Noether's theorem of the relation between the symmetries of a physical system and its conservation laws

Noether's theorem of the relation between the symmetries of a physical system and its conservation laws
Mathematician Emmy Noether discovered a link between symmetries and conserved quantities, one of the most influential mathematical results in the development of physical laws. This video is an episode in Brian Greene's Daily Equation series.
© World Science Festival (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
Hey, everyone. Welcome to this next episode of Your Daily Equation. And today I'm going to focus attention on a very famous theorem proved by the mathematician Emmy Noether, which has really had profound impact in physics ever since she established this theorem back in 1918. So here is the hero of today's episode. Emmy Noether, German mathematician, born in the 1880s, came to prominence in the early part of the 20th century, widely recognized as this brilliant mathematician.
When the Nazis came to power in Germany, she left Germany, immigrated to the United States, joined the faculty at Bryn Mawr College. I think I pronounced that right. Bryn Mawr. Bryn Mawr College. And she, unfortunately, died at a very early age, in her 50s, from cancer. Tragically left us far too soon. But she proved and contributed a great many theorems to our understanding in mathematics, in the areas of abstract algebra.
I've studied her work outside of physics in Galois theory in mathematics. But perhaps the most famous theorem, at least to a physicist, is what is known as Noether's theorem, as if there's only one. There are many. But it's a theorem that gives us insight into the connection between conservation laws and symmetry, as I'll now discuss.
Here's a little excerpt from the paper itself. As I mentioned, 1918. As you can see, now it gets heavy after a while. But the essence of Noether's result can really be distilled into a fairly simple formulation, which, of course, can be generalized. But I like, and as you know, I like to pare things down, in this series, to the essence of the mathematical idea.
Because the generalizations can look far more complicated than the initial incarnation that, for instance, I show you. But those details, while important for the general application of many of these ideas, are not so important to get the gist, the essence, of what the contribution is all about. So let's get into, then, the subject here. And let me swap over to my iPad. Good.
So we're talking about Noether's theorem. And I know that I am pronouncing her name a little bit wrong, but it's kind of the best that I can do. Maybe it's No-ters, Noether's theorem, something like that, but it's going to sound bizarre if I try to do that. So let me just use the standard American pronunciation of Noether's theorem. And the idea-- is this up? Yeah, it is up on the screen. OK.
So as I mentioned, it's all about the relationship between what are known as conservation laws and symmetries. And so let me spend just a moment on conservation laws first, then I'll get to symmetries. And then I'll show her beautiful theorem that connects the two. All right, so what is a conservation law?
A conservation law is any law that tells us that a quantity doesn't change over time. I mean the most familiar conservation law, I think, that we're all familiar with is this notion of conservation of energy. You know, the energy that you begin with is equal to the energy that you end with, if you add up all sources of energy. And these conservation laws are incredibly powerful. I mean, let me just give you one simple example that, no doubt, you've encountered various versions of this in your own studies.
But it's kind of good just to see it spelled out once, especially in this context. So let's imagine that we have some block that's on a hill. And maybe it's a really complicated-looking hill. And the block starts over here, and it slides down this hill. Imagine there's no friction, so things are really nice. And imagine that you are challenged with working out what the speed of the block is at the bottom of the hill.
Now, of course, one way of going about this, and the most straightforward, naively, is you simply start with Newton's laws. You've got f equals ma equals md2x dt squared, and you know the various forces that are acting on this block. You've got the force of gravity. You've got the normal force. That's the force exerted by the slide, along which this block is moving.
So you could try to spell these out in detail with the vector components. Plug them into the differential equation above. From that, if you solve that differential equation, you could get the position as a function of the time, t. Given that, you could take the derivative, and you evaluate it at the time when the block gets to this location. So all very doable, but a little bit involved.
A far simpler way to get at the answer is to use conservation of energy. What do I mean by that in this particular case? Well, at the beginning of the block's journey, it is, say, at rest. And therefore, all of the initial energy that it starts with comes from gravitational potential energy, which we know, and I'll just write down here, is the mass of the block, g, the acceleration due to gravity, times h.
Imagine that the height of the block above the ground surface is h. Now by conservation of energy, this must also be equal to the energy that the block has at the end of its journey, when it has reached this location over here. The color of the block won't change, but you know what I mean. Now at that location, the block doesn't have any gravitational potential because h is equal to zero.
But it does have kinetic energy, which is 1/2 m times the speed squared. And then we, therefore, have mgh equals 1/2 mv squared, which means we can solve for v, multiply two, the ms go away. And v, therefore, is equal to the square root of 2gh. And there we have the answer in, you know, one line of work. No differential equation to solve. No f equals ma.
So it's a real powerful shortcut to getting the answer to the problem that we were looking at. So conservation laws, the message of this little example really brings home, are quite powerful. Let me give you one other example just for the fun of it. Let's look at conservation of momentum. So let's imagine a circumstance where momentum is conserved, and the circumstances under which it is conserved, we are going to come to quite shortly.
But I'll give an example where it is conserved. Imagine I have, say, a star in space, and it goes supernova. Imagine that this star just explodes. I can't really-- not a good artist. But, you know, imagine that all these little pieces of the star get blown outward. This one this way, this one that way. Each one has its own little velocity vector. And I'll just draw a few of them so you can get a feel for the issue I'm about to raise, which is, what if I were to ask you to do what appears to be a gargantuan calculation? What if I said to you, what is the total, final momentum of all those little particles that the star blasts outward into space?
I want you to sum, over all of those little particles, the momentum of the ith particle that is flung outward by the star. How do you do that? Well, you know, you could try to work out the detail force that blew the star apart, and you could try to figure out how that force exerted and resulted in the motion of each little tiny constituent that gets blown out.
