against bloating after eating fatty meals. The reason: The leaves are filled with essential oils that protect against bacteria, viruses and fungi.
In the kitchen, sage is a real prima donna. Since its powerfully tart, woody taste can easily outperform all other ingredients, it should be used in moderation. The essential oils are the source of its balsamic, savory flavor. The leaves can be subjected to heat without any problems, as they willingly give off their flavor, especially when fried. They are a fine accompaniment to meat, fish, pasta and gnocchi and an excellent way to spice up cream cheese, tomato salad or pizza.
Sage is in high demand around the world as a culinary and medicinal herb. There are more than 900 different species. When a leaf is crushed in the hand, it immediately gives off the familiar spicy-fresh aroma. It's no surprise that the leaves used to have yet another application. Either chewed or wrapped around the finger, they served as a natural toothbrush and gum cleaner.
Thanks to modern technology, scientists have been able to reveal the secret behind this crude, yet effective dental care. Tannins in the leaf cause the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat to contract, which prevents penetration by viruses and bacteria. Countless glandular hairs protrude from the leaf's surface. They scrub away any contamination, whiten the teeth and ensure fresh breath.
In the herb garden, sage can be planted from the middle of May. It likes chalky, not-too-moist soil and sunny to semi-shady spots. The young leaves are the tastiest and can be plucked continuously. In the second year, the shrub will show dense growth and the flavor will develop fully. On sunny afternoons, the essential oil content will be especially high. This is the best time to harvest. In winter, this robust fellow should be wrapped up warm with brushwood and peat.
As the story goes, sage will only flourish in the gardens of wise man and women who wear the trousers in their relationships. Thus far, science has been unable to prove this, but it has proved the herb's healing powers. So cultivating sage in the garden should in any event be worthwhile.
Sage's botanical name salvia derives from the Latin word salvare, which means to cure. "Whoever has sage in their garden, will not die" was a popular belief in the Middle Ages. Monks brought the plant over the Alps and into Central Europe.
Long before that, however, the Celts worshipped the herb. Druids believed that it could bring back the dead. In the 17th Century, sage undertook a great journey. The Chinese exchanged their treasured tea for sage leaves. They were convinced that it prolonged life. Today, every child in the world is familiar with the sweet sage drops that sooth sore throats and colds. Sage tea can be used for cold compresses against skin inflammation and acne. The herb's tannins act as an anti-inflammatory. In tea form, on the other hand, sage will ease gastric problems and help against bloating after eating fatty meals. The reason: The leaves are filled with essential oils that protect against bacteria, viruses and fungi.
In the kitchen, sage is a real prima donna. Since its powerfully tart, woody taste can easily outperform all other ingredients, it should be used in moderation. The essential oils are the source of its balsamic, savory flavor. The leaves can be subjected to heat without any problems, as they willingly give off their flavor, especially when fried. They are a fine accompaniment to meat, fish, pasta and gnocchi and an excellent way to spice up cream cheese, tomato salad or pizza.
Sage is in high demand around the world as a culinary and medicinal herb. There are more than 900 different species. When a leaf is crushed in the hand, it immediately gives off the familiar spicy-fresh aroma. It's no surprise that the leaves used to have yet another application. Either chewed or wrapped around the finger, they served as a natural toothbrush and gum cleaner.
Thanks to modern technology, scientists have been able to reveal the secret behind this crude, yet effective dental care. Tannins in the leaf cause the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat to contract, which prevents penetration by viruses and bacteria. Countless glandular hairs protrude from the leaf's surface. They scrub away any contamination, whiten the teeth and ensure fresh breath.
In the herb garden, sage can be planted from the middle of May. It likes chalky, not-too-moist soil and sunny to semi-shady spots. The young leaves are the tastiest and can be plucked continuously. In the second year, the shrub will show dense growth and the flavor will develop fully. On sunny afternoons, the essential oil content will be especially high. This is the best time to harvest. In winter, this robust fellow should be wrapped up warm with brushwood and peat.
As the story goes, sage will only flourish in the gardens of wise man and women who wear the trousers in their relationships. Thus far, science has been unable to prove this, but it has proved the herb's healing powers. So cultivating sage in the garden should in any event be worthwhile.