Hear psycholinguist Steven Pinker outlining the evolution of several unique traits in humans as compared with other species

Hear psycholinguist Steven Pinker outlining the evolution of several unique traits in humans as compared with other species
Psycholinguist Steven Pinker outlining uniquely human traits.
© World Science Festival (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
Now, there's a lot of debate-- I think often rabbinical and pointless-- over whether humans are unique, whether the dance of the bees ought to be considered a language, and whether if a crow puts a stick in its mouth that counts as tool use. And I usually stay away from debates over definitions or rubicons or dividing lines. But if you just look at the extent to which humans do humanly unusual things and the collection of them that you all find in one species, you see that we're very unusual.
To begin with-- and most salient to me as a psycholinguist-- we talk. I mean, here we are. We're going to sit in this room for a couple of hours, just listening to each other make noise as we exhale. Very, very few species that would do that.
And language has, universally, a number of rather remarkable properties. We can use arbitrary signs to refer to tens of thousands of objects and actions and places in the world. And we can combine them grammatically so that the meaning of the combination can be computed from the meanings of the individual signs and the way they're arranged.
But I don't think that language is the only thing that differentiates us from other species. I think if you just grafted language onto a chimp, it wouldn't have anything particularly interesting to say. And so I think that language has to be understood in the context of other weird traits of Homo sapiens.
Another one-- obvious one-- is our reliance on artifacts and technology and tools. Look around. Everything that we are now seeing was made by an ensemble of humans. Nothing is in its natural state in this room.
And again, universally, humans not only make and use tools, but they make and use a variety of them. Each tool is made out of a variety of parts, requires a laborious process of manufacture. And most important, we co-evolved with our tools. We depend on them for our survival. You take away the technology of any human group and it would quickly starve.
The third zoologically unusual trait of humans is that we cooperate with people who aren't related to us. If you were to put several hundred chimpanzees into a room like this-- half of them male-- then a riot would break out. But humans do-- in addition to the tens of thousands of people that had to cooperate to make all of the things that we see, we sit quietly in order to achieve something that benefits all of us. And again, it's very hard to see examples of cooperation for mutual benefit among unrelated organisms.
And there are other unusual features of [INAUDIBLE] being mentioned. We have long, helpless childhoods. We have long lives. The males invest in their offspring. Grandparents invest in their offspring.
We have weird sex lives with lots of sex that's not reproductive and negotiated and varying from one group to another in its customs. We eat everything. We're found in every ecological system on Earth, from the Arctic to the tropics.
So there's no question that we're a weird species. And we need an explanation. There are other weird species. It's not an evolutionary miracle. Elephants are weird in their ways, and whales and blue-green algae and so on.
So I don't think we need anything exotic. But we do have to explain what led to the co-evolution of a number of unusual traits that are all found in the same species.
To begin with-- and most salient to me as a psycholinguist-- we talk. I mean, here we are. We're going to sit in this room for a couple of hours, just listening to each other make noise as we exhale. Very, very few species that would do that.
And language has, universally, a number of rather remarkable properties. We can use arbitrary signs to refer to tens of thousands of objects and actions and places in the world. And we can combine them grammatically so that the meaning of the combination can be computed from the meanings of the individual signs and the way they're arranged.
But I don't think that language is the only thing that differentiates us from other species. I think if you just grafted language onto a chimp, it wouldn't have anything particularly interesting to say. And so I think that language has to be understood in the context of other weird traits of Homo sapiens.
Another one-- obvious one-- is our reliance on artifacts and technology and tools. Look around. Everything that we are now seeing was made by an ensemble of humans. Nothing is in its natural state in this room.
And again, universally, humans not only make and use tools, but they make and use a variety of them. Each tool is made out of a variety of parts, requires a laborious process of manufacture. And most important, we co-evolved with our tools. We depend on them for our survival. You take away the technology of any human group and it would quickly starve.
The third zoologically unusual trait of humans is that we cooperate with people who aren't related to us. If you were to put several hundred chimpanzees into a room like this-- half of them male-- then a riot would break out. But humans do-- in addition to the tens of thousands of people that had to cooperate to make all of the things that we see, we sit quietly in order to achieve something that benefits all of us. And again, it's very hard to see examples of cooperation for mutual benefit among unrelated organisms.
And there are other unusual features of [INAUDIBLE] being mentioned. We have long, helpless childhoods. We have long lives. The males invest in their offspring. Grandparents invest in their offspring.
We have weird sex lives with lots of sex that's not reproductive and negotiated and varying from one group to another in its customs. We eat everything. We're found in every ecological system on Earth, from the Arctic to the tropics.
So there's no question that we're a weird species. And we need an explanation. There are other weird species. It's not an evolutionary miracle. Elephants are weird in their ways, and whales and blue-green algae and so on.
So I don't think we need anything exotic. But we do have to explain what led to the co-evolution of a number of unusual traits that are all found in the same species.