Well, you could try to do that, but man, that would be tough. But using conservation of momentum, there is a much simpler way to go about it. The total momentum final must be equal to the total momentum initial. And what was the total momentum initial? Well, the star was just sitting there, not doing anything.
Just imagine that the star, to be a little more precise, just a solid rock with no motion whatsoever, just to keep ourselves simple in this description, and that initial momentum was equal to 0. Overall, the thing was not moving at all. And therefore, the answer to your question-- well, not your question, my question that I asked you, that sum must add up to zero. And we got that without having to do any differential equations, no ethical [INAUDIBLE], nothing complicated at all.
So again, it's just to show that conservation laws are really powerful. They're really important. OK, so then that takes us to what Emmy Noether, the profound contribution that she gave us in 1918. And that profound contribution, as I mentioned, is this connection between symmetry, on the one hand, and this important idea that we were just talking of, conservation laws.
OK. So I've said, already, a few words about conservation laws. Let me say a few words, therefore, about symmetry. And there are two important classes of symmetry that are good to bear in mind. There are so-called continuous symmetries, and there are also what are known as discrete symmetries.
So let me just give you an example of each, just to make sure that we are all on exactly the same page. And I should have some example. I should have set this up. What can I use? Well, yeah. Hang on a second. Sorry. One bit. Just grab this guy over here. All right. So I do have a ping pong ball here. And it does have some writing on it, but ignore the writing. Imagine this is just a perfectly orange ping pong ball with no writing on it whatsoever.
If that were the case, then as I rotate it, regardless of how I rotate it, it would look the same to you. Again, forget the writing. So the writing does break the symmetry. But if there was no writing at all, however I rotate this, I'm trying to keep the writing on my side, any rotation leaves it looking the same. And by that, we mean that the ping pong ball has a symmetry. A symmetry is a transformation of an object, or an equation, or the ingredients that make up a physical system.
It's a transformation of the system, which leaves the system looking the same. Or we often say, it leaves the system invariant. So this is a continuous symmetry, because I can rotate it at arbitrary angles, however little, however big, I have a continuum of symmetry, transformations that I can apply to the ping pong ball that leave it looking the same. For a discrete symmetry, well, any symmetric-looking object can do.
Let me use my--- this mug that people comment on, my dirty, muddy water. This is Earl Gray with soy milk. Unfortunately, it has tea leaves in it. I do not want to turn this on its side without drinking it, so excuse me. I will, for, you know, for science, for pedagogy, let me just drink all the junk that's in here. I do not like to drink tea leaves, but whatever. OK. So now this is more or less clean.
Sorry if you found that a little gross. But, so this is more or less clean now. And you'll note that if I look at the opening, the top of this mug, I have a circle here. Just look at that circle. As I rotate this mug, as I rotate that circle, the circle looks the same. The rest of the mug does not look the same under that continuous transformation, of course, because, I mean-- forget about the handle. But the rest of the mug, it has a discrete symmetry.
By that, I mean, if I rotate it by 90 degrees, it looks the same. Forget the handle. But I rotate it by 90. It all looks the same because of the discrete symmetry respected by the bulk, the body of the mug. And so this is an interesting example, where I have both a continuous symmetry for part of it, and I have a discrete, 90 degree, 4-fold symmetry for the rest of the mug. You can do this with a book. Why not plug my own book, right?
So, you know, here. Forget about the title of the book. It's the shape I'm after. You know, if I rotate it this way, it doesn't look the same, the shape, but if I rotate it this way, it does. So I have to rotate it by 180 degrees for the shape to return to the form that I began with. Those are discrete transformations. Woops, I just knocked some stuff over there. Now a more pretty example. Let me bring that up on the screen here. So here is a, you know, a prettier example that is the canonical one that people often use.
It's a snowflake. So you see, the snowflake here has a six-fold symmetry. So if you rotate it by 60 degrees, each of those points moves over to the location occupied by the previous point, and therefore, it looks the same under that discrete six-fold transformation. So you have these discrete symmetries, and you have continuous symmetries. And what Noether found is that if you-- let me go back over here.
If you use continuous symmetry, so everything we're going to talk about now is focusing on the continuous symmetry case. Let me choose a different color. So these continuous symmetries are related to conservation laws. And it's that connection that I now want to spell out for you. And it's actually, in the pared-down version that I'm going to focus my attention on, it's actually a pretty straightforward argument.
Again, as I showed you, this paper does get pretty involved. You can take these ideas to a great level of generalization, abstraction. But to get the gist of it, you don't really need all of that. So what am I going to do? I'm going to work in the context of Lagrangian mechanics. And if you don't know what that is, then you're going to have to just follow along at a 30,000 foot level.
But if you want to have a little background on that, you can look at the episode that we had earlier, on the least action principle where I described the basic idea of Lagrangian mechanics. I'm not going to go all the way back to review that here. Wow, that is a serious M that I have there. Can I just erase this little part of it? Yeah, it's going to get in my way. Let me just do that like that.
So I'm going to start with a Lagrangian, which you'll recall, either from your own studies or from our previous episode, say, depends on coordinates, their derivatives. So a dot means dx, dt. I could also have a t in here, but I'm going to pare it back, just to keep things simple. And imagine that the Lagrangian is a function, say of x and x dot. And then the momentum is defined to be dl dx dot.
And what we showed in an earlier episode, and again, it's standard, so many of you have encountered it elsewhere, is that the equation of motion that the coordinate x will follow, will satisfy as a function of t, can be gotten by looking at d by dt, dl dx dot, and setting that equal to dl, dx. In essence, these are, or I could say this is, in this one-dimensional case that I'm writing down, this is Newton's equation.
