How the location of an electron affects its energy

How the location of an electron affects its energy
Overview of the different orbital shapes and sizes.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Did you realize that not all electrons in an atom have the same amount of energy?
It’s true!
The amount of energy of any given electron depends on where it’s located within an atom! Electrons reside in principal energy levels, or shells, which surround the atom’s nucleus at various distances. Each shell is further divided into sublevels of increasing energy named s, p, d, and f.
And these sublevels consist of orbitals--specific regions of space within the sublevel where an electron is likely to be found. Named for their energy sublevels, there are four types of orbitals: s, p, d, and f.
Each orbital type has a unique shape based on the energy of its electrons.
The s orbital is a spherical shape.
The p orbital is a dumbbell shape.
There are three p orbitals that differ in orientation along a three-dimensional axis.
There are five d orbitals, four of which have a clover shape with different orientations, and one that is unique.
There are seven f orbitals, all with different orientations. Why are there different orientations?
Because the atom is three dimensional! And … notice that the further away an orbital is from the nucleus, the more complex its shape is.
Because its electrons have more energy!
It’s true!
The amount of energy of any given electron depends on where it’s located within an atom! Electrons reside in principal energy levels, or shells, which surround the atom’s nucleus at various distances. Each shell is further divided into sublevels of increasing energy named s, p, d, and f.
And these sublevels consist of orbitals--specific regions of space within the sublevel where an electron is likely to be found. Named for their energy sublevels, there are four types of orbitals: s, p, d, and f.
Each orbital type has a unique shape based on the energy of its electrons.
The s orbital is a spherical shape.
The p orbital is a dumbbell shape.
There are three p orbitals that differ in orientation along a three-dimensional axis.
There are five d orbitals, four of which have a clover shape with different orientations, and one that is unique.
There are seven f orbitals, all with different orientations. Why are there different orientations?
Because the atom is three dimensional! And … notice that the further away an orbital is from the nucleus, the more complex its shape is.
Because its electrons have more energy!