Listen to psycholinguist Steven Pinker speaking about the “cognitive niche” in early modern human evolution

Listen to psycholinguist Steven Pinker speaking about the “cognitive niche” in early modern human evolution
Psycholinguist Steven Pinker discussing early modern humans' “cognitive niche” in evolution.
© World Science Festival (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
My favorite idea comes from a concept originated by John Tooby and Irven DeVore. And I'm hoping if I repeat it enough times people will forget that and think that I came up with it. But I will mention that they deserve the credit. And they call it the cognitive niche.
And it starts from the observation-- the commonplace observation-- that in evolution, organisms evolve at each other's expense. So with the exception of fruit, every food item for every organism is the body part of some other organism, which would just as soon keep that body part for itself.
And so all organisms need defenses against being eaten-- shells, weapons, poisons, stealth, camouflage-- in the case of plants, chemical warfare and irritants and poisons and bitter-tasting substances, which sets the stage for offensive weaponry to defeat the defenses that organisms have against being eaten-- more acute perceptual systems, speed, stealth, weapons-- a co-evolutionary arms race.
Now, what's unusual about humans is that we cheat in this arms race by developing ways of defeating the defenses of other organisms-- not over evolutionary time, generation by generation, but in real time, in our own lifetimes-- by developing mental models of the environment, cause and effect, texture of the world around us, and manipulating it to our advantage.
We develop traps that rely on laws of physics, on expectations of animal behavior, on our intuitions about biology. We extract poisons from one organism and use them against another. We defeat the defenses of plants by boiling or fermenting or peeling or cooking, and therefore enjoy plant nutrients.
And all of it done faster than other organisms can develop defenses in their turn. Because we do it in our heads and by exchanging ideas with one another, which is why whenever humans enter a habitat, the other species drop like flies.
If you look up-- talk about definitions of our species-- if you look up "man" in Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary, the definition indicates that our chief occupation is the extermination of other species and each other. However, we reproduce with such insistent rapidity as to infest the entire habitable earth and Canada.
So that, I think, captures our species. And I think it explains why that entire complex of zoologically unusual traits is found in the same species. Because each one of them multiplies the value of the others.
Most obviously, there's technology, which depends on our intuitive understanding of the environment, what breaks, what bends, what falls, what rolls. And that depends on our intuitions of physics, of forces and objects and substances, our intuitions of living things, of organisms that have essences that are responsible for their powers.
I think that it accounts for our language, that if we have accumulated technological know-how, that gives us something to talk about, something to share. And it means that we can profit. We don't have to, as they say, reinvent the wheel. But we can profit from all of the strokes of genius and trial and error and accumulated wisdom of other members of our species, but only if we're cooperating with them. That is, only if we have something to offer in the expectation of a return farther down the line.
And it starts from the observation-- the commonplace observation-- that in evolution, organisms evolve at each other's expense. So with the exception of fruit, every food item for every organism is the body part of some other organism, which would just as soon keep that body part for itself.
And so all organisms need defenses against being eaten-- shells, weapons, poisons, stealth, camouflage-- in the case of plants, chemical warfare and irritants and poisons and bitter-tasting substances, which sets the stage for offensive weaponry to defeat the defenses that organisms have against being eaten-- more acute perceptual systems, speed, stealth, weapons-- a co-evolutionary arms race.
Now, what's unusual about humans is that we cheat in this arms race by developing ways of defeating the defenses of other organisms-- not over evolutionary time, generation by generation, but in real time, in our own lifetimes-- by developing mental models of the environment, cause and effect, texture of the world around us, and manipulating it to our advantage.
We develop traps that rely on laws of physics, on expectations of animal behavior, on our intuitions about biology. We extract poisons from one organism and use them against another. We defeat the defenses of plants by boiling or fermenting or peeling or cooking, and therefore enjoy plant nutrients.
And all of it done faster than other organisms can develop defenses in their turn. Because we do it in our heads and by exchanging ideas with one another, which is why whenever humans enter a habitat, the other species drop like flies.
If you look up-- talk about definitions of our species-- if you look up "man" in Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary, the definition indicates that our chief occupation is the extermination of other species and each other. However, we reproduce with such insistent rapidity as to infest the entire habitable earth and Canada.
So that, I think, captures our species. And I think it explains why that entire complex of zoologically unusual traits is found in the same species. Because each one of them multiplies the value of the others.
Most obviously, there's technology, which depends on our intuitive understanding of the environment, what breaks, what bends, what falls, what rolls. And that depends on our intuitions of physics, of forces and objects and substances, our intuitions of living things, of organisms that have essences that are responsible for their powers.
I think that it accounts for our language, that if we have accumulated technological know-how, that gives us something to talk about, something to share. And it means that we can profit. We don't have to, as they say, reinvent the wheel. But we can profit from all of the strokes of genius and trial and error and accumulated wisdom of other members of our species, but only if we're cooperating with them. That is, only if we have something to offer in the expectation of a return farther down the line.