This is just Newton's law. This is f equals ma. Dl, dx is basically f, and d by dt of dl dx dot is d by dt of p, which for constant mass is just mass times second derivative of x with respect to time, which is ma. OK, so it's a fancy way of writing f equals ma.
And now what we're going to do is we are going to imagine that there is a transformation, a continuous transformation, in which we are going to imagine taking x and replacing it by some transformed value of x, which I'm going to call x of lambda. So lambda will be our transformation parameter. So for instance, when I was rotating the ping pong ball, lambda could be the angle through which I am rotating this ball, say, in three-dimensional space.
So I'm going to take x to be x of lambda, and I am going to imagine that this is a symmetry of my Lagrangian, which means that when I plug x of lambda in place of x in my Lagrangian, imagine I substitute x of lambda for x, the Lagrangian won't change at all.
Which means, if I now frame this in just the language of calculus, it means if I look at d by d lambda of l of x of lambda, x dot of lambda, that that derivative will be equal to zero. It doesn't change at all as a function of lamba. It doesn't change at all as a function of this continuous symmetry. OK, so with that as a starting point, a Lagrangian together with the continuous symmetry, what Noether is able to prove is that there is a quantity.
And I'm going to give that quantity a name. I don't know. Maybe pink is fun. I'll call it i for invariant, or you could call it c for conserved. It doesn't matter. It's just a definition of a letter. I'm going to define this invariant quantity to be dl, dx dot, multiplied by the derivative of x with respect to lambda. And the claim is that this quantity does not change in time.
It is a conserved quantity, so mathematically then, what we need to prove to establish this is that if I look at di, dt, the claim is, Noether's claim is that this will be identically equal to zero. It will not change in time. So that's the connection between a symmetry, as described by this continuous transformation, and this conservation law given by this di, dt identically equal to zero statement.
So now what I want to do is just give a little proof of that fact. And the proof is in this very simple, pared-down version. Not hard to come by at all. We just really need to follow our nose, as people say. So we're going to just calculate di, dt. So we're going to calculate d by dt of dl, dx dot. Dx, d lambda.
And now I'm just going to use the product rule to work this out. So this is the same as d by dt of dl, dx dot, times dx d lambda. And now let me add in the second term, dl, dx dot. Now I can put my d by dt, acting on dx by d lambda, but I'm going to assume that this symmetry transformation does not depend upon time. Again, one of the little simplifications. You can be more general, as I've said before.
But just to get the gist of it, we'll look at that simple case, which means I can interchange the lambda derivative and the t derivative. And I'm going to do that. I'll write this is d by d lambda of dx, dt. OK. So far, so good. Now what I'm going to do is-- oh, sorry. I didn't mean to bring that full frame. Sorry. Let me do this again.
So what I'm going to do now is I'm going to simplify, or perhaps a better way of saying it is I'm going to make use of my understanding of the equations of motion to substitute a different expression for d by dt, dl, dx dot. How do I do that? Well, look, I'll scroll right up over here. Notice that what we had before are these equations of motion that emerge from this least action principle. This is nothing but f equals ma in a slightly fancier language.
But the point for us now is the first term, d by dt, dl, dx dot, we can now substitute from the equations of motion, set that equal to dl, dx. This guy right over here. So let me do that. So I'll write this now as equal to, say, dl, dx times dx, d lambda. And then for the second term, I'll write it as dl, dx dot. And using dx, dt, is nothing but this guy over here, is nothing but x dot. This is dx dot, d lambda.
OK. That's kind of cool, because you will recognize, this is nothing but d by dt of l of x and x dot, because by the chain rule, right, the first term that I will get, and carrying at that time derivative is dl dx times dx-- I said it wrong. I'm sorry. I didn't mean a t there. I meant a lambda. That's what I mean. Good. I can even call it out with a different color.
Right? So when I do my d by d lambda derivative using the chain rule, the first term is the dl, dx, dx, d lambda. The guy I have here. But I have the second dependence in the Lagrangian, the x dot. And when I carry out that derivative, it's dl, dx dot, dx dot, d lambda. Why do I like that? I like that because notice that d by d lambda of the Lagrangian is equal to 0 in the case that we are talking about a symmetry.
And my assumption is that the transformation, x goes to x of lambda, is indeed a symmetry. So what we now have, then, is our proof that this quantity called i does not change in time. Its derivative with respect to t is equal to 0. That's what we mean by having a conserved quantity, an invariant quantity.
And we have gotten this conserved quantity by starting with a transformation that leaves the Lagrangian invariant, which is what we mean by symmetry, and that gives us, via the proof that we've just looked at, a conserved quantity called i. Dl, dx dot. Dx, d of Lambda. And that's the proof. That's how we go from a symmetry, a continuous symmetry transformation, to a conserved quantity.
Now again, this is in a very special, simplified setting. Noether's theorem applies regardless of the number of particles, the number of coordinates. It applies to Lagrangians that are not for particles but are for fields. So it's a very powerful general result, which I've now shown you in the simplest possible case, that if you have a continuous symmetry, it yields a conserved or invariant quantity. Now beautiful result. But let me finish up by just giving you a couple of examples.
Often, people in the comments ask me if I could just give some examples so these abstract ideas, perhaps, can be made a little bit more intuitive. And this is a instance where giving examples is particularly easy to do. So let me oblige and do so. So let me look at example number one. Consider the following transformation, that x goes to x of lambda, which is nothing but x plus lambda.
