Watch a desert thunderstorm and resulting flash flood scour the sandy soil and terrain

Watch a desert thunderstorm and resulting flash flood scour the sandy soil and terrain
A desert thunderstorm produces a flash flood that sweeps down canyons.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
NARRATOR: You are seeing a rare desert thunderstorm.
The rain rolls off the rocky terrain and into the gorges. More and more water collects, and a flash flood sweeps down the canyons toward the desert floor.
The foamy wave engulfs everything in its path and scours the sandy soil into a thick slurry.
In the uninhabited desert wilderness, the drama goes unnoticed; it is just another episode in the always-changing landscape.
The rain rolls off the rocky terrain and into the gorges. More and more water collects, and a flash flood sweeps down the canyons toward the desert floor.
The foamy wave engulfs everything in its path and scours the sandy soil into a thick slurry.
In the uninhabited desert wilderness, the drama goes unnoticed; it is just another episode in the always-changing landscape.