The popular uprising against the GDR regime explained

The popular uprising against the GDR regime explained
Workers in East Berlin protesting against the East German government in 1953.
Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz; Thumbnail © German Federal Archives (Bundesarchiv), Bild F005191-0040A; © Coatchristophe/
NARRATOR: June 17, 1953 - there are mass protests in East Berlin against the GDR regime. "Join the queue, my friends, we want to be free men" was one slogan. The protest escalates into a popular uprising. The red flag is torn from the Brandenburg Gate.
GÜNTER SANDOW: "We just thought we've done it, and now we'll get our freedom. But then they started shooting."
NARRATOR: How did this revolt happen in the GDR? Since its foundation in 1949, the East German state works to implement socialism. Citizens are to follow the communist ideology. The system also wants to show economic superiority. But the goals are set too high and living conditions deteriorate. More and more GDR citizens flee to the West.
SERGEJ KONDRASCHOW: "On several occasions, Ulbricht was informed by our side that the degree of discontent of the German population in East Germany is such that it could lead to some complications."
NARRATOR: The first protests start when the party's Politburo raises the work quotas, but not the wages. The workers at the construction site on the Stalin-Allee call for a strike. Thousands of citizens join in. The workers' protest turns into a popular uprising. A peaceful demonstration evolves into a revolt which questions the regime. The government quarter is cordoned off with the help of the Russian military.
KONDRASCHOW: "We thought that we understood the situation much better because the dangers from our point of view was not only for the East German regime but also the dangers for the Soviet Union because if these demonstrations developed further then we could risk war."
NARRATOR: Moscow declares a state of emergency. Stones are thrown at Soviet tanks. An unequal match, which the demonstrators quickly lose.
FRITZ SCHENK: "If the Soviet troops had not intervened, what happened on November 9, 10 and 11, 1989 would have happened on the 17 and 18 of June 1953. The demonstrators in the GDR took over the reins, and the party was helpless to do anything. In 1953 the Socialist Unity Party would have been deposed because without the protection of Soviet troops it could not have survived June 17 on its own."
NARRATOR: The uprising costs the lives of 100 people. Party leadership refuses to admit that the people had risen up against the state. The revolt is encouraged by the West with an infiltration of provocateurs. But the real issue is freedom.
HEINZ HOMUTH: "For me it became the day of the very first revolt in a Soviet occupied area. And that really made us proud, that we had the courage to stand up to them like that."
NARRATOR: The GDR leadership wants to severely punish the spokesmen of the revolt. Estimates speak of 1,600 convictions.