All we're doing is taking a physical system, in this case, say, a particle. We're moving it either to the left or to the right. We're translating it by an amount. Lambda, lambda positive, it goes one direction. Lambda negative, it goes the other direction. So imagine that our physical system is invariant under this transformation. This is a continuous symmetry of our theory. What is the corresponding conserved quantity? Well, for that, we just need to go to Noether's general result.
We take dl dx dot and multiply it by dx d lambda. So we look at dl, dx dot times dx dot, d lambda. Now dx-- not dx dot, d lambda, dx, d lambda. Now dx, d lambda is particularly simple here, because since x of lambda is nothing but x plus lambda, this quantity over here is nothing but one. So our conserved quantity is just dl, dx dot.
What is dl, dx dot? Well, just scroll with me back over here. Dl, dx dot is the momentum. So the conserved quantity, in this case, is the momentum p. Now does that make sense to you? Well, yeah, it does. If the system has no dependence on where it is, that means it's not being acted upon by any external forces. Remember, if there is an external force, forces come from minus dv of x dx.
And if there is an external potential that is varying, say, with respect to x, so it has a non-zero derivative, that means the system will depend upon x. That potential energy function changes depending upon the location along the x-axis. If it doesn't change along the x-axis, which means either the potential's constant or take that constant, say, to be zero, there will be no force. If there's no force, then the momentum doesn't change. Right?
Newton's second law, f equals dp dt. No force, no dp dt. No dp dt. No change in p over time. P would therefore be conserved. Indeed, will be our invariant quantity. So there's a nice, simple example, where translation invariance in space yields momentum conservation. Let me do one more example, example number two, just to do a little bit more complicated example.
Let's do an example in two dimensions. Now I only derive things for a single x, say, in this expression a single x dot. But the generalization is so straightforward that I'm just going to write it down, and you can recognize, immediately, that it is the generalization. So what I'm going to do here is, I'm going to consider a system. And let's imagine that this system has coordinates, say, x1 and x2.
Some physical system. And imagine that the system is rotationally invariant. Right? So if I take my coordinates x1 and x2 and say, I rotate them. Oops. That's a little funny. So let's say I rotate-- not a very good drawing over here. But let's say I rotate my system through some angle theta. Imagine that the system just doesn't care. It's completely insensitive to its angular orientation in this two-dimensional space.
It's completely invariant under that transformation. Now what would that transformation look like? Well, you know, I could write it down as x1, x2, right, as a little column vector. Imagine this guy is rotated, and the two-dimensional rotation matrix, you may know what that looks like. But let's write it as cosine lambda minus sine lambda. Sine lambda cosine lambda acting on x1, x2.
This would be what we mean by the vector x of lambda. And I'm going to choose lambda to be small. The angle that I call theta over here. I'm just calling it lambda in my transformation matrix. Since, ultimately, I'm going to take a derivative with respect to lambda, I can choose lambda to be infinitesimal, just to make my life a little bit easier. And for very small values of lambda, you may recall, say, from our episode on the most beautiful equation, the Euler identity, that you can do a Taylor expansion on cosines and sines.
Hopefully, perhaps, even know this without the episode itself. But I'll write down the result that you get for small values of lambda to first order. Cosine lambda is one. The lambda dependence doesn't start till second order, and I'm going to be taking the derivative around lambda equal to zero, so that term will drop away. Sine lambda, that just gives me a minus. Lambda sine lambda also to first order gives me a lambda, and again, the cosine gives me one.
X1, x2. And therefore, this is telling us that x1 goes to x1 minus lambda x2. And x2 goes to x2 plus lambda x1. Just doing that little matrix multiplication. So this is my infinitesimal version of that continuous rotational transformation. And now I'm going to assume, as I said, my system is invariant under this transformation.
What, therefore, is the conserved quantity? Well, the conserved quantity, we know what that looks like. It's dl, dx dot, dx, d lambda in the 1d case. In the 2d case, what is this equal to? Well, 2d, I just do dl, dx1 dot, dx1 d lambda, plus dl, dx2 dot, dx2, d lambda. And now this is something I can easily plug in.
So dl, dx1 dot, that gives me p1, the momentum in the one direction. What is dx1, d lambda? Well, I get that from right over here. It's nothing but a minus x2. So times minus x2. The dl dx2 dot, that's the two component of the momentum. What is dx2, d lambda? Well, that is nothing but x1.
And therefore, I can write this as x1 p2 minus x2 times p1. That is my quantity that is invariant, it's conserved, it won't change in time, because of the assumed invariance of my system under this transformation, under this rotation. Now what is this quantity called i, physically? Well, if you've taken basic physics, you will recognize this as nothing but angular momentum.
And so what we have learned in this simple two-dimensional example, if we have a system that's invariant under a rotation, then the angular momentum of that system is conserved. Does that make sense? It does, because being invariant and not depending on the angle means there must not be any external twisting force. Right?
Just as in this case for linear momentum, the system being invariant under a translation meant that there was no force, external force acting on it. In this case, invariance under a rotation means there's no angular force, no twisting force, no torque acting on the system. And if there is no torque acting on the system, no angular force, then angular momentum will not change. It will be conserved.
So that's a nice second little example that shows us Noether's theorem in action. But, you know, just to finish this up, you have this very beautiful result that we now have, relating symmetries and conservation. So this is really what it is right here. That if a Lagrangian is invariant under a transformation-- come on, let me scroll. Thank you.
So if a Lagrangian is invariant on this kind of a continuous transformation, it's symmetric under it, then this quantity will not change in time. That is the beautiful, powerful Noether's theorem that we use in classical mechanics. We use it in quantum mechanics. We use it in quantum field theory. You can substitute instead of particle positions. You can put down values of fields in a Lagrangian that depends upon fields.
