How brown bears rely on salmon migration

How brown bears rely on salmon migration
Learn about brown bear predation of sockeye salmon returning to spawn in Kurile Lake on Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula.
Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz
Lake Kuril in Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula - it’s late summer and brown bears are gathering to keep an annual appointment. The lake is one of the largest spawning grounds for sockeye salmon in the world, and over six million fish are due to arrive here over the coming month. After three years out at sea, the salmon are travelling hundreds of kilometers upstream to return to their birthplace, where they will lay their own eggs and die. It’s one of earth’s most ancient animal migrations.
In the meantime, the bears must wait. It’s been nearly a year since fish was last on the menu and they are willing to be patient.
The days pass and the feast draws closer. No one knows how the salmon find their way back to their native lake. It's thought they may use the characteristic smell of the water or the orientation of the sun to guide them home. With the approach of winter, the bears have to build up sufficient fat reserves. The arrival of the salmon is more than a welcome change of diet. It’s crucial for their survival. The rich, fatty fish provide just what they need.
Salmon numbers are building up rapidly and the first bears try their luck. As more and more fish pile into the lake, at last the time has come.
The bear is fast enough to outrun a horse, but the salmon twist and turn in the shallow waters. Close to one ton of bear against a few pounds of fish. In the next eight weeks, every bear will catch hundreds of fish and gain nearly 200 kilos in weight. The feast has begun.
In the meantime, the bears must wait. It’s been nearly a year since fish was last on the menu and they are willing to be patient.
The days pass and the feast draws closer. No one knows how the salmon find their way back to their native lake. It's thought they may use the characteristic smell of the water or the orientation of the sun to guide them home. With the approach of winter, the bears have to build up sufficient fat reserves. The arrival of the salmon is more than a welcome change of diet. It’s crucial for their survival. The rich, fatty fish provide just what they need.
Salmon numbers are building up rapidly and the first bears try their luck. As more and more fish pile into the lake, at last the time has come.
The bear is fast enough to outrun a horse, but the salmon twist and turn in the shallow waters. Close to one ton of bear against a few pounds of fish. In the next eight weeks, every bear will catch hundreds of fish and gain nearly 200 kilos in weight. The feast has begun.