Witness smoking's toll on the respiratory system as ciliated cells die and the mucous membrane breaks down

Witness smoking's toll on the respiratory system as ciliated cells die and the mucous membrane breaks down
Smoking causes severe permanent damage to the respiratory system.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
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NARRATOR: One thing our mucous membranes and macrophages aren't capable of handling is the volume of heavily polluted air inhaled by a smoker.
Because the smoke bypasses the nasal cavity, the burden of catching all the particles rests entirely on the mucous membrane, from the throat on down, which then becomes irritated and inflamed.
As this pollution reaches the alveoli the macrophages multiply in an attempt to handle the workload, but as long as the smoker continues, it's a losing battle. Eventually, the mucous membranes begin to break down. The ciliated cells start to die and are replaced by smooth cells.
Without the beating cilia to give it direction, the particle laden mucus accumulates into globs. Gravity pulls these globs deeper into the lungs, clogging and restricting air flow, triggering . . .
. . . smoker's cough, a smoke induced bronchitis which attempts to drive the mucus globs up and out of the airways.
With continued smoking, the mucus begins plugging up the smallest airways, the bronchioles. Air that has been drawn in cannot go out--alveoli are cut off and the lungs cannot fully exhale.
This is emphysema. As a result of this condition the alveolar walls begin to break down. The respiratory membrane is being permanently destroyed.
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As the patient loses the ability to exhale, the amount of air that can be inhaled decreases, and the breaths become shorter and more rapid.
In the final stages the patient must wear an oxygen mask. There is so little usable respiratory membrane remaining that it must be assisted by [music in] artificially enriching the oxygen intake.
The destroyed respiratory membrane couldn't be restored now even if the patient stopped smoking. In this advanced stage the emphysema patient is so weakened and susceptible to other diseases that a mild cold could be fatal.
The earlier one gives up smoking, the better [music out]. When smoking stops, the destruction stops--and the repair begins. The macrophages are no longer overwhelmed by the workload. Smoker's cough goes away.
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Years of heavy smoking require years of repair. Even then, the respiratory system will never be as good as it would have been if it had never been subjected to smoke in the first place.
That's why it's best never to start.
Our respiratory system is the gateway between our living cells and the oxygen that surrounds us. If we damage it in any way, we are limiting our ability to interact with, and be a part of, the world in which we live.
[Music out]
NARRATOR: One thing our mucous membranes and macrophages aren't capable of handling is the volume of heavily polluted air inhaled by a smoker.
Because the smoke bypasses the nasal cavity, the burden of catching all the particles rests entirely on the mucous membrane, from the throat on down, which then becomes irritated and inflamed.
As this pollution reaches the alveoli the macrophages multiply in an attempt to handle the workload, but as long as the smoker continues, it's a losing battle. Eventually, the mucous membranes begin to break down. The ciliated cells start to die and are replaced by smooth cells.
Without the beating cilia to give it direction, the particle laden mucus accumulates into globs. Gravity pulls these globs deeper into the lungs, clogging and restricting air flow, triggering . . .
. . . smoker's cough, a smoke induced bronchitis which attempts to drive the mucus globs up and out of the airways.
With continued smoking, the mucus begins plugging up the smallest airways, the bronchioles. Air that has been drawn in cannot go out--alveoli are cut off and the lungs cannot fully exhale.
This is emphysema. As a result of this condition the alveolar walls begin to break down. The respiratory membrane is being permanently destroyed.
[Music out]
As the patient loses the ability to exhale, the amount of air that can be inhaled decreases, and the breaths become shorter and more rapid.
In the final stages the patient must wear an oxygen mask. There is so little usable respiratory membrane remaining that it must be assisted by [music in] artificially enriching the oxygen intake.
The destroyed respiratory membrane couldn't be restored now even if the patient stopped smoking. In this advanced stage the emphysema patient is so weakened and susceptible to other diseases that a mild cold could be fatal.
The earlier one gives up smoking, the better [music out]. When smoking stops, the destruction stops--and the repair begins. The macrophages are no longer overwhelmed by the workload. Smoker's cough goes away.
[Music in]
Years of heavy smoking require years of repair. Even then, the respiratory system will never be as good as it would have been if it had never been subjected to smoke in the first place.
That's why it's best never to start.
Our respiratory system is the gateway between our living cells and the oxygen that surrounds us. If we damage it in any way, we are limiting our ability to interact with, and be a part of, the world in which we live.
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