And in this way, we're off and running in terms of getting this powerful notion of conservation laws emerging from, now, a turn of the crank understanding of the underlying dynamics. You give me a Lagrangian that has any continuous symmetry, I turn the crank, and I extract, a la Emmy Noether, a conserved quantity. All right. So that is what I wanted to cover today, Noether's theorem. I hope you get the gist of it in these simple examples. Easy to generalize, powerful result. But that is your daily equation for today. Until next time, take care.
When the Nazis came to power in Germany, she left Germany, immigrated to the United States, joined the faculty at Bryn Mawr College. I think I pronounced that right. Bryn Mawr. Bryn Mawr College. And she, unfortunately, died at a very early age, in her 50s, from cancer. Tragically left us far too soon. But she proved and contributed a great many theorems to our understanding in mathematics, in the areas of abstract algebra.
I've studied her work outside of physics in Galois theory in mathematics. But perhaps the most famous theorem, at least to a physicist, is what is known as Noether's theorem, as if there's only one. There are many. But it's a theorem that gives us insight into the connection between conservation laws and symmetry, as I'll now discuss.
Here's a little excerpt from the paper itself. As I mentioned, 1918. As you can see, now it gets heavy after a while. But the essence of Noether's result can really be distilled into a fairly simple formulation, which, of course, can be generalized. But I like, and as you know, I like to pare things down, in this series, to the essence of the mathematical idea.
Because the generalizations can look far more complicated than the initial incarnation that, for instance, I show you. But those details, while important for the general application of many of these ideas, are not so important to get the gist, the essence, of what the contribution is all about. So let's get into, then, the subject here. And let me swap over to my iPad. Good.
So we're talking about Noether's theorem. And I know that I am pronouncing her name a little bit wrong, but it's kind of the best that I can do. Maybe it's No-ters, Noether's theorem, something like that, but it's going to sound bizarre if I try to do that. So let me just use the standard American pronunciation of Noether's theorem. And the idea-- is this up? Yeah, it is up on the screen. OK.
So as I mentioned, it's all about the relationship between what are known as conservation laws and symmetries. And so let me spend just a moment on conservation laws first, then I'll get to symmetries. And then I'll show her beautiful theorem that connects the two. All right, so what is a conservation law?
A conservation law is any law that tells us that a quantity doesn't change over time. I mean the most familiar conservation law, I think, that we're all familiar with is this notion of conservation of energy. You know, the energy that you begin with is equal to the energy that you end with, if you add up all sources of energy. And these conservation laws are incredibly powerful. I mean, let me just give you one simple example that, no doubt, you've encountered various versions of this in your own studies.
But it's kind of good just to see it spelled out once, especially in this context. So let's imagine that we have some block that's on a hill. And maybe it's a really complicated-looking hill. And the block starts over here, and it slides down this hill. Imagine there's no friction, so things are really nice. And imagine that you are challenged with working out what the speed of the block is at the bottom of the hill.
Now, of course, one way of going about this, and the most straightforward, naively, is you simply start with Newton's laws. You've got f equals ma equals md2x dt squared, and you know the various forces that are acting on this block. You've got the force of gravity. You've got the normal force. That's the force exerted by the slide, along which this block is moving.
So you could try to spell these out in detail with the vector components. Plug them into the differential equation above. From that, if you solve that differential equation, you could get the position as a function of the time, t. Given that, you could take the derivative, and you evaluate it at the time when the block gets to this location. So all very doable, but a little bit involved.
A far simpler way to get at the answer is to use conservation of energy. What do I mean by that in this particular case? Well, at the beginning of the block's journey, it is, say, at rest. And therefore, all of the initial energy that it starts with comes from gravitational potential energy, which we know, and I'll just write down here, is the mass of the block, g, the acceleration due to gravity, times h.
Imagine that the height of the block above the ground surface is h. Now by conservation of energy, this must also be equal to the energy that the block has at the end of its journey, when it has reached this location over here. The color of the block won't change, but you know what I mean. Now at that location, the block doesn't have any gravitational potential because h is equal to zero.
But it does have kinetic energy, which is 1/2 m times the speed squared. And then we, therefore, have mgh equals 1/2 mv squared, which means we can solve for v, multiply two, the ms go away. And v, therefore, is equal to the square root of 2gh. And there we have the answer in, you know, one line of work. No differential equation to solve. No f equals ma.
So it's a real powerful shortcut to getting the answer to the problem that we were looking at. So conservation laws, the message of this little example really brings home, are quite powerful. Let me give you one other example just for the fun of it. Let's look at conservation of momentum. So let's imagine a circumstance where momentum is conserved, and the circumstances under which it is conserved, we are going to come to quite shortly.
But I'll give an example where it is conserved. Imagine I have, say, a star in space, and it goes supernova. Imagine that this star just explodes. I can't really-- not a good artist. But, you know, imagine that all these little pieces of the star get blown outward. This one this way, this one that way. Each one has its own little velocity vector. And I'll just draw a few of them so you can get a feel for the issue I'm about to raise, which is, what if I were to ask you to do what appears to be a gargantuan calculation? What if I said to you, what is the total, final momentum of all those little particles that the star blasts outward into space?
I want you to sum, over all of those little particles, the momentum of the ith particle that is flung outward by the star. How do you do that? Well, you know, you could try to work out the detail force that blew the star apart, and you could try to figure out how that force exerted and resulted in the motion of each little tiny constituent that gets blown out.
Well, you could try to do that, but man, that would be tough. But using conservation of momentum, there is a much simpler way to go about it. The total momentum final must be equal to the total momentum initial. And what was the total momentum initial? Well, the star was just sitting there, not doing anything.
