Learn how the U.S. Supreme Court upholds freedom of speech and religion and the right to due process

Learn how the U.S. Supreme Court upholds freedom of speech and religion and the right to due process
In the 1950s and '60s many U.S. Supreme Court decisions involved the First and Fourteenth amendments.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
NARRATOR: Other crucial decisions by the Supreme Court have concerned the rights of criminals and those accused of crimes. During the nineteen-fifties and -sixties the Court interpreted the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to mean that law enforcement and judicial procedure as defined in the Bill of Rights were uniformly applicable in the state courts as well as in federal.
GUNTHER: The first ten amendments do contain a number of very specific rights applicable to criminal law enforcement. There is the Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable searches and seizures. There is the right to counsel. There is the right against self-incrimination. There's a right to have witnesses, the right to confront the charges, the right to notice, the right to hearing. What has taken place--broadly viewed, with considerable controversy--is a nationalization, through the due process clause, of fair law enforcement standard practices. Gideon and Wainwright is a significant case of saying in 1964 that everyone is entitled to be represented by counsel at trial, and if he can't afford one, they must be appointed by the Court and paid for by the state.
YOUNGDAHL: In the Miranda case the court went even further and laid out specific guidelines for a police officer to follow, and now the police officer has printed cards, and must ask certain specific questions in order they should--should comply with the Miranda decision. Before a defendant is questioned, after he's arrested, he's advised that he doesn't have to make a statement, that if he makes a statement, it may be used against him in the trial of a criminal case, that he's entitled to counsel, and that if he hasn't enough money to secure counsel, the--the police officers will make a telephone call and see that he gets an attorney before he makes the statement.
[Sound of demonstrators]
NARRATOR: The basic rights of ordinary citizens--the rights to free speech, free assembly, free press, free association, freedom of religion--are covered in the First Amendment of the Constitution.
GUNTHER: "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech." As an example of the difficulties lurking even beneath the simple provisions of the Constitution, those few words have, in the fifty or so years that the Court has dealt with them intensively, have given rise to a great deal of controversy. Why is that so? Well, despite the absolute sound of it, virtually no one on the Court has ever really thought that you could say all speech-related activities are immune.
[Music in]
NARRATOR: When speech incites others to criminal acts or acts of violence, then the freedom to speak out may legally be sharply curtailed. Freedom of speech is closely associated with freedom to assemble. But the Constitution says, quite specifically, that the right of the people is peaceably to assemble.
The guarantee of freedom of religion has stirred up the biggest storm when it has come to the question of religion in the schools.
TEACHER: The Twenty-third Psalm.
GUNTHER: The Constitution has two separate related guarantees [music out]: one guarantees the free exercise of religion; the other one is a clause that bans the establishment of religion. What it has meant is a scrutiny by the Court of various state involvements with religion, with prayer, with religious education, with religious exercise, to make sure that the state and religion don't get too closely intermeshed.
[Children reciting prayer]
The state of New York drafted a official prayer, a very lukewarm, kind of vacuous prayer, to infuse some religious ideas into the public schools. The Court invalidated it on the ground that this was too much governmental involvement in religion.
[Children reciting the Pledge of Allegiance]
GUNTHER: The first ten amendments do contain a number of very specific rights applicable to criminal law enforcement. There is the Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable searches and seizures. There is the right to counsel. There is the right against self-incrimination. There's a right to have witnesses, the right to confront the charges, the right to notice, the right to hearing. What has taken place--broadly viewed, with considerable controversy--is a nationalization, through the due process clause, of fair law enforcement standard practices. Gideon and Wainwright is a significant case of saying in 1964 that everyone is entitled to be represented by counsel at trial, and if he can't afford one, they must be appointed by the Court and paid for by the state.
YOUNGDAHL: In the Miranda case the court went even further and laid out specific guidelines for a police officer to follow, and now the police officer has printed cards, and must ask certain specific questions in order they should--should comply with the Miranda decision. Before a defendant is questioned, after he's arrested, he's advised that he doesn't have to make a statement, that if he makes a statement, it may be used against him in the trial of a criminal case, that he's entitled to counsel, and that if he hasn't enough money to secure counsel, the--the police officers will make a telephone call and see that he gets an attorney before he makes the statement.
[Sound of demonstrators]
NARRATOR: The basic rights of ordinary citizens--the rights to free speech, free assembly, free press, free association, freedom of religion--are covered in the First Amendment of the Constitution.
GUNTHER: "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech." As an example of the difficulties lurking even beneath the simple provisions of the Constitution, those few words have, in the fifty or so years that the Court has dealt with them intensively, have given rise to a great deal of controversy. Why is that so? Well, despite the absolute sound of it, virtually no one on the Court has ever really thought that you could say all speech-related activities are immune.
[Music in]
NARRATOR: When speech incites others to criminal acts or acts of violence, then the freedom to speak out may legally be sharply curtailed. Freedom of speech is closely associated with freedom to assemble. But the Constitution says, quite specifically, that the right of the people is peaceably to assemble.
The guarantee of freedom of religion has stirred up the biggest storm when it has come to the question of religion in the schools.
TEACHER: The Twenty-third Psalm.
GUNTHER: The Constitution has two separate related guarantees [music out]: one guarantees the free exercise of religion; the other one is a clause that bans the establishment of religion. What it has meant is a scrutiny by the Court of various state involvements with religion, with prayer, with religious education, with religious exercise, to make sure that the state and religion don't get too closely intermeshed.
[Children reciting prayer]
The state of New York drafted a official prayer, a very lukewarm, kind of vacuous prayer, to infuse some religious ideas into the public schools. The Court invalidated it on the ground that this was too much governmental involvement in religion.
[Children reciting the Pledge of Allegiance]