Just imagine that the star, to be a little more precise, just a solid rock with no motion whatsoever, just to keep ourselves simple in this description, and that initial momentum was equal to 0. Overall, the thing was not moving at all. And therefore, the answer to your question-- well, not your question, my question that I asked you, that sum must add up to zero. And we got that without having to do any differential equations, no ethical [INAUDIBLE], nothing complicated at all.
So again, it's just to show that conservation laws are really powerful. They're really important. OK, so then that takes us to what Emmy Noether, the profound contribution that she gave us in 1918. And that profound contribution, as I mentioned, is this connection between symmetry, on the one hand, and this important idea that we were just talking of, conservation laws.
OK. So I've said, already, a few words about conservation laws. Let me say a few words, therefore, about symmetry. And there are two important classes of symmetry that are good to bear in mind. There are so-called continuous symmetries, and there are also what are known as discrete symmetries.
So let me just give you an example of each, just to make sure that we are all on exactly the same page. And I should have some example. I should have set this up. What can I use? Well, yeah. Hang on a second. Sorry. One bit. Just grab this guy over here. All right. So I do have a ping pong ball here. And it does have some writing on it, but ignore the writing. Imagine this is just a perfectly orange ping pong ball with no writing on it whatsoever.
If that were the case, then as I rotate it, regardless of how I rotate it, it would look the same to you. Again, forget the writing. So the writing does break the symmetry. But if there was no writing at all, however I rotate this, I'm trying to keep the writing on my side, any rotation leaves it looking the same. And by that, we mean that the ping pong ball has a symmetry. A symmetry is a transformation of an object, or an equation, or the ingredients that make up a physical system.
It's a transformation of the system, which leaves the system looking the same. Or we often say, it leaves the system invariant. So this is a continuous symmetry, because I can rotate it at arbitrary angles, however little, however big, I have a continuum of symmetry, transformations that I can apply to the ping pong ball that leave it looking the same. For a discrete symmetry, well, any symmetric-looking object can do.
Let me use my--- this mug that people comment on, my dirty, muddy water. This is Earl Gray with soy milk. Unfortunately, it has tea leaves in it. I do not want to turn this on its side without drinking it, so excuse me. I will, for, you know, for science, for pedagogy, let me just drink all the junk that's in here. I do not like to drink tea leaves, but whatever. OK. So now this is more or less clean.
Sorry if you found that a little gross. But, so this is more or less clean now. And you'll note that if I look at the opening, the top of this mug, I have a circle here. Just look at that circle. As I rotate this mug, as I rotate that circle, the circle looks the same. The rest of the mug does not look the same under that continuous transformation, of course, because, I mean-- forget about the handle. But the rest of the mug, it has a discrete symmetry.
By that, I mean, if I rotate it by 90 degrees, it looks the same. Forget the handle. But I rotate it by 90. It all looks the same because of the discrete symmetry respected by the bulk, the body of the mug. And so this is an interesting example, where I have both a continuous symmetry for part of it, and I have a discrete, 90 degree, 4-fold symmetry for the rest of the mug. You can do this with a book. Why not plug my own book, right?
So, you know, here. Forget about the title of the book. It's the shape I'm after. You know, if I rotate it this way, it doesn't look the same, the shape, but if I rotate it this way, it does. So I have to rotate it by 180 degrees for the shape to return to the form that I began with. Those are discrete transformations. Woops, I just knocked some stuff over there. Now a more pretty example. Let me bring that up on the screen here. So here is a, you know, a prettier example that is the canonical one that people often use.
It's a snowflake. So you see, the snowflake here has a six-fold symmetry. So if you rotate it by 60 degrees, each of those points moves over to the location occupied by the previous point, and therefore, it looks the same under that discrete six-fold transformation. So you have these discrete symmetries, and you have continuous symmetries. And what Noether found is that if you-- let me go back over here.
If you use continuous symmetry, so everything we're going to talk about now is focusing on the continuous symmetry case. Let me choose a different color. So these continuous symmetries are related to conservation laws. And it's that connection that I now want to spell out for you. And it's actually, in the pared-down version that I'm going to focus my attention on, it's actually a pretty straightforward argument.
Again, as I showed you, this paper does get pretty involved. You can take these ideas to a great level of generalization, abstraction. But to get the gist of it, you don't really need all of that. So what am I going to do? I'm going to work in the context of Lagrangian mechanics. And if you don't know what that is, then you're going to have to just follow along at a 30,000 foot level.
But if you want to have a little background on that, you can look at the episode that we had earlier, on the least action principle where I described the basic idea of Lagrangian mechanics. I'm not going to go all the way back to review that here. Wow, that is a serious M that I have there. Can I just erase this little part of it? Yeah, it's going to get in my way. Let me just do that like that.
So I'm going to start with a Lagrangian, which you'll recall, either from your own studies or from our previous episode, say, depends on coordinates, their derivatives. So a dot means dx, dt. I could also have a t in here, but I'm going to pare it back, just to keep things simple. And imagine that the Lagrangian is a function, say of x and x dot. And then the momentum is defined to be dl dx dot.
And what we showed in an earlier episode, and again, it's standard, so many of you have encountered it elsewhere, is that the equation of motion that the coordinate x will follow, will satisfy as a function of t, can be gotten by looking at d by dt, dl dx dot, and setting that equal to dl, dx. In essence, these are, or I could say this is, in this one-dimensional case that I'm writing down, this is Newton's equation.
This is just Newton's law. This is f equals ma. Dl, dx is basically f, and d by dt of dl dx dot is d by dt of p, which for constant mass is just mass times second derivative of x with respect to time, which is ma. OK, so it's a fancy way of writing f equals ma.
And now what we're going to do is we are going to imagine that there is a transformation, a continuous transformation, in which we are going to imagine taking x and replacing it by some transformed value of x, which I'm going to call x of lambda. So lambda will be our transformation parameter. So for instance, when I was rotating the ping pong ball, lambda could be the angle through which I am rotating this ball, say, in three-dimensional space.
So I'm going to take x to be x of lambda, and I am going to imagine that this is a symmetry of my Lagrangian, which means that when I plug x of lambda in place of x in my Lagrangian, imagine I substitute x of lambda for x, the Lagrangian won't change at all.
Which means, if I now frame this in just the language of calculus, it means if I look at d by d lambda of l of x of lambda, x dot of lambda, that that derivative will be equal to zero. It doesn't change at all as a function of lamba. It doesn't change at all as a function of this continuous symmetry. OK, so with that as a starting point, a Lagrangian together with the continuous symmetry, what Noether is able to prove is that there is a quantity.
And I'm going to give that quantity a name. I don't know. Maybe pink is fun. I'll call it i for invariant, or you could call it c for conserved. It doesn't matter. It's just a definition of a letter. I'm going to define this invariant quantity to be dl, dx dot, multiplied by the derivative of x with respect to lambda. And the claim is that this quantity does not change in time.
It is a conserved quantity, so mathematically then, what we need to prove to establish this is that if I look at di, dt, the claim is, Noether's claim is that this will be identically equal to zero. It will not change in time. So that's the connection between a symmetry, as described by this continuous transformation, and this conservation law given by this di, dt identically equal to zero statement.
So now what I want to do is just give a little proof of that fact. And the proof is in this very simple, pared-down version. Not hard to come by at all. We just really need to follow our nose, as people say. So we're going to just calculate di, dt. So we're going to calculate d by dt of dl, dx dot. Dx, d lambda.
And now I'm just going to use the product rule to work this out. So this is the same as d by dt of dl, dx dot, times dx d lambda. And now let me add in the second term, dl, dx dot. Now I can put my d by dt, acting on dx by d lambda, but I'm going to assume that this symmetry transformation does not depend upon time. Again, one of the little simplifications. You can be more general, as I've said before.
But just to get the gist of it, we'll look at that simple case, which means I can interchange the lambda derivative and the t derivative. And I'm going to do that. I'll write this is d by d lambda of dx, dt. OK. So far, so good. Now what I'm going to do is-- oh, sorry. I didn't mean to bring that full frame. Sorry. Let me do this again.
So what I'm going to do now is I'm going to simplify, or perhaps a better way of saying it is I'm going to make use of my understanding of the equations of motion to substitute a different expression for d by dt, dl, dx dot. How do I do that? Well, look, I'll scroll right up over here. Notice that what we had before are these equations of motion that emerge from this least action principle. This is nothing but f equals ma in a slightly fancier language.
But the point for us now is the first term, d by dt, dl, dx dot, we can now substitute from the equations of motion, set that equal to dl, dx. This guy right over here. So let me do that. So I'll write this now as equal to, say, dl, dx times dx, d lambda. And then for the second term, I'll write it as dl, dx dot. And using dx, dt, is nothing but this guy over here, is nothing but x dot. This is dx dot, d lambda.
OK. That's kind of cool, because you will recognize, this is nothing but d by dt of l of x and x dot, because by the chain rule, right, the first term that I will get, and carrying at that time derivative is dl dx times dx-- I said it wrong. I'm sorry. I didn't mean a t there. I meant a lambda. That's what I mean. Good. I can even call it out with a different color.
Right? So when I do my d by d lambda derivative using the chain rule, the first term is the dl, dx, dx, d lambda. The guy I have here. But I have the second dependence in the Lagrangian, the x dot. And when I carry out that derivative, it's dl, dx dot, dx dot, d lambda. Why do I like that? I like that because notice that d by d lambda of the Lagrangian is equal to 0 in the case that we are talking about a symmetry.
And my assumption is that the transformation, x goes to x of lambda, is indeed a symmetry. So what we now have, then, is our proof that this quantity called i does not change in time. Its derivative with respect to t is equal to 0. That's what we mean by having a conserved quantity, an invariant quantity.
And we have gotten this conserved quantity by starting with a transformation that leaves the Lagrangian invariant, which is what we mean by symmetry, and that gives us, via the proof that we've just looked at, a conserved quantity called i. Dl, dx dot. Dx, d of Lambda. And that's the proof. That's how we go from a symmetry, a continuous symmetry transformation, to a conserved quantity.
Now again, this is in a very special, simplified setting. Noether's theorem applies regardless of the number of particles, the number of coordinates. It applies to Lagrangians that are not for particles but are for fields. So it's a very powerful general result, which I've now shown you in the simplest possible case, that if you have a continuous symmetry, it yields a conserved or invariant quantity. Now beautiful result. But let me finish up by just giving you a couple of examples.
Often, people in the comments ask me if I could just give some examples so these abstract ideas, perhaps, can be made a little bit more intuitive. And this is a instance where giving examples is particularly easy to do. So let me oblige and do so. So let me look at example number one. Consider the following transformation, that x goes to x of lambda, which is nothing but x plus lambda.
All we're doing is taking a physical system, in this case, say, a particle. We're moving it either to the left or to the right. We're translating it by an amount. Lambda, lambda positive, it goes one direction. Lambda negative, it goes the other direction. So imagine that our physical system is invariant under this transformation. This is a continuous symmetry of our theory. What is the corresponding conserved quantity? Well, for that, we just need to go to Noether's general result.
We take dl dx dot and multiply it by dx d lambda. So we look at dl, dx dot times dx dot, d lambda. Now dx-- not dx dot, d lambda, dx, d lambda. Now dx, d lambda is particularly simple here, because since x of lambda is nothing but x plus lambda, this quantity over here is nothing but one. So our conserved quantity is just dl, dx dot.
What is dl, dx dot? Well, just scroll with me back over here. Dl, dx dot is the momentum. So the conserved quantity, in this case, is the momentum p. Now does that make sense to you? Well, yeah, it does. If the system has no dependence on where it is, that means it's not being acted upon by any external forces. Remember, if there is an external force, forces come from minus dv of x dx.
And if there is an external potential that is varying, say, with respect to x, so it has a non-zero derivative, that means the system will depend upon x. That potential energy function changes depending upon the location along the x-axis. If it doesn't change along the x-axis, which means either the potential's constant or take that constant, say, to be zero, there will be no force. If there's no force, then the momentum doesn't change. Right?
Newton's second law, f equals dp dt. No force, no dp dt. No dp dt. No change in p over time. P would therefore be conserved. Indeed, will be our invariant quantity. So there's a nice, simple example, where translation invariance in space yields momentum conservation. Let me do one more example, example number two, just to do a little bit more complicated example.
Let's do an example in two dimensions. Now I only derive things for a single x, say, in this expression a single x dot. But the generalization is so straightforward that I'm just going to write it down, and you can recognize, immediately, that it is the generalization. So what I'm going to do here is, I'm going to consider a system. And let's imagine that this system has coordinates, say, x1 and x2.
Some physical system. And imagine that the system is rotationally invariant. Right? So if I take my coordinates x1 and x2 and say, I rotate them. Oops. That's a little funny. So let's say I rotate-- not a very good drawing over here. But let's say I rotate my system through some angle theta. Imagine that the system just doesn't care. It's completely insensitive to its angular orientation in this two-dimensional space.
It's completely invariant under that transformation. Now what would that transformation look like? Well, you know, I could write it down as x1, x2, right, as a little column vector. Imagine this guy is rotated, and the two-dimensional rotation matrix, you may know what that looks like. But let's write it as cosine lambda minus sine lambda. Sine lambda cosine lambda acting on x1, x2.
This would be what we mean by the vector x of lambda. And I'm going to choose lambda to be small. The angle that I call theta over here. I'm just calling it lambda in my transformation matrix. Since, ultimately, I'm going to take a derivative with respect to lambda, I can choose lambda to be infinitesimal, just to make my life a little bit easier. And for very small values of lambda, you may recall, say, from our episode on the most beautiful equation, the Euler identity, that you can do a Taylor expansion on cosines and sines.
Hopefully, perhaps, even know this without the episode itself. But I'll write down the result that you get for small values of lambda to first order. Cosine lambda is one. The lambda dependence doesn't start till second order, and I'm going to be taking the derivative around lambda equal to zero, so that term will drop away. Sine lambda, that just gives me a minus. Lambda sine lambda also to first order gives me a lambda, and again, the cosine gives me one.
X1, x2. And therefore, this is telling us that x1 goes to x1 minus lambda x2. And x2 goes to x2 plus lambda x1. Just doing that little matrix multiplication. So this is my infinitesimal version of that continuous rotational transformation. And now I'm going to assume, as I said, my system is invariant under this transformation.
What, therefore, is the conserved quantity? Well, the conserved quantity, we know what that looks like. It's dl, dx dot, dx, d lambda in the 1d case. In the 2d case, what is this equal to? Well, 2d, I just do dl, dx1 dot, dx1 d lambda, plus dl, dx2 dot, dx2, d lambda. And now this is something I can easily plug in.
So dl, dx1 dot, that gives me p1, the momentum in the one direction. What is dx1, d lambda? Well, I get that from right over here. It's nothing but a minus x2. So times minus x2. The dl dx2 dot, that's the two component of the momentum. What is dx2, d lambda? Well, that is nothing but x1.
And therefore, I can write this as x1 p2 minus x2 times p1. That is my quantity that is invariant, it's conserved, it won't change in time, because of the assumed invariance of my system under this transformation, under this rotation. Now what is this quantity called i, physically? Well, if you've taken basic physics, you will recognize this as nothing but angular momentum.
And so what we have learned in this simple two-dimensional example, if we have a system that's invariant under a rotation, then the angular momentum of that system is conserved. Does that make sense? It does, because being invariant and not depending on the angle means there must not be any external twisting force. Right?
Just as in this case for linear momentum, the system being invariant under a translation meant that there was no force, external force acting on it. In this case, invariance under a rotation means there's no angular force, no twisting force, no torque acting on the system. And if there is no torque acting on the system, no angular force, then angular momentum will not change. It will be conserved.
So that's a nice second little example that shows us Noether's theorem in action. But, you know, just to finish this up, you have this very beautiful result that we now have, relating symmetries and conservation. So this is really what it is right here. That if a Lagrangian is invariant under a transformation-- come on, let me scroll. Thank you.
So if a Lagrangian is invariant on this kind of a continuous transformation, it's symmetric under it, then this quantity will not change in time. That is the beautiful, powerful Noether's theorem that we use in classical mechanics. We use it in quantum mechanics. We use it in quantum field theory. You can substitute instead of particle positions. You can put down values of fields in a Lagrangian that depends upon fields.
And in this way, we're off and running in terms of getting this powerful notion of conservation laws emerging from, now, a turn of the crank understanding of the underlying dynamics. You give me a Lagrangian that has any continuous symmetry, I turn the crank, and I extract, a la Emmy Noether, a conserved quantity. All right. So that is what I wanted to cover today, Noether's theorem. I hope you get the gist of it in these simple examples. Easy to generalize, powerful result. But that is your daily equation for today. Until next time, take care.